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Water temperature data in the Milwaukee Estuary of Lake Michigan, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin

This dataset contains water temperature data collected by boat tow on August 30, 2019 between approximately 8:00 AM and 12:15 PM Central Standard Time (CST) in the Milwaukee Estuary of Lake Michigan. The data includes measured water temperatures, depth of collection, water column depth, time of collection, and geospatial coordinates. The objective of this data collection was to produce longitudina

Fluvial Erosion Hazard Rapid Geomorphic Assessment Data from the Marengo Watershed, Ashland County, Wisconsin

An extreme flood in 2016 caused widespread culvert blockages and road failures across northern Wisconsin, including extensive damage along steep tributaries and ravines in the Marengo River watershed. Along with the flooding, there were fluvial erosion hazards (FEH) associated with a large amount of erosion in headwater areas. Of special concern were FEHs associated with gullying, loss of wetland

Field observation of wind waves (2019) along the Chincoteague Living Shoreline, Virginia

This dataset contains measured (interval = 0.5 hour) wave height, peak wave period, water level, and water depth during March 1 to May 1, 2019, at five wave gage locations along the Chincoteague Living Shoreline, Virginia. These wave gages were sampled continuously at 10 Hz to take 20-min bursts every 30 min. These data were used for the analysis of wave attenuation along the oyster-reef-based liv

Field observation of current velocities (2019) along the Chincoteague Living Shoreline, Virginia

This dataset contains measured current velocity during March 1 to May 2, 2019, at eleven locations along the Chincoteague Living Shoreline, Virginia.

Input data, trained model data, and model outputs for predicting streamflow and base flow for the Mississippi Embayment Regional Study Area using a random forest model

This data release contains datasets developed for the purpose of training and applying random forest models to the Mississippi Embayment Regional Study Area. The random forest models are designed to predict total stream flow and baseflow as a function of a combination of watershed characteristics and monthly weather data. These datasets are associated with a report (SIR 2022-xxxx) and code contain

Above- and belowground biomass production, decomposition, and wetland elevation change in transitional coastal wetland communities exposed to elevated CO2 and sediment deposition: a mesocosm study from 2012 to 2014

This data release includes belowground primary productivity, decomposition, and surface elevation change data from a two-year mesocosm experiment from 2012 to 2014. We conducted experimental greenhouse manipulations of atmospheric CO2 (double ambient CO2) and sediment deposition to simulate a land-falling hurricane under future climate conditions. Experimental greenhouse conditions mimicked a land

Hydrologic metrics, biological metrics, R scripts, and model archives associated with regression analyses used to quantify relations between altered hydrological and biological responses in rivers of Minnesota, 1945-2015

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) conducted a cooperative study to develop linear regression models that quantify relations among 173 hydrologic explanatory metrics in five categories (duration, frequency, magnitude, rate-of-change, and timing) computed from streamgage records and 132 biological response metrics in six categories (composition, habi

Groundwater data and age information from samples collected in Minnesota (ver. 2.0, January 2024)

Groundwater age distributions and susceptibility to natural and anthropogenic contaminants were assessed for selected wells, streambed piezometers, and springs in southeastern Minnesota. The data provide information to understand how long it will take to observe groundwater quality improvements from best management practices implemented at land surface to reduce losses of nitrate (and other chemic

Source Identification of Mercury and Methylmercury using Stable Isotope Analysis in the Fox River, WI

The lower Fox River in Wisconsin is a heavily industrialized system and the major tributary to Green Bay within Lake Michigan. The region has been a listed as Area of Concern by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), indicating severe impairment of the ecological health of the system. Remedial action has taken place along the river to remove extensive polychlorinated biphenyl (

Submersed Macrophyte Biomass Estimates in Pools 4, 8 and 13 of the Upper Mississippi River, 1998-2018

System-scale restoration efforts within the Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program have included annual monitoring of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) since 1998 in four representative reaches spanning approximately 440 river km. We developed predictive models relating monitoring data (site-scale SAV abundance indices) to diver-harvested SAV biomass, used the models to back-estimate annual

Total phosphorus and total dissolved phosphorous released from Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) and Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) as they contribute to leachable phosphorus in leaf litter and impact phosphorus loads in urban stormwater

The data set contains results from leaf litter samples analyzed for total phosphorus (TP) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) released from Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) and Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) leaves in three medium-density urban residential basins in Madison, WI, USA during October and November of 2017 and 2018. Tables contain averages and standard deviations for all replicates

Water quality and atmospheric carbon dioxide data for field application of carbon dioxide during summer 2018 as a behavioral control method for invasive red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in southeastern Michigan water retention ponds.

This study evaluated carbon dioxide (CO2) injected into water as a possible behavioral stimulant to enhance capture and removal of invasive red swamp crayfish (RSC, Procambarus clarkii Girard, 1852) from a retention pond in southeastern Michigan. Objectives of this study were to (1) determine if target CO2 concentrations were attainable within the infested pond, and (2) determine if CO2 treatment
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