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Data and analytical type-curve match for selected hydraulic tests at an earthen dam site in Southern Westchester County, New York

August 29, 2019

This data release contains water level displacement data and analytical type-curve matches for selected hydraulic tests that support USGS Open-File Report 2019-1102, "Slug-test analysis of selected wells at an earthen dam site in southern Westchester County, New York."

In 2005, the U.S. Geological Survey began a cooperative study with New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) to characterize the local groundwater-flow system and identify potential sources of seeps on the southern embankment of the Hillview Reservoir in southern Westchester County, New York. The earthen embankment comprises low-permeability glacial clays that were excavated from the site and rest on a veneer of low-permeability glacial deposits that overlie crystalline bedrock. At least two groundwater-flow zones-one shallow and the other deep-overlie the bedrock at the reservoir. Slug-test data were collected from 12 wells at the Hillview Reservoir during August 2007 and from 25 wells at the reservoir and 1 monitoring well south of the reservoir in northern Bronx County in June 2012. Slug-test data from the 38 screened wells were analyzed using the Bouwer and Rice (1976) method to determine the hydraulic conductivity of the sediments in the groundwater-flow zones. The hydraulic conductivity was determined for one well from slug-test data collected by consultants that was published September 2002.

Publication Year 2019
Title Data and analytical type-curve match for selected hydraulic tests at an earthen dam site in Southern Westchester County, New York
DOI 10.5066/P9J404KW
Authors Michael L Noll, Steven A Chu, Jeremy J. Chu, William D Capurso
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization New York Water Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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