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Lower to middle Eocene sequences of the New Jersey coastal plain and their significance for global climate change

Boreholes from Island Beach, Allaire, Atlantic City, and Mays Landing, NJ provide an excellent chronology of lower to middle Eocene passive margin sequences and allow analysis of long-term sea-level changes and sedimentation patterns. These New Jersey sequences are tied directly to the geomagnetic polarity time scale through magnetostratigraphy. Integrated stratigraphy (including magnetostratigrap
James V. Browning, Kenneth G. Miller, Mickey C. Van Fossen, Chengjie Liu, Dorothy K. Pak, Marie-Pierre Aubry, Laurel M. Bybell

Late Paleocene and early Eocene calcareous nannofossils from three boreholes in an onshore-offshore transect from New Jersey to the Atlantic Continental Rise

Closely spaced, upper Paleocene and lower Eocene samples from three boreholes near Clayton, NJ, at Island Beach, NJ, and at Site 605 on the Atlantic Ocean continental rise were examined for their calcareous nannofossil content. This study documents calcareous nannofossil occurrences in Zones NP9 and NP10 and identifies biostratigraphically useful species, presents unexpected upbasin-downbasin dist
Laurel M. Bybell, Jean Self-Trail

Upper Eocene sequence stratigraphy and the Absecon Inlet Formation, New Jersey Coastal Plain

We evaluate the age, benthic biofacies, and sequence stratigraphy of thick and well-recovered upper Eocene sediments from the New Jersey Coastal Plain. These strata are herein defined as a lithostratigraphic unit and named the Absecon Inlet Formation. The formation is divided into upper and lower portions. At its type locality in the Atlantic City borehole, the lower portion of the Absecon Inlet F
James V. Browning, Kenneth G. Miller, Laurel M. Bybell

Hydrogeologic data and aquifer interconnection in a multi-aquifer system in coastal plain sediments near Millhaven, Screven County, Georgia, 1991-1995

No abstract available.
John S. Clarke, William F. Falls, Lucy E. Edwards, Norman O. Frederiksen, Laurel M. Bybell, Thomas G. Gibson, Gregory Gohn, Fleming R. Farley

Neogene and Quaternary geology of a stratigraphic test hole on Horn Island, Mississippi Sound

No abstract available.
Gregory Gohn, G. L. Brewster-Wingard, Thomas M. Cronin, Lucy E. Edwards, T. G. Gibson, Meyer Rubin, D. A. Willard

40Ar/39Ar whole-rock data constraints on Acadian diagenesis and Alleghanian cleavage in the Martinsburg formation, eastern Pennsylvania

A comparison of 40Ar/39Ar age spectra of whole-rock mudstone and slate samples from the Ordovician Martinsburg Formation at Lehigh Gap, Pennsylvania and stratigraphic and thermal constraints support Alleghanian age for regional slaty cleavage and a late Acadian age for diagenesis in these rocks. Age spectra from mud-stones have a sigmodal shape, with slopes that climb steeply from apparent Mesozoi
R. P. Wintsch, Michael J. Kunk, Jack B. Epstein

Preliminary paleontologic report on core T-24, Little Madeira Bay, Florida

No abstract available.
S. E. Ishman, G. L. Brewster-Wingard, D. A. Willard, Thomas M. Cronin, Lucy E. Edwards, C. W. Holmes

Geohydrology and potential water-supply development on Bumkin, Gallops, Georges, Grape, Lovell, and Peddocks Islands, eastern Massachusetts

An investigation of the geohydrology and of the potential for water-supply development on several of the Boston Harbor Islands, eastern Massachusetts, was conducted to evaluate the possibility of developing a permanent small-capacity water supply to support recreational activities, such as camping, hiking, and swimming. The Boston Harbor Islands, including Bumkin, Gallops, Georges, Grape, Lovell,
John P. Masterson, Byron D. Stone, R. R. Rendigs

Digital bedrock geologic map of the Vermont part of the 7.5 x 15 minute Mount Ascutney and Springfield quadrangles, Vermont

No abstract available.
Gregory J. Walsh, Thomas R. Armstrong, N. M. Ratcliffe

Preliminary report on the distribution of modern fauna and flora at selected sites in north-central and north-eastern Florida Bay

No abstract available.
G. L. Brewster-Wingard, S. E. Ishman, Lucy E. Edwards, D. A. Willard

Using hydrogeochemical methods to evaluate complex quaternary subsurface stratigraphy Block Island, Rhode Island, USA

One of the major problems in hydrogeologic investigations of glaciated regions is the determination of complex stratigraphic relationships in the subsurface where insufficient information is available from drilling and geophysical records. In this paper, chemical characteristics of groundwater were used to identify stratigraphic changes in glacial deposits that were previously inferred on Block Is
A.I. Veeger, B. D. Stone

Preliminary analysis of down-core biotic assemblages Bob Allen Keys, Everglades National Park, Florida Bay

IntroductionA series of short piston cores (< 2m) were taken from eleven stations in Florida Bay in May, 1994 by researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (St. Petersburg, FL., Woods Hole, MA., and Denver CO.) in cooperation with South Florida Water Management District, and the Everglades National Park, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Core 6A from Bob Allen Keys (
G. L. Brewster-Wingard, S. E. Ishman, Thomas M. Cronin, Lucy E. Edwards, Debra A. Willard, R. B. Halley
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