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The Upper Midwest Water Science Center collects, analyzes, and distributes data on a variety of water-related issues and resources. Much of our data is publicly available through the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS).

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Data and model archive for multiple linear regression models for prediction of weighted cyanotoxin mixture concentrations and microcystin concentrations at three recurring bloom sites in Kabetogama Lake in Minnesota

Multiple linear regression models were developed using data collected in 2016 and 2017 from three recurring bloom sites in Kabetogama Lake in northern Minnesota. These models were developed to predict concentrations of cyanotoxins (anatoxin-a, microcystin, and saxitoxin) that occur within the blooms. Virtual Beach software (version 3.0.6) was used to develop four models: two cyanotoxin mixture (MI

Long-term mean annual total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads estimated using Fluxmaster 5-parameter models and detrended to 2012, Midwest Region of the United States, 1999-2014

This USGS data release contains long-term mean annual total nitrogen and total phosphorus load estimates, and the model coefficients used to obtain the load estimates, for streams in the Midwest Region of the United States. The loads were estimated using the Fluxmaster program (Schwarz and others, 2006, with a 5-parameter model and detrending to 2012 following

OFR 2021-1008 MODEL OUTPUT: Soil-Water-Balance net infiltration and irrigation water use output datasets for the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer System, 1915 to 2018

This data release includes four sets of gridded annual net infiltration (groundwater recharge) and irrigation water use data sets for the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer System (MERAS).Also included are gridded water balance component data sets of precipitation, runoff, actual evapotranspiration, and soil-water storage for 2000 to 2018. The net infiltration, irrigation, runoff, actual evapo

Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) data from instream water and sediment passive samplers, stream bank sediment, and catch basin sediment in the Clinton River Area of Concern, Michigan, USA, 2019

Two types of passive samplers for polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) analysis were deployed in the Clinton River Area of Concern in 2019: semipermeable membrane devices for water and in-stream sediment samplers. Samplers were deployed in July 2019 and retrieved in August 2019. Additionally, bank sediment samples for PCB analysis were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in August 2019 and ca

PEST++ Version 5.0 source code, pre-compiled binaries and example problem

PEST++ Version 5 software release. This release includes ASCII format C++11 source code, precompiled binaries for windows 10 and linux, and inputs files the example problem shown in the report

Suspended-sediment and sand concentrations, streamflow, acoustic data, linear regression models, and loads for the Lower Minnesota River, 2012-2019

A series of linear regression models were developed and calibrated for two Lower Minnesota River sites. The linear regression models were either calibrated using acoustic or streamflow data to estimate suspended-sediment or sand concentration data. Data were collected during calendar years 2012 through 2019. The estimates of suspended-sediment and concentrations from the linear regression were use

Heuristic MODFLOW models used to evaluate the effects of pumping groundwater from confined aquifers overlain by till confining units

This groundwater-flow model archive contains heuristic model simulations evaluating the sustainability of groundwater withdrawals from public-water-supply wells on buried glacial aquifers. A total of 40 steady-state simulations and three transient simulations were run. The steady-state simulations were developed to assess the extent and connections between buried sand aquifers by varying three h

Mercury concentrations and isotopic compositions in biota and sediments from the Hannibal Pool of the Ohio River

The Hannibal Pool of the Ohio River is heavily industrialized and receives direct effluent discharges from coal power plants, chlor-alkali plants, and sewage treatment facilities. Mercury (Hg) is a contaminant of concern due to the risk of bioaccumulation at wildlife refuges also located within this region. Mercury concentrations and isotopes compositions were measured to assess the levels and sou

Bottom sediment chemical data at rivermouths and harbors along western Lake Michigan, USA, 2016

Streambed sediment samples were collected in October 2016 from streams tributary to Wisconsin?s western Lake Michigan shoreline. Streams included two Areas of Concern (AOCs), two non-AOC comparisons, and two additional non-AOC study areas. Within the Milwaukee Estuary AOC, samples were collected from the Milwaukee River (three subsites), the Menomonee River (two subsites), the Kinnickinnic River (

Arsenic, manganese, and pH groundwater quality data, selected well construction characteristics, and aquifer assignments for wells in the conterminous U.S.

This data release contains groundwater-quality data for three parameters of interest (arsenic, manganese, and pH) and well information for sample sites for aquifers in the conterminous U.S. Water-quality data and well information were derived from a dataset compiled from three sources: the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Information System (NWIS), the U.S. Environmental Protection Age

Stormwater-quality data for lined permeable pavement systems in Madison, WI, from September 2016 through July 2018

This dataset describes water-quality data measured from the parking lot influent and underdrain and overflow effluent from the porous asphalt, pervious concrete, and permeable interlocking concrete paver test plots in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Data include precipitation statistics; influent, overflow, and underdrain volumes; and concentrations and loads of total and dissolved forms of solids, nutri
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