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GECSC staff are responsible for the development of data and information products that support global environmental research, landscape change investigations, geologic studies and emergency response activities. 

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Digital data for 3-D Geologic Framework and Textural Models for Cuyama Valley Groundwater Basin, California

This digital dataset was created as part of a U.S. Geological Survey study in cooperation with the Santa Barbara County Water Agency to conduct a hydrologic resource assessment and develop an integrated numerical hydrologic model of the hydrologic system of Cuyama Valley, CA. As part of this larger study, the USGS developed this digital dataset of geologic data and three-dimensional...

Digital Data from Previously Published Contour Data Showing the Altitude of the Base of Dakota Sandstone on the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah

This geologic map database compiles, in digital form, geologic data previously published as printed maps showing the altitude of the base of Dakota Sandstone and equivalent rocks on the Colorado Plateau in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Data were compiled from U.S. Geological Survey 1:250,000-scale geologic maps and other topical maps that included structure contours of the...

Digital Archive of the R.S. Thompson western United States Packrat Midden Collection

This data release provides a digital inventory of the Robert S. Thompson packrat midden collection consisting of 1,740 midden samples and subsamples primarily collected in the Great Basin region of Nevada, as well as in Arizona, California, Colorado, Oklahoma, Utah, and Washington, USA, by Robert S. Thompson (USGS scientist emeritus) and others between 1977 and 2006. Middens are waste...

Isotopic data for Death Valley, California supporting Unified 200 kyr Paleohydrologic History of the Southern Great Basin

This dataset includes strontium isotopic data for water samples collected from groundwater springs in Death Valley, California in January, 2020.

Data Release for Surficial Geology and Quaternary Tectonics of the Madison Valley and Fault Zone, Madison, Gallatin, and Beaverhead Counties, southwest Montana

The NNW-striking Madison fault zone is approximately 95 km in length, lying at the confluence of the northeast Basin and Range province and the Yellowstone tectonic parabola. The fault zone consists primarily of west-dipping normal faults with east-dipping antithetic faults, which create the Madison Valley graben and several northeast-trending intra-basin faults. The Madison fault zone...

Bedrock geologic map database for the Blanca Peak, Walsenburg, Trinidad, and Alamosa 30' x 60' quadrangles, Colorado

This data release presents geologic map data for the bedrock geology of the Blanca Peak, Walsenburg, Trinidad, and Alamosa 30' x 60' quadrangles, Colorado. Geologic mapping incorporates new interpretive contributions and compilation from published geologic map data sources primarily ranging from 1:24,000 to 1:50,000 scale. Much of the geology incorporated from published geologic maps is...

Data Release for Luminescence: OSL Data and Ages in support of the Surficial Geology and Quaternary Fault Map of the Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada

The data release includes 35 new luminescence ages and 3 new radiocarbon ages. The new age data further brackets the ages of the Las Vegas basin Quaternary stratigraphy and provide new constraints on the timing of Quaternary fault activity.

Data release for climate change impacts on surface water extents across the central United States

High-frequency observations of surface water at fine spatial scales are critical to effectively manage aquatic habitat, flood risk and water quality. We developed inundation algorithms for Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 across 12 sites within the conterminous United States (CONUS) covering >536,000 km2 and representing diverse hydrologic and vegetation landscapes. These algorithms were...

A gridded database of the modern distributions of climate, woody plant taxa, and ecoregions for the continental United States and Canada

On the continental scale, climate is an important determinant of the distributions of plant taxa and ecoregions. To quantify and depict the relations between specific climate variables and these distributions, we placed modern climate and plant taxa distribution data on an approximately 25-kilometer (km) equal-area grid with 27,984 points that cover Canada and the continental United...

Strontium isotope, amino acid, and fossil taxonomy data to aid in identifying instances of marine terrace reoccupation on Anacapa and San Miguel Islands, California, USA

In areas of low uplift rate on the Pacific Coast of North America, reoccupation of emergent marine terraces by later high-sea stands has been hypothesized to explain the existence of thermally anomalous faunas (mixtures of warm and cool species) of last interglacial age. If uplift rates have been low for much of the Quaternary, it follows that higher (older) terraces should also show...

Isotopic, geochronologic and soil temperature data for Holocene and late Pleistocene soil carbonates of the San Luis Valley, Colorado and New Mexico, USA

This data release contains radiocarbon dates and clumped isotope ratios for soil carbonates as well as observed soil temperatures for study sites in the San Luis Valley, Colorado and New Mexico, USA. The companion publication can be found at

Data release of zircon U-Pb geochronology and whole-rock isotope geochemistry for drill core samples from Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, and Wyoming

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides zircon U-Pb geochronology and whole rock isotope geochemistry for drill core samples from Montana, Nebraska, Nevada and Wyoming. The drill core samples were obtained from the USGS Core Research Center in Denver, Colorado. The samples were in order to constrain the age, provenance, metamorphic history, and geochemical character of...
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