Data produced by staff of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
Filter Total Items: 213
CMIP6-LOCA2 threshold and extreme event metric projections from 1950-2100 for the Contiguous United States
Projections of extreme event metrics and threshold exceedances are produced by analyzing the Climate Model Intercomparison Program Phase 6 Localized Constructed Analogs (CMIP6-LOCA2) data set. The primary daily temperature and precipitation data are summarized to 36 annual metrics and 4 monthly metrics. This data set includes output from 27 GCMs for the period 1950-2100 under ssp245...
Marine Magnetic Anomalies of the Bering Sea and Pacific Ocean North of 35°N
The text file in CSV (comma-separated values) format contains marine magnetic data from 291 cruises in the Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. These data originate from two sources: 266 cruises from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Marine Trackline Geophysical Database (GEODAS) --
Geochemical, grain size, lithological, bathymetric, reconstructed integrated vapor transport, and age model data for Leonard Lake, Mendocino County
The data herein are geochemical (from X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry), grain size (percent clay, silt, sand), lithological (loss on ignition data), bathymetric, reconstructed IVT, and radioactive isotopes (14-C, 210-Pb, 226-Ra, and 137-Cs). These data were collected from sediments from Leonard Lake, Mendocino County, California, USA starting in 2014. Together, these data provide...
Gravity, density, and magnetic property measurements of the Sierra Nevada, California and Nevada
This data release presents point data associated with the geologic and geophysical maps of the Sierra Nevada Digital Earth Science Atlas led by the California Geological Survey and U.S. Geological Survey. Data include principal fact information for new gravity measurements collected by the U.S. Geological Survey from 2012 to 2023 and for existing gravity measurements compiled from 21...
Landslides triggered by the February 2019 atmospheric river storm, western Riverside County, California, USA
On February 14th, 2019, a strong atmospheric river storm (AR4 on the Atmospheric River scale of Ralph et al., 2019) struck California. The heavy rainfall caused landslides in both northern and southern California (Hatchett et al., 2020). This data release includes two subsets of mapped shallow landslide source locations in the vicinity of western Riverside County, California, where...
Landslides triggered by the January 10th, 2005 storm in the vicinity of La Conchita, Ventura County, California, USA
The area surrounding La Conchita, California (CA), USA experienced significant landslides and debris flows following a storm on January 10th, 2005, including a deadly deep-seated landslide that destroyed 13 houses and caused 10 fatalities (Jibson, 2006). This data release documents the locations of shallow landslide source locations in the vicinity of the deadly 2005 La Conchita...
Three-dimensional temperature model of the Great Basin, USA
As part of the periodic update of the geothermal energy assessments for the USA (e.g., last update by Williams and others, 2008), a new three-dimensional temperature map has been constructed for the Great Basin, USA. Williams and DeAngelo (2011) identified uncertainty in estimates of conductive heat flow near land surface as the largest contributor to uncertainty in previously published...
Digital database for the Surficial Geologic Map of the Owlshead Mountains 30' X 60' Quadrangle, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California
This geodatabase contains all of the map information used to publish the Surficial Geologic Map of the Owlshead Mountains 30’ X 60’ Quadrangle,Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-3496. The geodatabase and associated map delineate primarily surficial geology and neotectonics structure across the entire extent of this...
Bedrock stratigraphic and structural data and deep-seated landslide density for the Tyee Formation, OR, USA
Compilation of field data collected in the Oregon Coast Range Tyee Formation. Location, strike and dip, Relative composition and bed thickness of interbedded sandstone and siltstone, Schmidt Hammer stiffness, notes, and sampled landslide density are provided. Landslide density is calculated using the manually mapped landslide deposit polygons from LaHusen et al. (2020).
Compiled onshore and offshore paleoseismic data along the Cascadia Subduction zone
The USGS Powell Center Cascadia earthquake hazards working group compiled published onshore and offshore paleoseismic data along the Cascadia subduction zone, spanning sites from Vancouver Island to the Mendocino triple junction. Evidence for megathrust rupture includes coastal land-level change, tsunami inundation, onshore shaking proxies such as landslides or liquefaction, and offshore...
GeoDAWN: Airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys of the northwestern Great Basin, Nevada and California
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Department of Energy (DOE) have collaborated to acquire high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric data, over northern and western Nevada and eastern California, to support geologic and geophysical mapping and modeling that will assist geothermal and critical mineral studies. The surveys, referred to as GeoDAWN (Geoscience Data Acquisition...
High-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey of the Republic Graben, Okanogan and Kettle metamorphic core complexes, Kootenay Arc and surrounding regions, Northeastern Washington
The Republic survey consists of high-resolution aeromagnetic and radiometric data designed to image the subsurface geology and structure of a large portion of northeastern Washington. These data are intended for rigorous modeling and interpretation of the geology and structure in this region and will be used to evaluate the potential for undiscovered resources and will contribute to USGS...