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Geologic map of the Aristarchus region of the Moon

Material exposed on the surface of the moon is heterogenous. The albedo and other physical characteristics that have been determined with the use of optical and radio telescopes vary from one part of the moon from another, and the variations are partially correlated with differences in topography. Discontinuities in the areal variation permit the surface material to be divided up into map units, e

Geologic map of the Rheita Quadrangle of the Moon

Photographs returned by unmanned Lunar Orbiters have contributed greatly to the current lunar geologic mapping program. This is particularly true for quadrangles near the limbs, such as Rheita in the southeast earthside quadrant. The new data and revised interpretations amend the geologic framework established by earlier workers (Shoemaker (1962) and Shoemaker and Hackman (1962) applied basic stra

Map showing lava flows in the southeast part of the Phoenicis Lacus Quadrangle of Mars

The Systematic mapping of lava flow units in the Tharsis region has been compiled into a series of 16 maps at 1:2,000,000 scale. This work provides information on the sources and areal extent of the lava flows, on their eruptive sequences and relative ages, and on relations between the flows and geologic structure in the largest, most active tectonic and volcanic province on Mars. Some of the maps

Geologic/geomorphologic map of the Chryse Planitia region of Mars

Since the 1970's, when the Mariner 9 spacecraft revealed the geologic diversity of Mars, the Chryse Planitia region has been noted for its immense outflow channels and chaotic terrain (McCauley and others, 1972; Sharp and Malin, 1975; Baker, 1982, chap. 3; Mars Channel Working Group, 1983). Various proposals for the origin of these features have been offered; most workers have favored a mechanism

Geologic map of the Phoenicis Lacus Quadrangle of Mars

The Phoenicis Lacus quadrangle (named Lake of the Phoenix by Schiaparelli, 1877) includes some of the largest geologic features recognized on the terrestrial planets. Arsia and Pavonis Montes, (South Spot and Middle Spot of Marine 9) rise 18 and 17 km, respectively, above the surrounding plateau to an elevation large volcanoes Ascraeus and Olympus Montes, located outside the quadrangle to the nor

Map showing lava flows in the southeast part of the Diacria Quadrangle of Mars

The Systematic mapping of lava flow units in the Tharsis region has been compiled into a series of 16 maps at 1:2,000,000 scale. This work provides information on the sources and areal extent of the lava flows, on their eruptive sequences and relative ages, and on relations between the flows and geologic structure in the largest, most active tectonic and volcanic province on Mars. Some of the maps

Geologic map of the Tycho Quadrangle of the Moon

The Tycho quadrangle is centrally located in the southern half of the earthside hemisphere of the Moon. The area is characterized by a high density of craters, the largest of which – Stofler – is about 140 km in diameter. The northern and eastern parts if the quadrangle are dominated by plains (pIp, Ip) and hilly terra (IpIt) units of regional extent, and the western part by the crater Tycho and i

(LAC-24) Geologic map of the Sinus Iridum quadrangle of the moon

The Sinus Iridum quadrangle includes the northwestern sector of Mare Imbrium, the Sinus Iridum embayment, the arcuate Montes Jura which partly surround Sinus Iridum, and several terra islands in the mare such as the Montes Teneriffe, Montes Recti, and C. Herschel. Mare Imbrium occupies a complex depression or basin consisting of an inner basin and several outer concentric troughs separated by rais

Geologic map of the Hevelius region of the moon

The surface of the Moon is heterogeneous. Surface materials are classed on the basis of telescopic observations into units, each having a limited range of topographic and other physical such as albedo, the reflectivity under full-Moon illumination. Such units are considered analogous to the rock-stratigraphic formations of terrestrial geology. By application of the principals of superposition and

Geologic map of the Syrtis Major Quadrangle of Mars

The Syrtis Major quadrangle is located in the equatorial belt of Mars across the boundary between the cratered plateau region to the south and west and the northern lowland plains. The cratered plateau is part of the northern extension of cratered highlands, which generally stand at altitudes greater than 4 km. The southeastern part of the quadrangle is dominated by eastward-sloping plains on th

Map showing lava flows in the southeast part of the Tharsis Quadrangle of Mars

The Systematic mapping of lava flow units in the Tharsis region has been compiled into a series of 16 maps at 1:2,000,000 scale. This work provides information on the sources and areal extent of the lava flows, on their eruptive sequences and relative ages, and on relations between the flows and geologic structure in the largest, most active tectonic and volcanic province on Mars. Some of the maps

Geologic map of the Purbach Quadrangle of the Moon

The Purbach quadrangle is in the south central part of the lunar near side and includes the following four distinct topographic geologic provinces: 1) rugged and densely cratered highlands extending north south through the central part of the area locally dissected by large troughs (sculpture) of Imbrium age (Gilbert, 1893; Hartmann, 1963) 2) subdued terrain in the east where both isolated and int
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