The effects of 28-day exposure to elevated C02 on survival, growth and condition of the juvenile life stage of Lampsilis siliquoidea and Lampsilis higginsii mussels
In study AEH-14-COr02, Lampsilis siliquoidea juveniles were exposed to four treatments of CO2, ranging from 43 to 266 mg/L, for 28 days, followed by 17 days post-exposure in untreated water. The resultant median lethal concentration of CO2 that caused 50% mortality (LC50) was 78 ±13 mg/L. The targeted field concentration of a CO2 barrier is 70-80 mg/L. The present study intends to repeat the previous study, with a narrower range of CO2 test concentration around the target field concentrations (25 to 100 mg/L). Juveniles of the federally endangered mussel, L. higginsii will be tested concurrently with juvenile L. siliquoidea mussels. The previous study measured survival, shell growth and behavior at 28 day and at 17 d post exposure. The present study will include additional measure of targeted gene activity. Measurements of water quality (D.O., pH, and temperature) and will be taken daily in each test tank. CO2 concentrations will be measured (mg/L) and calculated (µatm) twice a week in all test tanks.
Determine the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations for 28-days on the survival of juvenile unionid mussels.
Determine the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations for 28 days on behavior, and shell growth.
Determine the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations for 28 days on expression of genes that regulate shell growth, stress and pH balance.

In study AEH-14-COr02, Lampsilis siliquoidea juveniles were exposed to four treatments of CO2, ranging from 43 to 266 mg/L, for 28 days, followed by 17 days post-exposure in untreated water. The resultant median lethal concentration of CO2 that caused 50% mortality (LC50) was 78 ±13 mg/L. The targeted field concentration of a CO2 barrier is 70-80 mg/L. The present study intends to repeat the previous study, with a narrower range of CO2 test concentration around the target field concentrations (25 to 100 mg/L). Juveniles of the federally endangered mussel, L. higginsii will be tested concurrently with juvenile L. siliquoidea mussels. The previous study measured survival, shell growth and behavior at 28 day and at 17 d post exposure. The present study will include additional measure of targeted gene activity. Measurements of water quality (D.O., pH, and temperature) and will be taken daily in each test tank. CO2 concentrations will be measured (mg/L) and calculated (µatm) twice a week in all test tanks.
Determine the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations for 28-days on the survival of juvenile unionid mussels.
Determine the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations for 28 days on behavior, and shell growth.
Determine the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations for 28 days on expression of genes that regulate shell growth, stress and pH balance.