Importance of the Chesapeake Bay
Estimated Economic Value of Services from the Chesapeake Bay Watershed is 10 Billion Annually
USGS Role is to Research, Monitor, and Communicate
The USGS partners with Federal, State, and Academic Science to enhance ecosystem management
Complexity of the Chesapeake Ecosystem
Due to the complexity of the Chespeake Bay ecosystem the USGS requies an interdisciplinary science approach
Chesapeake Bay Our Nations Largest Estuary
The Bay provides critical goods and services to the people, fish, and wildlife that use the 64,000-square-mile watershed
USGS works to Explain Water-quality Changes
Improved water quality through the reduction of nutrients and sediment is a primary restoration effort
The complexity of issues facing the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem and other places across the Nation requires the USGS to have an interdisciplinary science approach, coordinating with multiple USGS mission areas and other science partners to inform a broad base of decision makers. Read more about the USGS Chesapeake Science strategy, annual accomplishments, science topics, and our publications.