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(LAC-93) Geologic map of the Mare Humorum region of the moon

The surface of the moon is heterogeneous. Surface materials are classed on the basis of telescopic observations into units each having a limited range of physical properties such as topography, visible under low-illumination and albedo, the reflectivity under full-Moon illumination. Such units are considered analogous to the rock-stratigraphic formations of terrestrial geology. By application of t

Geologic map of the Carson Quadrangle (V-43), Venus

The Magellan spacecraft orbited Venus from August 10, 1990, until it plunged into the venusian atmosphere on October 12, 1994. Magellan had the objectives of (1) improving knowledge of the geologic processes, surface properties, and geologic history of Venus by analysis of surface radar characteristics, topography, and morphology and (2) improving knowledge of the geophysics of Venus by analysis o

(LAC-60) Geologic map of the Julius Caesar quadrangle of the moon

The surface of the moon is heterogeneous. Surface materials are classed on the basis of telescopic observations into units each having a limited range of physical properties such as topography, visible under low-illumination and albedo, the reflectivity under full-Moon illumination. Such units are considered analogous to the rock-stratigraphic formations of terrestrial geology. By application of t

Geologic map of the Eudoxus Quadrangle of the Moon

The Eudoxus quadrangle is in the northeastern part of the Moon's nearside hemisphere. It is bordered on the west by Montes Caucasus, which form part of the main rim of the multi-ringed Imbrium basin (Hartmann and Kuiper, 1962), and on the southside by Mare Serenitatis, which occupies another large multi-ringed basin. South and East of the prominent crater Eudoxus elevations decrease and the rugged

(RLC-9) Geologic map of the Sabine DM region of the moon

This 1:50,000 scale geolgic map is one of a series constructed at various scales from photographs trasmitted by the Ranger VII, VIII and IX spacecraft. The center of the map area is about 23 km southwest of the Ranger VIII (US Air Force Aeronautical Chart and Information Center Chart AIC 60C, Arago). In general, geologic maps of the moon portray similarities and differences in the characteristics

Geologic map of the MTM-15182 and MTM-15187 quadrangles, Gusev Crater-Ma'adim Vallis region, Mars

This map is one of a series of large-scale (1:500,000) geologic maps of Mars initiated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to investigate areas of high scientific interest. The Gusev crater–Ma’adim Vallis region includes several potential landing sites for future Mars missions, including those with a focus on exobiology studies and sample return. Channels in the map area span a lo

Geologic map of the Michelangelo Quadrangle of Mercury

Mariner 10 data include complete photographic coverage of the quadrangle at a resolution of about 2 km. In addition, twelve stereopairs cover scattered areas in the quadrangle (Davies and others, 1978, p. 114-115); these photographs were used to supplement the geologic interpretation. About 10 degrees of longitude of the H-13 quadrangle (Solitudo Persephones Province) adjacent to the west is inclu

Map showing lava flows in the northeast part of the Phaethontis Quadrangle of Mars

The Systematic mapping of lava flow units in the Tharsis region has been compiled into a series of 16 maps at 1:2,000,000 scale. This work provides information on the sources and areal extent of the lava flows, on their eruptive sequences and relative ages, and on relations between the flows and geologic structure in the largest, most active tectonic and volcanic province on Mars. Some of the maps

Geographic Boundaries Of Planetary Geologic Maps

A polygon layer of regions of multiple planetary bodies beyond Earth that are covered by proposed or published planetary geologic maps published by the USGS.

Astrogeology Science Center Monthly Reports 1961 - 1975

Monthly report to show updates on personnel and conferences and scientific meetings. Includes unpublished works and works in progress.

Gully Monitoring Sites and New Flows on Mars Observed in HiRISE Data

This dataset consists of data from monitoring of gullies on Mars using the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE). Table 1 provides a list of monitored locations, which are HiRISE image series covering Martian gullies with a time baseline of at least 4000 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) orbits. Images from these locations were blink-compared at 1 m/pix to search for changes on the g

Photogrammetrically Controlled, Equirectangular Galileo Image Mosaics of Europa

The Solid State Imager (SSI) on NASA's Galileo spacecraft acquired more than 500 images of Jupiter's moon, Europa, providing the only moderate- to high-resolution images of the moon's surface. Images were acquired as observation sequences during each orbit that targeted the moon. Each of these observation sequences consists of between 1 and 19 images acquired close in time, that typically overlap,
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