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Our interdisciplinary, integrated science teams develop various data sets in support of the USGS mission areas. This information then aids natural resource managers in decision making and support of the complex issues they face in today's world. The data and tools listed here are official USGS data releases.

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Attributed North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) 5km x 5km Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame

This data release contains the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Master Sampling Grid at the 5 km x 5 km scale with biologically relevant covariates for NABat analyses attributed to each cell of the 5 km x 5 km grid frame for the continental United States. It was created using ArcPro and the 'sf', 'tidyverse', 'dplyr' and 'exactextractr' packages in R to extract covariates from multipl

Thresholded abundance models for three invasive plant species in the United States

We developed habitat suitability models for three invasive plant species: stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum), sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), and privet (Ligustrum sinense). We applied the modeling workflow developed in Young et al. 2020, developing similar models for occurrence data, but also models trained using species locations with percent cover ≥10%, ≥25%, and ≥50%. We chose predictor

Sagebrush structural connectivity yearly and temporal trends based on RCMAP sagebrush products, biome-wide from 1985 to 2020

This dataset includes modeled outputs for structural connectivity and trends in connectivity patterns in the sagebrush biome of the United States at 270-meter resolution. Connectivity was calculated using an omnidirectional circuit-based algorithm, with sources, targets, and conductance based on sagebrush fractional component from the RCMAP sagebrush products for 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010

Diet of burros at Lake Pleasant, Arizona and Sinbad, Utah Herd Management Areas in June and July 2019

We investigated the summer diets of feral burros (Equus asinus) in two ecosystems in which they are found in the United States: a subtropical desert in Arizona (Lake Pleasant Herd Management Area; HMA) and a temperate juniper shrubland in Utah (Sinbad HMA). In June and July of 2019, we gathered 50 burro fecal samples randomly from each location and used plant DNA metabarcoding to determine the bur

Predicted 2020 densities for 11 songbird species across the western United States

Informed wildlife management requires robust information regarding population status, habitat requirements, and likely responses to changing resource conditions. Growing evidence indicates single species management may inadequately conserve communities and result in undesired effects to non-target species. Thus, management can benefit from habitat relationship information for multiple species with

Prioritized sites for conifer removal within the Utah portion of Bird Conservation Region 16, 2020

Individual species often drive habitat restoration action; however, management under this paradigm may negatively affect non-target species. Prioritization frameworks which explicitly consider benefits to target species while minimizing consequences for non-target species may drastically improve management strategies. We examined extents to which conifer removal, an approach frequently implemented

Data on long-term flea control using fipronil grain bait with black-tailed prairie dogs, South Dakota, 2020-2022

We collected fleas from black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) on Buffalo Gap National Grassland and Badlands National Park, South Dakota, 2020-2022. We anesthetized trapped prairie dogs (and their fleas) with isoflurane in induction chambers for processing. We combed each individual with a fine-tooth comb for 30 seconds to remove and count fleas. We released all animals, after they were

Data on flea larvae survival following exposure to black-tailed prairie dog scat, 2016-2018

We collected fecal pellets from six black-tailed prairie dogs in captivity. Prairie dogs were provided free access to non-treated grain (oat groats) or fipronil-treated grain for 5 days. Two prairie dogs received non-treated grain and four prairie dogs received fipronil grain. During each day of the feeding trial, prairie dog fecal pellets were collected, stored in sealable plastic bags, labeled b

Data on flea control using FipBit fipronil bait pellets with black-tailed prairie dogs, South Dakota, 2020-2021

We live-trapped black-tailed prairie dogs on Buffalo Gap National Grassland, South Dakota, 2020-2021. We anesthetized trapped animals (and their fleas) with isoflurane in induction chambers for processing. We combed each individual with a fine-tooth comb for 30 seconds to remove and count fleas. The total flea count from an individual prairie dog was considered an index of flea abundance. We relea

Feral burro detections from aerial infrared surveys collected in Sinbad Herd Management Area, Utah, USA, from 2015-2016

These data are detections of burros in the Sinbad Herd Management Area in central Utah made during aerial thermal infrared-based distance sampling surveys in December 2015 and May 2016. Burros were detected from a fixed wing aircraft using an infrared camera mounted on the underside of the aircraft. A monitor screen was inside the aircraft, connected to the camera so the observer could look for bu

Diet of invasive Burmese Pythons (Python molorus bivittatus) in southern Florida, 1995-2020

Digestive tract contents were identified to provide an account of Burmese python diet. Diet contents came from 1716 pythons collected by cooperators during 1995-2020 from public and private lands across southern Florida, primarily within the Greater Everglades Ecosystem. Burmese pythons consumed 76 species of fauna across three taxonomic classes (Aves, Mammalia, and Reptilia). 

Serpentoviruses in free-ranging invasive pythons and native colubrids in southern Florida, United States, 2018-2020

The presence of serpentoviruses in Burmese pythons (Python bivittatus) and native snakes were collected and compiled to characterize serpentovirus in wild free-ranging pythons and free-ranging native snakes within the invasive range of the pythons in southern Florida. Virus presence was tested in 318 pythons and 219 Native snakes, primarily within the Greater Everglades Ecosystem of south Florida.
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