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As data are collected from Earth and surrounding bodies in the Solar System, we like to do all we can to make them easily accessible and useable for the needs of our science partners, science community, and for the public.

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NASA GIFT Iceland Highlands: 2015-2019 Baugur LiDAR

LiDAR scans were taken using a tripod mounted Riegl VZ-400 scanning LiDAR. The tripod was set up such that the scanner was between 1.5 and 2.5 m tall. The VZ-400 is a near infrared (1550 nm) scanner. Geometric control was achieved using a pair of Trimble RB GPS antennae, one mounted on the LiDAR scanner (rover) and the other setup as a base station. Before taking a LiDAR scan, the VZ-400 would use

PAAD: The Planetary Aeolian Analog Database

The Terrestrial Analogs Data Portal (TADP; has been established as a repository and data discovery portal which leverages USGS ScienceBase, a trusted long-term digital repository that provides access to all USGS data services. Creation of the TADP service is in response to a number of NASA-generated reports identifying the need for a permanent planetary analog

Geologic map of the Wichmann CA region of the Moon, Lunar Orbiter Site III P-11, Oceanus Procellarum including Apollo landing sites 4 and 4R

This map shows the geology in and around two potential early Apollo landing sites in the equatorial belt. The Wichmann CA region is in the Oceanus Procellarum, south of the equator, approximately 320 km south of the crater Kepler. It is covered by mare material with numerous ridges, low domes, craters, and crater clusters. Relatively few of the craters are larger than 200 m across. Terra material

(ORB II-13 (100)) Geologic map of the Maestlin G region of the moon, Lunar Orbiter site II P-13, Oceanus Procellarum, including Apollo landing site 5

This map shows the geology in and around potential early Apollo landing site 5 in the lunar equatorial belt. The Maestlin G region is in Oceanus Procellarum, about midway between the crater Kepler to the northeast and Flamsteed to the southwest. Terra materials occur only in the northeast corner of the region. Dark mare covers the remainder, and the entire region is crossed by rays from Kepler. Th

Geologic map of the Maskelyne DA region of the moon, Lunar Orbiter site II P-2, southeastern Mare Tranquillitatis including Apollo landing site l

This map shows the geology in and around potential early Apollo landing site 1 in the lunar equatorial belt. The Maskelyne DA region, at the southeastern edge of the Mare Tranquillitatis, is in the area transitional between mare and terra. Patches of typical terra material occur on northwest-trending ridges, and typical heavily cratered mare materials occurs only in the east-central part of the re

Subsurface temperature profiles, imagery, and meteorological data at a Sunset Crater cinder field: March 2021 to May 2022

We have set up a meteorological station at a small cinder field in Sunset Crater National Monument, Arizona, that records temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed, solar radiation, and precipitation. Each hour, a BlazeVideo camera records a small portion of the cinder field adjacent to the meteorological station. Subsurface temperatures are recorded at cinder

Meteor Crater, Northern Arizona: Drill Hole Sample Collection, 1970-1973, and Curation, 2010-2013

Meteor Crater, located in northern Arizona, is one of the best preserved and easily accessible impact sites on Earth. Scientific investigations of this crater have led to improvements in our understanding of impact mechanics, cratering dynamics, and ejecta distribution [e.g., 1-5]. In addition, this site has a rich history as a terrestrial analog that has been used for training astronauts, scienti

Imagery and meteorological data from April 2021 to December 2021, Grand Falls Dune Field, Arizona

Grand Falls dune field (GFDF) is located on the Navajo Nation, ~70 km NE of Flagstaff, AZ. This active dune field displays a range of morphologies, including barchans, smaller dunes, and ripples, and is bimodal in composition. The felsic component is likely derived from the Little Colorado River, and the mafic component (basaltic grains) is locally sourced from nearby cinder cones [1]. GFDF is an

A Lithostratigraphic Analysis of the Meteor Crater Ejecta Blanket: Measurements, Assigned Facies, and Unit Thickness

Current models do not sufficiently explain target rock-projectile mixing and ejecta blanket formation for small impact craters (i.e., less than 2km diameter). For example, due to the size of Meteor Crater and the low-velocity at which materials were excavated from the transient crater, the extent of target rock-projectile mixing is expected to be minor. However, based on drilling notes from Dr. Da

Geologic map of the Iapygia Quadrangle of Mars

The Iapygia quadrangle, in the equatorial region of Mars just north of the Hellas basin, is mainly ancient, hilly, and cratered upland terrain. The southern one-third of the quadrangle is dominated by mountain and knobby materials representing mountains of pre-Hellas material and material related to the Hellas basin and mappable in a 500-km-wide zone circumjacent to it. The northeast quadrant of t

Geologic map of the Macrobius Quadrangle of the Moon

The Macrobius quadrangle is in the northeast quadrant of the Moon's near side. Although predominantly a highland area centered around the Taurus Mountains (Montes Taurus), it is bounded by three major mare-filled basins: Tranquillitatis, the oldest, to the south; Serenitatis to the west; and Crisium on the east. Most of the geologic units within the quadrangle have been profoundly affected by the

Geologic map of the Phaethontis Quadrangle of Mars

The Phaethontis quadrangle of Mars is dominated by densely cratered uplands and plateaus which form some of the oldest surfaces on the planet. Extensive low-lying areas within the cratered terrains, including the floors of large craters, are covered to different degrees by plains-forming material. The youngest plains units surround Tharsis Montes to the north. Various erosional processes, includin
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