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Basic hydrologic data collection, processing, analysis, dissemination, and archiving are major parts of the California Water Science Center program. Streamflow data, for example, are used for flood and water-supply forecasts, planning and design, river regulation, streamflow statistics, and research investigations. Much of the data are available on a near-real-time basis by satellite telemetry.

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Estimates of Subsurface Tile Drainage Extent for the Conterminous United States, early 1990s

This dataset is a 30-meter resolution national-scale raster of estimated subsurface tile drainage extent that was developed using 1) county-level estimates of subsurface tile drained acres for the early 1990s (Sugg, 2007); 2) the extent of cultivated cropland from the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) 2011; 3) the extent of poorly drained soils from the State Soil Geographic Database (STATSGO) da

Aleutian Arc Fluid Geochemical Data

This report contains the chemical and isotopic data from thermal waters and gases collected from the Aleutian Arc over the past 20 years, where such data remain unpublished or only published in part.