The list below includes official USGS publications and journal articles authored by New England Water Science Center scientists. The USGS Pubs Warehouse link provides access to all USSG publications.
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Estimation of nitrogen yields and loads from basins draining to Long Island Sound, 1988–98
Monitoring data on total nitrogen concentrations
and streamflow were used to estimate annual
nonpoint nitrogen loads for 1988?98 at 28 monitoring
sites and 26 unmonitored basins that drain
to Long Island Sound. The estimated total nitrogen
yields at monitoring sites were used with basin
characteristics and ancillary data to develop a
multiple-linear regression equation to estimate
John R. Mullaney, Gregory E. Schwarz, Elaine C. Todd Trench
Lithogeochemical character of near-surface bedrock in the New England coastal basins
This geographic information system (GIS) data layer shows the generalized lithologic and geochemical, termed lithogeochemical, character of near-surface bedrock in the New England Coastal Basin (NECB) study area of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. The area encompasses 23,000 square miles in western and central Maine, eastern Massachusetts, most of Rh
Gilpin R. Robinson, Joseph D. Ayotte, Denise L. Montgomery, Leslie A. DeSimone
Water resources data for New Hampshire and Vermont, water year 2001
Water-resources data for the 2001 water year for New Hampshire and Vermont consists of stage, discharge, and water quality
of streams; contents of lakes and reservoirs; and ground-water levels. This report contains discharge records for 75 gaging
stations, stage records for 5 lakes, monthend contents for 2 lakes and reservoirs, water levels for 38 observation wells. Also
included are data for 4
M.F. Coakley, S.L. Ward, Gregory S. Hilgendorf, Richard G. Kiah
Water budget for Sebago Lake, Maine, 1996-99
Annual water budgets were developed for Sebago Lake in southwestern Maine. The inflow components of the water budget are direct precipitation to the surface of the lake and surface-water inflow. Mean annual inflow to Sebago Lake during water years 1996-99 was 35,100 million cubic feet. The outflow components of the water budget are evaporation from the surface of the lake, municipal water-supply w
Robert W. Dudley, Glenn A. Hodgkins, Joseph P. Nielsen
Statewide water-quality network for Massachusetts
A water-quality monitoring program is proposed that would provide data to meet multiple information needs of Massachusetts agencies and other users concerned with the condition of the State's water resources. The program was designed by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Watershed Management, with input from many organizations invol
Leslie A. DeSimone, Peter A. Steeves, Marc James Zimmerman
Hydrogeology of sand and gravel deposits near the Nepaug Reservoir, New Hartford and Burlington, Connecticut
Sand and gravel deposits near the Nepaug Reservoir in New Hartford and Burlington, Connecticut, were studied to provide a basis for ongoing investigations that will evaluate water-quality conditions in the watershed and the effects of sand and gravel mining on the quality of water in the reservoir. In the Nepaug area, surficial glacial materials overlie crystalline bedrock that is predominantly sc
Janet Radway Stone, J. Jeffrey Starn, Jonathan Morrison
Evaluation of the Effects of Development on Peak-Flow Hydrographs for Collyer Brook, Maine
The development of former agricultural or forested lands creates more impervious areas and drainage improvements that can increase the volume of runoff and decrease infiltration and ground-water recharge in a watershed. Drainage improvements also can improve the conveyance of runoff, decreasing the time of rise to peak flow between the start of a rainfall event and the peak surface-water runoff, a
Robert W. Dudley, Glenn A. Hodgkins, Alexander Mann, John Chisolm
Cross-hole radar scanning of two vertical, permeable, reactive-iron walls at the Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
A pilot-scale study was conducted by the U.S. Army National Guard (USANG) at the Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR) on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to assess the use of a hydraulic-fracturing method to create vertical, permeable walls of zero-valent iron to passively remediate ground water contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The study was conducted near the source area of the Chemical Spill-
John W. Lane, Peter K. Joesten, Jennifer G. Savoie
Borehole geophysical data from Eastland Woolen Mill Superfund site, Corinna, Maine, March 1999
Borehole-geophysical data were collected in
cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency in seven bedrock wells at the Eastland Woolen
Mill Superfund site, Penobscot County, Corinna,
Maine, in March, 1999. The data were collected as part
of a reconnaissance investigation to provide information
needed to address concerns about the distribution
and fate of contaminants in ground-
Bruce P. Hansen, William J. Nichols, Robert W. Dudley
Simulated Ground-Water-Flow Responses to Geohydrologic Characteristics, Corinna, Maine
Ground-water-flow simulations of an idealization of surficial and bedrock aquifers of the East Branch Sebasticook River Valley, in Corinna, Maine, were done to test the effects of known or hypothesized geohydrologic characteristics on the local and regional ground-water-flow system. The purpose of the simulations was to develop a better understanding of the aquifer system to aid in planning for th
Thomas J. Mack, Robert W. Dudley
Use of thematic mapper imagery to assess water quality, trophic state, and macrophyte distributions in Massachusetts lakes
During the spring and summer of 1996, 1997, and 1998, measurements of phytoplankton- chlorophyll concentration, Secchi disk transparency, and color were made at 97 Massachusetts lakes within 24 hours of Landsat Thematic Mapper imaging of the lakes in an effort to assess water quality and trophic state. Spatial distributions of floating, emergent, and submerged macrophytes were mapped in 49 of the
Marcus C. Waldron, Peter A. Steeves, John T. Finn
Source identification and fish exposure for polychlorinated biphenyls using congener analysis from passive water samplers in the Millers River basin, Massachusetts
Measurements of elevated concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in fish and in streambed sediments of the Millers River Basin, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, have been reported without evidence of the PCB source. In 1999, an investigation was initiated to determine the source(s) of the elevated PCB concentrations observed in fish and to establish the extent of fish exposure to PCBs a
John A. Colman