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Eyes on Earth Episode 10 – Landsat and Water Quality

Eyes on Earth is a podcast on remote sensing, Earth observation, land change and science, brought to you by the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. In this episode, we learn how Landsat is used to track the health of aquatic ecosystems.

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Nima Pahlevan - Eyes on Earth podcast
Nima Pahlevan

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Summary: We tend to associate Landsat satellites with what we see on solid Earth, but they can also tell us much about the health of our inland and coastal ecosystems. Landsat can be used to monitor harmful algal blooms, for example. Eyes on Earth guest Dr. Nima Pahlevan, a Landsat Science Team member, is part of a research team that tracks algal blooms worldwide using Landsat data.

Guest: Dr. Nima Pahlevan, Landsat Science Team

Host: Steve Young

Producer: Brian Hauge

Release date: Dec. 2, 2019

More on Landsat and Aquatic Health

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