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Geologic Map and Sections of the Kepler Region of the Moon

Material exposed on the surface of the moon is heterogeneous. The albedo and other physical characteristics that have been determined with the use of optical and radio telescopes vary from one part of the moon to another, and the variations are patially correlated with differences in topography . Discontinuities in the areal variation permit the surfaces material to be divided into map units, each

Geologic/geomorphic map of the Galindo Quadrangle (V-40), Venus

The Galindo quadrangle (V-40; centered at lat 12.5 degrees S., long 255 degrees) was geologically mapped at 1:5,000,000 scale under the Venus Data Analysis and Venus Geologic Mapping Programs as part of a project focused on the study of venusian geologic terrains containing assemblages of coronae, arachnoids, and novae; these are enigmatic circular features perhaps related to hot-spot volcanism. M

Geologic map of the Maurolycus Quadrangle of the Moon

Although geologic mapping fo the Moon has its own techniques and problems, systematic observation and the application of established geological principles have allowed the materials and structures of its surface to be delineated and classified into units (Shoemaker and Hackman 1962; McCauley 1967; Wilhelms, 1970). Most of these units are material entities similar to terrestrial rock-stratigraphic

Geologic map of the Sappho Patera Quadrangle (V-20), Venus

The Sappho Patera quadrangle (V-20) of Venus is bounded by 0 degrees and 30 degrees East longitude, 0 degrees and 25 degrees North latitude. It is one of 62 quadrangles covering the entire planet at a scale of 1:5,000,000. The quadrangle derives its name from Sappho Patera, a large rimmed depression (diameter about 225 km) lying on top of a shield-shaped mountain named Irnini Mons. Sappho, a noted

Geologic map of the Pitatus region of the moon

The surface of the moon is heterogenous. Similar surface materials are grouped into map units by means of telescope observations, study of lunar photographs, and photometric measurements. Each map unit has lateral continuity and limited range of physiographic characteristics and optical properties (mainly albedo, the reflectivity under full moon illumination). Such units are equivalent to the rock

Map showing lava flows in the southeast part of the Memnonia Quadrangle of Mars

The Systematic mapping of lava flow units in the Tharsis region has been compiled into a series of 16 maps at 1:2,000,000 scale. This work provides information on the sources and areal extent of the lava flows, on their eruptive sequences and relative ages, and on relations between the flows and geologic structure in the largest, most active tectonic and volcanic province on Mars. Some of the maps

Geologic map of the Rumker Quadrangle of the Moon

The Rumker quadrangle, in the northwest quadrant of the Moon, is adjacent to the western rim of the multi-ring Imbrium basin and to Sinus Iridum, a large (220 km diameter) mare-filled crater. Both of these great depressions were probably formed by impact, as indicated here and elsewhere on the Moon by the characteristic form, distribution, and texture of surrounding materials and structures. The I

Geologic map of the Argyre quadrangle of Mars

The geology of the Argyre quadrangle of Mars is dominated by the conspicuous Argyre basin, defined by a rim of rugged mountain blocks that surrounds a nearly circular expanse of plains 800 km across. Of the large (greater than 500 km in diameter) basins identified on Mars, Argyre is the best preserved and probably the youngest. Basins appear to be traps for eolian debris and evidently are source a

(RLC-15) Geologic map of the Alphonsus GA region of the moon

This map is one of a series prepared from photographs transmitted by Ranger IX (Jet Propulsion Lab, 1966, pls A56-58, B70-82). It depicts the geology of some 724 sq km in the northeast part of the floor of Alphonsus (Diameter about 115 km), a typical flat-floored old terra crater or basin with a subdued rim. Similar basins abound in the south central terrae of the visable hemisphere and on the far

Geologic map of the Cleomedes Quadrangle of the Moon

The Cleomedes quadrangle is broadly divisible into three provinces. First, the north half of Mare Crisium dominates the southern part of the area. Second, terra materials occur in concentric bands that alternate with mare or plains forming materials in the northern part. These bands are interrupted by the crater Cleomedes whose associated materials dominate the northwest part of the map and form t

Geologic Map of the Thaumasia Region, Mars

The geology of the Thaumasia region (fig. 1, sheet 3) includes a wide array of rock materials, depositional and erosional landforms, and tectonic structures. The region is dominated by the Thaumasia plateau, which includes central high lava plains ringed by highly deformed highlands; the plateau may comprise the ancestral center of Tharsis tectonism (Frey, 1979; Plescia and Saunders, 1982). The ex

Geologic map of Mars

This geologic map of Mars was compiled largely from Mariner-9-based 1:5,000,000-scale geologic maps prepared by several authors. However, many of the geologic units of the larger scale maps have been combined and revised to provide continuity of portrayal so that this map expresses our own concepts as well as those of the mappers at the larger scale.
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