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Below is a list of current Data Resources available from NOROCK. If you are in search of specific resources, please email

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Western bumble bee predicted occupancy (1998, 2020) and future projections (2050s), western conterminous United States

These data represent occupancy estimates for western bumble bee across the western conterminous United States. This product contains five raster layers (appearing as separate bands in a multi-band raster). The first two bands represent the predicted occupancy of western bumble bee in 1998 and 2020. We modeled western bumble bee occupancy as a function of climate and land cover. The last three band

Model performance and output variables for phenological events across land cover types in the Northwestern Plains, 1989-2014

Many aspects of recurring plant developmental events – vegetation phenology – are measured by remote sensing. By consistently measuring the timing and magnitude of the growing season, it is possible to study the complex relationships among drivers of the seasonal cycle of vegetation, including legacy conditions. We studied the role of current and legacy climate, and contextual factors on the land

Environmental DNA water sample analyses for smallmouth bass surveillance, Gardner River, Montana, March 2022

Environmental DNA results for March 2022 smallmouth bass surveillance in the Gardner River, Montana

Genetic structure of American black bear populations in the American Southwest and northern Mexico, 1994-2014

Microsatellite genotypes for American black bears collected by Gould et al. 2002 and used to assess the genetic structure of American black bear populations in the American Southwest and northern Mexico. Genotypes are for Ursus americanus individuals.

UAV based vegetation classification results and input NDVI, vegetation height, and texture datasets for two Montana rangeland sites in 2018

Unpiloted aerial system (UAS) flight campaigns were conducted at two rangeland sites in Southwestern Montana during the 2018 growing season to classify vegetation and landcover types. A total of nine flights were conducted at the Argenta site and seven at the Virginia City site. To align images in space and time, we used four-dimensional structure from motion (4D SfM) and continued with processing

2020 winter timeseries of UAS derived digital surface models (DSMs) from the Hourglass study site, Bridger Mountains, Montana, USA

Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) flights were conducted over the headwaters of the South Fork of Brackett Creek in the Bridger Mountains of SW Montana during the winter of 2020. The flights collected overlapping imagery focused on a steep mountain couloir study site known locally as "the Hourglass." Structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry was used to process the collected imagery and create digital

Cutthroat trout mark-recapture and growth data from western Montana and western Wyoming 2011-2016

Data include a mark-recapture dataset of cutthroat trout. Data indicate date of marking and recapture, size at marking, growth, basin data were collected, year data were collected, and unique identification tags.

Documented known and probable grizzly bear mortalities in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2015-2023 (ver. 3.0 April 2024)

We evaluate mortalities for population segments within the DMA by deriving estimates of total mortality for independent-age (equal to or less than 2 years old) females and independent-age males, including estimates of unknown/unreported mortalities based on Cherry et al. (2002). We then determine the total annual mortality rate for these segments as a percent of their respective population estimat

Juvenile Smallmouth Bass Sampling from the Yellowstone River, Montana 2016-2019

Field data of age-0 smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) estimated age, lengths and weights, distribution from field sampling, and results from environmental DNA surveys from the Yellowstone River in Montana. Data were used in conjunction with existing stream temperature data from USGS gages to evaluate if temperature is related to age-0 size at the onset of winter.

Cool Season (September-June) Total Precipitation Reconstruction for Deschutes County, Oregon, 1000-1991 CE

A tree-ring based cool season (September-June) total precipitation reconstruction for Deschutes County, Oregon, spanning years 1000-1991 CE

Occupied Range of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear 2006-2020

The grizzly bear distribution boundary represents the estimated geographic extent of occupied range of the Yellowstone grizzly bear population for the period 2006-2020. The distribution boundary was delineated to provide reliable estimations of grizzly bear occupancy throughout time and for use as a monitoring tool in grizzly bear management and conservation.The boundary was delineated by the Inte

Alpine vegetation trends in Glacier National Park, Montana 2003-2018

This dataset is focused on alpine plant species presence/absence, species turnover, and trends in species abundance on four mountain summits in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA from 2003 through 2014. Two summit sites were established in 2003 on Dancing Lady and Bison Mountain, east of the continental divide. Two additional summit sites were established in 2004 on Pitamakin and Mt. Seward, also
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