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Below is a list of available CRRL peer reviewed and published science.

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Olfactory sensitivity of Pacific Lampreys to lamprey bile acids

Pacific lampreys Lampetra tridentata are in decline throughout much of their historical range in the Columbia River basin. In support of restoration efforts, we tested whether larval and adult lamprey bile acids serve as migratory and spawning pheromones in adult Pacific lampreys, as they do in sea lampreys Petromyzon marinus. The olfactory sensitivity of adult Pacific lampreys to lamprey bile aci
T. Craig Robinson, Peter W. Sorensen, Jennifer M. Bayer, James G. Seelye

Pilot study to access the role of Ceratomyxa shasta infection in mortality of fall-run Chinook smolts migrating through the lower Klamath River in 2008

Apparent survival and migration rate of radio-tagged hatchery subyearling Chinook salmon released at Iron Gate Hatchery was monitored in the Klamath River to see if the timing of mortality coincided with observations of ceratomyxosis in re-captured coded wire tag cohorts. Despite rapid emigration, these relatively large (mean fork length 92 mm) smolts had a cumulative apparent survival to the estu
Scott Foott, Greg Stutzer, R. Fogerty, Hal Hansel, Steven Juhnke, John W. Beeman

Adult chinook salmon passage at Little Goose Dam in relation to spill operations

Spill patterns at Little Goose Dam in 2007 were modified in anticipation of a spillway weir installation intended to improve downstream passage of juvenile salmonids. However, in spill pattern was associated with reduced daily counts of adult salmon passing the dam. Consequently, the behaviors and upstream passage times of radio-tagged adult spring–summer Chinook salmon were evaluated in response
M.A. Jepson, C.C. Caudill, T.S. Clabough, C.A. Peery, J.W. Beeman, S. Fielding

Mapping and monitoring Mt. Graham Red Squirrel habitat with GIS and thematic mapper imagery

To estimate the Mt. Graham red squirrel (MGRS) population, personnel visit a proportion of middens each year to determine their occupancy (Snow in this vol.). The method results in very tight confidence intervals (high precision), but the accuracy of the population estimate is dependent upon knowing where all the middens are located. I hypothesized that there might be areas outside the survey boun
James R. Hatten, John L. Koprowski

Survival and migration behavior of juvenile salmonids at McNary Dam, 2006

During 2006, we used acoustic telemetry and a route-specific survival model (RSSM, Skalski et al. 2002) to estimate behavior, passage, and survival of juvenile salmonids during two different spill operations and diel periods at McNary Dam. An evaluation of 12-h versus 24-h spill was proposed for the spring migration period at McNary Dam. However, high river discharge did not allow for the 12-h spi

Survival and migration behavior of juvenile coho salmon in the Klamath River relative to discharge at Iron Gate Dam, Northern California, 2007

This report describes a study of survival and migration behavior of juvenile coho salmon in the Klamath River relative to discharge at Iron Gate Dam in 2006. This was the second year of a multi-year study with the goal of determining the effects of discharge at Iron Gate Dam on survival of juvenile coho salmon downstream. The study was a collaborative effort among U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.
John W. Beeman, Greg Stutzer, Steve Juhnke, Nicholas Hetrick

White Sturgeon Passage at The Dalles Dam

Researchers at the USGS Western Fisheries Research Center's Columbia River Research Laboratory, working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, sought to better understand upstream and downstream passage of white sturgeon at dams. A study at The Dalles Dam provided the opportunity to compare two fish ladders; one that passes sturgeon upstream to one that does not, to determine if subtle differences

Survival and migration behavior of juvenile salmonids at Lower Granite Dam, 2006

We described behavior and estimated passage and survival parameters of juvenile salmonids during spring and summer migration periods at Lower Granite Dam in 2006. During the spring, the study was designed to examine the effects of the Behavioral Guidance Structure (BGS) by using a randomized-block BGS Stored / BGS Deployed treatment design. The summer study was designed to compare passage and surv
John W. Beeman, Scott D. Fielding, Amy C. Braatz, Tamara S. Wilkerson, Adam C. Pope, Christopher E. Walker, Jill M. Hardiman, Russell W. Perry, Timothy D. Counihan

White sturgeon mitigation and restoration in the Columbia and Snake rivers upstream from Bonneville Dam, Annual Progress Report April 2006 - March 2007. Report C

Describe reproduction and early life history characteristics of white sturgeon populations in the Columbia River between Bonneville and Priest Rapids dams. Define habitat requirements for spawning and rearing white sturgeon and quantify the extent of habitat available in the Columbia River between Bonneville and Priest Rapids dams. Progress updates on young-of-the-year recruitment in Bonneville Re
M.J. Parsley, P. Kofoot
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