Recoding of AMDTreat Phase 2: Integration of PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat water-quality prediction tools with recoded AMDTreat cost-analysis software
Newly developed PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat water-quality prediction tools indicate potential changes in pH, dissolved metals, and associated solute concentrations resulting from passive and active treatment of coal-mine drainage.
AMDTreat's “user-friendly” caustic titration, parallel reactions, and sequential reactions tools utilize PHREEQC equilibrium (aqueous and surface speciation) and kinetics models with a user interface to facilitate input of initial data and analysis of results. Results include water-quality effects, quantities of reactants consumed, and amount of sludge produced by user-defined treatments. Different treatments can require vastly different land areas, equipment, and costs for construction, operation, and maintenance. With the hypothetical performance and sizing information indicated by PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat tools, the AMDTreat cost-analysis software, which is maintained by the U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE), can be used to evaluate potential feasibility and cost-effectiveness of treatment alternatives.
The objective of the phase II project is to (1) develop detailed documentation for the PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat water-quality tools; (2) assist the OSMRE programmers with the integration of the water-quality tools into a new version of the AMDTreat cost-analysis software that is currently being recoded to run on Windows 10 and other platforms; and (3) modify the sequential reactions tool to add sorption and solubility reactions for trace metals and rare-earth elements.
Chuck Cravotta developed the PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat tools over several years. During the past year, he has been providing guidance to OSMRE staff, other professionals, and students who are working with testing of the stand-alone PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat versions that were issued to the public in 2020 by the USGS as a software release.
AMDTreat and PHREEQC applications and documentation
Interactive PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat water-quality modeling tools to evaluate performance and design of treatment systems for acid mine drainage
Kinetic study on clogging of a geothermal pumping well triggered by mixing-induced biogeochemical reactions
Radium attenuation and mobilization in stream sediments following oil and gas wastewater disposal in western Pennsylvania
Enhanced Al and Zn removal from coal-mine drainage during rapid oxidation and precipitation of Fe oxides at near-neutral pH
Acid mine drainage
Monitoring, field experiments, and geochemical modeling of Fe(II) oxidation kinetics in a stream dominated by net-alkaline coal-mine drainage, Pennsylvania, USA
Temporal geochemical variations in above- and below-drainage coal mine discharge
AMDTreat 5.0+ with PHREEQC titration module to compute caustic chemical quantity, effluent quality, and sludge volume
Priority pollutants and associated constituents in untreated and treated discharges from coal mining or processing facilities in Pennsylvania, USA
Surface-water and groundwater interactions in an extensively mined watershed, upper Schuylkill River, Pennsylvania, USA
Evolution of the chemistry of Fe bearing waters during CO2 degassing
A geochemical module for "AMDTreat" to compute caustic quantity, effluent quantity, and sludge volume
Related Software
USGS developed, in cooperation with the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, “user-friendly” aqueous geochemical modeling tools to simulate changes in water quality during passive and active treatment of acid mine drainage.
PHREEQC Version 3
PHREEQC Version 3 is a computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations.
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Newly developed PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat water-quality prediction tools indicate potential changes in pH, dissolved metals, and associated solute concentrations resulting from passive and active treatment of coal-mine drainage.
AMDTreat's “user-friendly” caustic titration, parallel reactions, and sequential reactions tools utilize PHREEQC equilibrium (aqueous and surface speciation) and kinetics models with a user interface to facilitate input of initial data and analysis of results. Results include water-quality effects, quantities of reactants consumed, and amount of sludge produced by user-defined treatments. Different treatments can require vastly different land areas, equipment, and costs for construction, operation, and maintenance. With the hypothetical performance and sizing information indicated by PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat tools, the AMDTreat cost-analysis software, which is maintained by the U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE), can be used to evaluate potential feasibility and cost-effectiveness of treatment alternatives.
The objective of the phase II project is to (1) develop detailed documentation for the PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat water-quality tools; (2) assist the OSMRE programmers with the integration of the water-quality tools into a new version of the AMDTreat cost-analysis software that is currently being recoded to run on Windows 10 and other platforms; and (3) modify the sequential reactions tool to add sorption and solubility reactions for trace metals and rare-earth elements.
Chuck Cravotta developed the PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat tools over several years. During the past year, he has been providing guidance to OSMRE staff, other professionals, and students who are working with testing of the stand-alone PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat versions that were issued to the public in 2020 by the USGS as a software release.
AMDTreat and PHREEQC applications and documentation
Interactive PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat water-quality modeling tools to evaluate performance and design of treatment systems for acid mine drainage
Kinetic study on clogging of a geothermal pumping well triggered by mixing-induced biogeochemical reactions
Radium attenuation and mobilization in stream sediments following oil and gas wastewater disposal in western Pennsylvania
Enhanced Al and Zn removal from coal-mine drainage during rapid oxidation and precipitation of Fe oxides at near-neutral pH
Acid mine drainage
Monitoring, field experiments, and geochemical modeling of Fe(II) oxidation kinetics in a stream dominated by net-alkaline coal-mine drainage, Pennsylvania, USA
Temporal geochemical variations in above- and below-drainage coal mine discharge
AMDTreat 5.0+ with PHREEQC titration module to compute caustic chemical quantity, effluent quality, and sludge volume
Priority pollutants and associated constituents in untreated and treated discharges from coal mining or processing facilities in Pennsylvania, USA
Surface-water and groundwater interactions in an extensively mined watershed, upper Schuylkill River, Pennsylvania, USA
Evolution of the chemistry of Fe bearing waters during CO2 degassing
A geochemical module for "AMDTreat" to compute caustic quantity, effluent quantity, and sludge volume
Related Software
USGS developed, in cooperation with the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, “user-friendly” aqueous geochemical modeling tools to simulate changes in water quality during passive and active treatment of acid mine drainage.
PHREEQC Version 3
PHREEQC Version 3 is a computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations.
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