USGS Researchers are Organizing the first Pacific Northwest Native American Workshop on Bats in Toppenish, WA, August 8-9, 2023.
Dr. Ernest Valdez of FORT, New Mexico Landscapes Field Station along with researchers from the USGS-Northwest-Pacific Islands Region, Native American Fish and Wildlife Society, Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Park Service, and Oregon State University are co-organizing and co-hosting the first Pacific Northwest Native American Workshop on Bats.
The Pacific Northwest Native American Workshop on Bats represents the first of its kind for this region. Because white-nose syndrome and other threats are having a large impact on the populations of bats across North America, it is important to bring awareness and provide instruction on the technical skills needed to monitor these threats and obtain baseline information on bats from tribal lands.
This workshop is especially important because many tribal biologists and resource managers are limited on funds needed to attend specialized workshops, such as those on bats. Therefore, this workshop is free to all tribal biologists, resource managers, and college students from their respective tribal lands in the Pacific Northwest and surrounding areas. In addition, this workshop will discuss parallels on the loss of bats across the landscape and the loss of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of indigenous people, and will provide opportunities for open dialogue and future collaboration.
The Pacific Northwest Native American Workshop on Bats will be held in Toppenish, WA, on 8-9 August 2023.
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