Humpback chub spring and fall capture histories in the Little Colorado River, 2009-2019
These data were compiled to examine rates of skipped migration in adult humpback chub that spawn in the Little Colorado River (LCR). These data include mark-recapture information from the lower 13.56 kilometers of the LCR and from the Colorado River, from river kilometer 105.5-145.7 downstream of Glen Canyon Dam. Data also include detections from a multiplexer array (MUX) that is located in the LCR and from submersible PIT tag antennas that are deployed in parts of the Colorado River. These data are capture histories that include both spring and fall sampling events that occurred between spring 2009 and spring 2019. Capture histories can include information about size (small adults being 200-249mm total length and large adult being greater than 250mm total length) and sex/ripeness (captured as a ripe male, a ripe female, or nonripe fish).
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2021 |
Title | Humpback chub spring and fall capture histories in the Little Colorado River, 2009-2019 |
DOI | 10.5066/P95KA0XI |
Authors | Maria C Dzul |
Product Type | Data Release |
Record Source | USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) |
USGS Organization | Southwest Biological Science Center - Flagstaff, AZ, Headquarters |
Rights | This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal |