California Seafloor Mapping Program
The California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) is a cooperative program to create a comprehensive coastal and marine geologic and habitat base map series for all of California's State waters.
Program Information
Learn about our data collection methods and techniques, find map block names and corresponding links to data, read descriptions of the maps in a published block, and see examples of how our data is used in coastal zone management and research.
The California Ocean Protection Council (COPC) authorized funds to establish the CSMP in 2007 and assembled a team of experts from state and federal agencies, academia, and private industry to develop the best approach to mapping and classifying coastal and marine geologic habitats, while at the same time updating all nautical charts. Initiated in 2008, the CSMP has collected bathymetry (underwater topography) and backscatter data (providing insight into the geologic makeup of the seafloor) that are being turned into habitat and geologic base maps for all of California's State Waters (mean high water line out to three nautical miles).
Although the CSMP was originally developed to support the design and monitoring of marine reserves through the Marine Life Protection Act [California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), 2007], accurate statewide mapping of the seafloor has also contributed significantly to these efforts:
- Definition of habitats for ecosystem-based management
- Establishing baselines for long-term monitoring of coastal evolution related to climate change, large storms, and anthropogenic influences
- Enabling modeling of coastal flooding from sea-level rise and large storms
- Identifying offshore active faults and submarine landslides, providing the basis for earthquake and tsunami hazard assessments and hazard mitigation
- Providing a database of sediment distribution and thickness, important input for regional sediment management
- Enabling more effective regulation of offshore development
- Improving maritime safety
- Providing a framework for scientific research
- Facilitating outreach to heighten public education and awareness of coastal ecosystems, resources, and issues
Data collected during this project reveal the seafloor offshore of the California coast in unprecedented detail (for example, see the computer animations on this page) and provide an ecosystem context for the effective management of this precious marine resource.
Objective — create a comprehensive coastal/marine bathymetric, geologic, and habitat base map series for all state waters (MHHW - 3nm).
State Funding — 2006 Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 84).
Federal Funding — NOAA National Ocean Service, Office of Coast Surveys; U.S. Geological Survey Coastal and Marine Geology Program; and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Basic Components
Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collection — ship-based, high-resolution sonar data collection for all parts of the coast unmapped as of 2008, about 80% of California’s mainland waters. Visit progress page.
Data ground-truthing — video, still photography, or physical sampling of the seafloor. Visit progress page.
Subbottom profiling — high-resolution, seismic-reflection profiling to determine thickness and distribution of sediment and other geologic units, locations of active faults and folds, submarine landslides, and other features. Visit progress page.
GIS Data and Map Production — creation of GIS databases and multi-sheet folio map sets (1:24,000 scale), which will include bathymetry, geologic and habitat interpretation maps spanning the entire California land/sea margin. Visit map sheets page.
Data Management and Dissemination — creation of an online data repository for the public dissemination of all digital data and map products covering the California state waters. Visit GIS data and metadata page.
CDFW — California Department of Fish and Wildlife (
CMSP — Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning
COPC — California Ocean Protection Council (
CSMP — California Seafloor Mapping Program
CSUMB — SFML — California State University at Monterey Bay Seafloor Mapping Lab (
GIS — geographic information system
MHHW — mean higher high water
MLML — Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (
MLPA — California Marine Life Protection Act
MPA — Marine Protected Area
NAMSS — USGS National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys (
NOAA — National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (
PCMSC — Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (
USGS — U.S. Geological Survey (
Learn more about our Program by clicking the links below.
Marine Geomorphology, Evolution, and Habitats
For a complete set of published data, please see the California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog (USGS Data Series 781).
Our published map series are shown under both the “Maps” and the “Publications” tab. If you do not find the map block you want here, please check the Publications tab.
California State Waters Map Series — Offshore of Point Conception
California State Waters Map Series — Offshore of Gaviota
California State Waters Map Series — Offshore of Monterey
California State Waters Map Series — Monterey Canyon and vicinity
California State Waters Map Series — Offshore of Santa Cruz
Our published map series are shown under both the “Maps” and the “Publications” tab. If you do not find the map block you want here, please check the Maps tab.
California State Waters Map Series — Offshore of Half Moon Bay, California
California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog
Below are news stories associated with this project.
CSMP is a collaboration between State and Federal agencies, the academic community, and the private sector. Partners include, but are not limited to, those listed below.
The California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) is a cooperative program to create a comprehensive coastal and marine geologic and habitat base map series for all of California's State waters.
Program Information
Learn about our data collection methods and techniques, find map block names and corresponding links to data, read descriptions of the maps in a published block, and see examples of how our data is used in coastal zone management and research.
The California Ocean Protection Council (COPC) authorized funds to establish the CSMP in 2007 and assembled a team of experts from state and federal agencies, academia, and private industry to develop the best approach to mapping and classifying coastal and marine geologic habitats, while at the same time updating all nautical charts. Initiated in 2008, the CSMP has collected bathymetry (underwater topography) and backscatter data (providing insight into the geologic makeup of the seafloor) that are being turned into habitat and geologic base maps for all of California's State Waters (mean high water line out to three nautical miles).
Although the CSMP was originally developed to support the design and monitoring of marine reserves through the Marine Life Protection Act [California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), 2007], accurate statewide mapping of the seafloor has also contributed significantly to these efforts:
- Definition of habitats for ecosystem-based management
- Establishing baselines for long-term monitoring of coastal evolution related to climate change, large storms, and anthropogenic influences
- Enabling modeling of coastal flooding from sea-level rise and large storms
- Identifying offshore active faults and submarine landslides, providing the basis for earthquake and tsunami hazard assessments and hazard mitigation
- Providing a database of sediment distribution and thickness, important input for regional sediment management
- Enabling more effective regulation of offshore development
- Improving maritime safety
- Providing a framework for scientific research
- Facilitating outreach to heighten public education and awareness of coastal ecosystems, resources, and issues
Data collected during this project reveal the seafloor offshore of the California coast in unprecedented detail (for example, see the computer animations on this page) and provide an ecosystem context for the effective management of this precious marine resource.
Objective — create a comprehensive coastal/marine bathymetric, geologic, and habitat base map series for all state waters (MHHW - 3nm).
State Funding — 2006 Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 84).
Federal Funding — NOAA National Ocean Service, Office of Coast Surveys; U.S. Geological Survey Coastal and Marine Geology Program; and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Basic Components
Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collection — ship-based, high-resolution sonar data collection for all parts of the coast unmapped as of 2008, about 80% of California’s mainland waters. Visit progress page.
Data ground-truthing — video, still photography, or physical sampling of the seafloor. Visit progress page.
Subbottom profiling — high-resolution, seismic-reflection profiling to determine thickness and distribution of sediment and other geologic units, locations of active faults and folds, submarine landslides, and other features. Visit progress page.
GIS Data and Map Production — creation of GIS databases and multi-sheet folio map sets (1:24,000 scale), which will include bathymetry, geologic and habitat interpretation maps spanning the entire California land/sea margin. Visit map sheets page.
Data Management and Dissemination — creation of an online data repository for the public dissemination of all digital data and map products covering the California state waters. Visit GIS data and metadata page.
CDFW — California Department of Fish and Wildlife (
CMSP — Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning
COPC — California Ocean Protection Council (
CSMP — California Seafloor Mapping Program
CSUMB — SFML — California State University at Monterey Bay Seafloor Mapping Lab (
GIS — geographic information system
MHHW — mean higher high water
MLML — Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (
MLPA — California Marine Life Protection Act
MPA — Marine Protected Area
NAMSS — USGS National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys (
NOAA — National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (
PCMSC — Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (
USGS — U.S. Geological Survey (
Learn more about our Program by clicking the links below.
Marine Geomorphology, Evolution, and Habitats
For a complete set of published data, please see the California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog (USGS Data Series 781).
Our published map series are shown under both the “Maps” and the “Publications” tab. If you do not find the map block you want here, please check the Publications tab.
California State Waters Map Series — Offshore of Point Conception
California State Waters Map Series — Offshore of Gaviota
California State Waters Map Series — Offshore of Monterey
California State Waters Map Series — Monterey Canyon and vicinity
California State Waters Map Series — Offshore of Santa Cruz
Our published map series are shown under both the “Maps” and the “Publications” tab. If you do not find the map block you want here, please check the Maps tab.
California State Waters Map Series — Offshore of Half Moon Bay, California
California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog
Below are news stories associated with this project.
CSMP is a collaboration between State and Federal agencies, the academic community, and the private sector. Partners include, but are not limited to, those listed below.