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Below are data associated with the Southwest Biological Science Center's research.

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High-resolution maps of historical and 21st century soil temperature and moisture data using multivariate matching algorithms for drylands of western U.S. and Canada

These data were compiled as a supplement to a previously published journal article (Bradford et al., 2019), that employed a ecosystem water balance model to characterize current and future patterns in soil temperature and moisture conditions in dryland areas of western North America. Also, these data are associated with a published USGS data release (Bradford and Schlaepfer, 2019). The objectives

High-resolution maps of projected big sagebrush plant community biomass for 52 future climate scenarios using multivariate matching algorithms

These data were compiled for the study: Divergent climate change effects on widespread dryland plant communities driven by climatic and ecohydrological gradients. The objectives of our study were to (1) describe how climate change will alter the biomass and composition of key plant functional types; (2) quantify the impacts of climate change on future functional type biomass and composition along

High-resolution maps of historical and 21st century ecological drought metrics using multivariate matching algorithms for drylands of western U.S. and Canada

These data were compiled using a new multivariate matching algorithm that transfers simulated soil moisture conditions (Bradford et al. 2020) from an original 10-km resolution to a 30-arcsec spatial resolution. Also, these data are a supplement to a previously published journal article (Bradford et al., 2020) and USGS data release (Bradford and Schlaepfer, 2020). The objectives of our study were t

Ecological property data and experimental lab incubation results from a long-term nitrogen deposition simulation experiment in three semi-arid grasslands, Arches National Park, Utah, USA, 2013-2019

These data were compiled to understand the responses of dryland ecosystem properties to long-term simulated atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Objective(s) of our study were to uncover any changes in soil biogeochemistry and ecosystem properties to long-term nitrogen amendments. These data represent ecosystem property data compiled over the nine-year history of a nitrogen deposition simulation exper

Digital elevation models and water surface profiles for the Colorado River in Cataract Canyon, Canyonlands National Park and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah

These data consist of measurements of riverbed and floodplain bathymetry and topography, measurements of water-surface elevations and ancillary data. These data are specific to the corridor of the Colorado River from the confluence of the Green and Colorado Rivers near Spanish Bottom, Utah in Canyonlands National Park to the confluence with the Dirty Devil River in Glen Canyon National Recreation

Colorado River Delta Project: A compilation of vegetation indices, phenology assessment metrics, and estimates of evapotranspiration for circular bird plots in the Colorado River delta between 2000-2020 (ver. 1.0)

These data were compiled to understand the effects of riparian vegetation health on local abundance and species diversity of land birds. The primary objective of our study was to to determine the effects of riparian restoration on birds in the Colorado River delta. These tabular data represent vegetation indices and evapotranspiration (ET) data at varying spatial scales that correspond to avian us

Biocrust cover, vegetation, and climate data from a protected grassland within Canyonlands National Park, Utah (ver. 2.0, Sept. 2023)

These tabular data were compiled for/to monitor vegetation and biocrust cover in a never grazed grassland located in Canyonlands National Park. An objective, or objectives, of our study was to document potential changes in biocrust and vegetation cover and species composition as related to changes in land use and climate change. These data represent a timeseries of long-term vegetation and biocrus

Predicted biomass of fine fuel for Altar Valley, Arizona, 2021

These data were compiled for the Altar Valley Conservation Alliance and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to identify and quantify the spatial distribution of fine fuels in relation to wildfire management across jurisdictional boundaries. Objective(s) of our study were to map the 2021 annual distribution of the biomass (kg/ha) of fine fuels (grasses, shrubs, and forbs) for the whole of the Altar

Hatchery-reared Roundtail Chub Data, Arizona USA

These data were compiled as part of a larger study to evaluate post-stocking survival of hatchery-reared Roundtail Chub. We conducted a two year study (Dec. 2015 – Mar. 2017) in the upper Verde River at the Burnt Ranch stocking location near Paulden, Arizona. Young of year Roundtail Chub were acquired from the Arizona Research and Conservation Center in Cornville, Arizona. Passive integrated trans

Channel mapping Glen Canyon Dam to Lees Ferry in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona - Data

Bathymetric, topographic, and grain-size data were collected from May 2013 to October 2016 along a 15-mi reach of the Colorado River in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona by the U.S. Geological Survey Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. The study reach is located from river miles -15 at the base of Glen Canyon Dam to 0 at Lees Ferry. Channel bathymetry was mapped using multibea

Climate and drought adaptation: historical and projected future exposure metrics for Southeastern Utah Group National Parks

These data were compiled to evaluate the magnitude and direction of change from historical conditions in climate metrics across the Southeastern Utah Group (SEUG) of National Parks. Objective(s) of our study were to quantify the magnitude and direction of change from historical conditions in climate metrics across SEUG parks at a meaningful scale for land managers and practitioners. These data rep

Suspended-sediment, bedload, bed-sediment, and multibeam sonar data in the Chippewa River, WI

These data were compiled for analyses of sediment transport within the Chippewa River, WI. Objective(s) of our study were to determine sand loads contributed by the Chippewa River to the Mississippi River. These data include physical suspended-sediment samples, acoustical suspended-sediment measurements, acoustical suspended-sediment loads, quasi-continuous measurements of bed-elevation, multibeam
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