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As data are collected from Earth and surrounding bodies in the Solar System, we like to do all we can to make them easily accessible and useable for the needs of our science partners, science community, and for the public.

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NASA GIFT Iceland Highlands: 2019 Oskjuvatn LiDAR

LiDAR scans were taken using a tripod mounted Riegl VZ-400 scanning LiDAR. The tripod was set up such that the scanner was between 1.5 and 2.5 m tall. The VZ-400 is a near infrared (1550 nm) scanner. Geometric control was achieved using a pair of Trimble RB GPS antennae, one mounted on the LiDAR scanner (rover) and the other setup as a base station. Before taking a LiDAR scan, the VZ-400 would use

Sensor Data from Monitoring the Cooling of the 2014-2015 Lava Flow and Hydrothermal System at Holuhraun, Iceland

This data release is a companion to Dundas et al., NNNN. Additional description of the methods and rationale for data collection is provided there. The primary data are from several categories of data-logging sensors described in detail below. Sixteen images are also included as part of this data release. These document the sensor locations as described in Dundas et al. (NNNN).

Sensor Data from Monitoring the Cooling of the 2014-2015 Lava Flow and Hydrothermal System at Holuhraun, Iceland

This data release is a companion to Dundas et al., NNNN. Additional description of the methods and rationale for data collection is provided there. The primary data are from several categories of data-logging sensors described in detail below. Sixteen images are also included as part of this data release. These document the sensor locations as described in Dundas et al. (NNNN).

Imagery, soil temperature and humidity profiles, and meteorological data from December 2020 to April 2021, Grand Falls Dune Field, Arizona

Grand Falls dune field (GFDF) is located on the Navajo Nation, ~70 km NE of Flagstaff, AZ. This active dune field displays a range of morphologies, including barchans, smaller dunes, and ripples, and is bimodal in composition. The felsic component is likely derived from the Little Colorado River, and the mafic component (basaltic grains) is locally sourced from nearby cinder cones [1]. GFDF is an

Aircraft-Borne Thermal Imagery and Derived Terrain Analysis Layers, Pisgah Lava Field, California

This dataset is one of many used in the development of the manuscript 'Advancing Cave Detection using Terrain Analysis Techniques and Thermal Imagery' by Wynne et al. 2021. Manuscript Abstract: Since the initial experiments nearly 50 years ago, techniques for detecting caves using airborne and spacecraft acquired thermal imagery have improved markedly. These advances are largely due to a combinati

Terrestrial Tephra Spectral Library for the Visible-Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Spectral Regions (ver. 1.1, April 2024)

Visible/near-infrared (VNIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectral library composed of twenty natural tephra samples from ten volcanic sources that span a range of compositions and components. The bulk, glass, and mineral phase compositions of each sample have been measured and VNIR and MIR spectra from four size fractions of each sample were collected. The VNIR spectral library has been expanded (ed. 2

Kaguya Terrain Camera Ames Stereo Pipeline Generated Digital Terrain Models of the Moon

This is a digital terrain model (DTM) extracted from Kaguya Terrain Camera (TC)stereo images from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) SELenological and ENgineering Explorer (SELENE) mission. The original data product is a DTM from stereo images acquired at approximately 10 meters/pixel resolution, which allows an output DTM post spacing of 35 meters/pixel. The DTM was generated using the

Oblique Thermal Imaging of the Pisgah Lava Field, California Acquired March 2010

As part of a NASA-funded study of diurnal thermal imaging at a Mars analog site, we conducted simultaneous oblique thermal imaging and in situ temperature measurements within two regions of interest on the Pisgah lava field, near Ludlow, California. Both regions of interest contained either cave or cave-like alcoves. Data released in this report was collected from 03/23/2010 to 03/25/2010. The exp

Locations and Properties of Ice-Exposing Scarps and New Impact Craters in the Mid-Latitudes of Mars

Although ice in the Martian mid-latitudes is typically covered by a layer of dust or regolith, it is exposed in some locations by fresh impact craters or in erosional scarps. In both cases, the exposed ice is massive or excess ice with a low lithic content. We find that erosional scarps occur between 50-61 north and south latitude, and that they are concentrated in and near Milankovi crater in the

Mars Dune Digital Database - Merged

The Mars Global Digital Dune Database provides a comprehensive and quantitative view of the geographic distribution of dune fields from 65° N to 65° S latitude. The database encompasses ~ 550 dune fields, covering ~ 70,000 km2, with an estimated total volume between 3,600 km3 and 13,400 km3. Over 2300 selected Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) infrared (IR), THEMIS visible (VIS) and Mars Or

Known Terrestrial Analog Sites for Planetary Science

A point layer of sites known to be useful analogs for planetary science, such as impact craters, dunes, volcanoes, and other processes observed on bodies across the solar system.

Grand Falls, Arizona: Dune Field Sand Transport 2017 - 2019

As part of a NASA-funded study of sediment flux rates at a Mars analog site, we installed a suite of instruments in a small dune field near Grand Falls, Arizona. Data released in this report was collected from 02/07/2017 to 05/22/2019. The Grand Falls (GF) dune field is located on the Navajo Nation. It lies ~70 km NE of Flagstaff, AZ, 2 km east of Grand Falls, and just north of the Little Colorado
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