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Map showing lava flows in the northeast part of the Tharsis Quadrangle of Mars

The Systematic mapping of lava flow units in the Tharsis region has been compiled into a series of 16 maps at 1:2,000,000 scale. This work provides information on the sources and areal extent of the lava flows, on their eruptive sequences and relative ages, and on relations between the flows and geologic structure in the largest, most active tectonic and volcanic province on Mars. Some of the maps

Geologic map of the Shakespeare Quadrangle of Mercury

Most images used in mapping the geology of the Shakespeare quadrangle were taken during the near-equatorial first pass, with close encounter on the dark side of the planet. The second, south-polar pass did not image the Shakespeare quadrangle at high resolution. High-resolution images of small areas within the quadrangle were also obtained during the third pass, when the spacecraft was on the near

Geologic map of the Oxia Palus Quadrangle of Mars

The Oxia Palus quadrangle contains three distinct geologic provinces: (1) an elevated cratered plateau that occupies three-fourths of the quadrangle and is similar to much of the southern hemisphere of Mars; (2) the low, relatively featureless Chryse Planitia in the northwest corner; and (3) a complex province of chaotic terrain and immense channels or valleys that divides the plateau an determina

Geologic map of the MTM -85280 quadrangle, Planum Australe region of Mars

The polar deposits on Mars are of great interest because they probably record martian climate variations (Thomas and others, 1992). The area shown on this map includes polar layered deposits with distinct low-albedo features and a sharp boundary between the layered deposits and the moderately cratered unit that forms the floor of Chasma Australe. Detailed mapping of this quadrangle was undertaken

Map showing lava flows in the southwest part of the Phoenicis Lacus Quadrangle of Mars

The Systematic mapping of lava flow units in the Tharsis region has been compiled into a series of 16 maps at 1:2,000,000 scale. This work provides information on the sources and areal extent of the lava flows, on their eruptive sequences and relative ages, and on relations between the flows and geologic structure in the largest, most active tectonic and volcanic province on Mars. Some of the maps

Geologic map of the Sinus Sabaeus quadrangle of Mars

The Sinus Sabaeus quadrangle lies in the southern equatorial region of Mars. It is bounded on the north by the equator, on the west by the central meridian, on the south by lat 30 degrees S., and on the east by long 315 degrees W. Three classical regions that have low albedos occur within the quadrangle (Lowell Observatory, 1971): (1) half of Sinus Meridiani occupies part of the northwest corner o

(LAC-42) Geologic map of the Mare Serenitatis region of the moon

The surface of the Moon is heterogeneous. Surface materials are classed on the basis of telescopic observations into map units, each having lateral continuity and a limited range of physiographic characteristics and optical properties (mainly polarization and albedo, the reflectivity under full moon illumination). Such units are analogous to the rock-stratigraphic formations of terrestrial geology

Geologic map of the MTM 25057 and 25052 quadrangles, Kasei Valles region of Mars

Kasei Valles (fig. 1) make up the largest system of outflow channels on Mars and were a major contributor of water to Chryse Planitia. The walls and floors of the Kasei channels are terraced and grooved, closely resembling the channeled scablands of eastern Washington State that were formed by catastrophic floods probably lasting no more than a few days (Baker and Milton, 1974; Baker and Kochel, 1

Geologic map of the Margaritifer Sinus Quadrangle of Mars

The Margaritifer Sinus quadrangle lies within a broad north-sloping trough, the Chryse lowland, between the elevated Tharsis plateau to the west and the cratered upland to the east. The rugged, uniquely martian chaotic terrain is best developed in this quadrangle. Sinuous furrows a few kilometers wide and as much as several hundred kilometers long cover most of the quadrangle; in several places ar

Geologic map of the MTM -20147 Quadrangle, Mangala Valles Region of Mars

This map is one in a series of 1:500,000-scale geologic maps prepared to investigate areas on Mars of high scientific interest. The quadrangle contains the source area for Mangala Valles, one of the largest outflow channel complexes on Mars (Sharp and Mali, 1975). Preliminary mapping by Masurksy and others (1986), Simbelman (1988), and Champlan and others (1989, 1991) showed that several episodes

Geologic map of the Arcadia Quadrangle of Mars

The Arcadia quadrangle of Mars contains three distinct geologic provinces: (1) the 1000-km-diameter shield volcano of Alba Patera, which occupies the southwestern quadrant; (2) the complex Tempe province, which comprises a number of younger volcanic and sedimentary blanket deposits over an ancient, highly cratered crust forming a plateau in the southeastern quadrant; and (3) a plains province, con

Geologic map of the MTM -05152 and -10152 quadrangles, Mangala Valles region of Mars

Mangala Valles are a system of outflow channels cut into Terra Sirenum that appear to originate from a fracture of Memnonia Fossae radial to the Tharsis volcanic center (about 1,800 km to the east).
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