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Leadership Lending Library

Over 400 leadership and management book titles are available to USGS employees through the USGS Library.

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Library books


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Title Author(s)
1001 Ways to Energize Employees Bob Nelson
1001 Ways to Reward Employees Bob Nelson
212 The Extra Degree Sam Parker
30 Days To A Better Boss The Arbinger Institute
30 Days To A Simpler Life Conie Cox, Chris Evatt
30 Days To Better Coworkers The Arbinger Institute
30 Days To Getting Out Of The Box The Arbinger Institute
5 Dysfunctions of a Team Patrick Lencioni
5 Temptations of a CEO Patrick Lencioni
7 Acts of Courage ‐ Bold Leadership for a Wholehearted Life Robert E. Staub
7 Aspects of Sisterhood Debra J. Gawrych
7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R. Covey
7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave Leigh Branham
7 Moments ...that define excellent leaders Lee J. Colan
9 Natural Laws of Leadership Warren Blank

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Title Author(s)
Abilene Paradox Jerry B. Harvey
Accountability Theo Brooks
Accountability Revolution Mark Samuel
Accountable Leader Brian Dive
Action Coaching Peter Cairo
Action Learning   David Dotlich, James Noel
Action Learning - for Developing Leaders and Organizations Michael J. Marquardt, J. Skipton Leonard, Arthur M. Freedman, Claudia C. Hill
Active Life Parker Palmer
Adversity Advantage Paul G. Stoltz, Erik Weihenmayer
Age of Unreason Charles Handy
Aging Workforce Jerry Hedge, Walter Borman, Steven Lammlein
All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten David Dotlich
Analyzing Performance Problems Robert F. Mager, Peter Pipe
Anatomy of a Leader Carl Mays
Anatomy of Change Richard Strozzi Heckler
Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict The Arbinger Institute
Angels Among Us The Arbinger Institute
Appreciative Inquiry David Cooperider, Diana Whitney
Appreciative Inquiry Handbook David Cooperider, Diana Whitney, Jacqueline M. Stavros
Architecture Of All Abundance Lenedra J. Carroll
Are We Communicating Yet? Carl Mays
Art of Communicating Bert Decker
Art of Mentoring Shirley Peddy PhD
Art of Possibility Ben Zander
Art of The Long View Peter Schwartz
Artists Way Julia Cameron
Ask And You Will Succeed Ken D. Foster
ASTD Reference Guide to Workplace Learning And Performance William J. Rothwell, Henry J. Sredl
Attitude Your Internal Compass  Denis Waitley, Boyd Matheson
Authentic Happiness Martin Seligman

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Title Author(s)
Be A People Person John C. Maxwell
Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader Craig E. Runde, Tim A. Flanagan
Becoming a Person of Influence John C. Maxwell, Jim Dornan
Behavioral Coaching Suzanne Skiffington, Perry Zeus
Best Kept Secrets in Government Al Gore
Best of Successories Katherine Karvelas
Best Practices for Succession Planning  Mark R. Sobol, Phil Harkins, Terence Conley
Better Together Robert Putnam, Kim Daus, Lewis M. Feldstein, Don Cohen
Beyond Spin Markos Kounalakis, Drew Banks
Beyond the Myths And Magic of Mentoring Margo Marral, Marna A. Owen
Beyond The Wall of Resistance  Rick Maurer
Beyond Words Milly R. Sonneman
Bird by Bird Ann Lamett
Black Butterfly Richard Moss M.D.
Book Of Metaphors Volume II Machael A. Gass, PhD
Bootstrap Words Maura Beatty
Bounce! Barry J. Moltz
Bringing Out the Best in People Aubrey C. Daniels
Brothers We Are Not Professionals John Piper
Building Beehives Seth Kahan
Building Character Gene Klann
Building Conflict Competent Teams Craig E. Runde, Tim A. Flanagan
Built To Last James C Collins, Jerry l. Porras
Business Tale: Story of Ethics Choices Success Tale Marianne M. Jennings

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Title Author(s)
Call to Conscience Clayborne Carson, Kris Shepherd, and Andrew Young
Can You Believe Your Eyes? Block and Yuker
Care Packages of the Workplace Barbara Glanz
Caught in the Middle Richard C. Longworth
Change Anything Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Marfield, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler
Change At the Core - Unleash Your Team's Energy To Drive Results Wend Mack, Myron Radio
Change Cycle Ann Salerno
Change Your Questions, Change Your Life Marilee Adams
Coaching and Mentoring Harvard Business School Press
Coaching for Improved Work Performance Ferdinand Fournies
Co-Active Coaching Laura Whitworth, Henry Kimsey-House, Phil Sandahl
Collaborative Environmental Management Tomas Koontz, Toddi Steelman, JoAnn Carmin, Cassandra Moseley, and Craig Thomas
Crucibles of Leadership Robert J. Thomas

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Title Author(s)
Dance of Change Peter M. Senge and George Roth
Death by Meeting Patrick Lencioni
Death in the Marsh Tom Harris
Developing High Performance People Barbara P. Mink, Keith Q. Owen, and Oscar Mink
Developing Leaders Catherine Fitzgerald, Linda Kirby
Developing the Leaders Around You John C. Maxwell
Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture Kim S. Cameron and Robert E. Quinn
Diamond Cutter Geshe Michael Roach, ‎Lama Christie McNally
Difficult Conversations Douglas F. Stone, ‎Douglas Stone, ‎Bruce Patton
Do You Really Need A Team? CCL, Michael E. Kossler, Kim Kanga

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Title Author(s)
Elusive Obvious Moshe Feldenkrais
Empowerment Jimmy D. Bayes
Encouraging the Heart James M. Kouzes, ‎Barry Z. Posner
Encyclopedia of Positive Questions Diana Kaplin Whitney, ‎David L. Cooperrider, ‎Brian S. Kaplin
Enlightened Leadership Ed Oakley, ‎Doug Krug
EQ Edge Steven J. Stein, PhD, Howard E. Book M.D.

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Title Author(s)
First Four Weeks Michael Corum
Fish! Stephen C. Lundin
Fish! Sticks Stephen C. Lundin
Fish! Tales Stephen C. Lundin
Flight of the Buffalo James A. Belasco, ‎Ralph C. Stayer
Force for Change John P. Kotter
Four Agreements Miguel Ruiz
Four Agreements Companion Book Miguel Ruiz, Janet Mills
Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive Patrick Lencioni
FYI For Your Improvement Michael M. Lombardo, ‎Robert W. Eichinger

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Title Author(s)
General Theory of Love Thomas Lewis, ‎Fari Amini, ‎Richard Lannon
Generations Working Together Laura Bernstein
Gentle Art of Mentoring Donna Otto
Getting to Yes - Negotiating Agreement without Giving In Roger Fisher, William Ury
Good to Great Jim Collins
Growing Leaders Steve Yearout, Gerry Miles with Richard Koonce
Gung Ho!  Ken Blanchard, Bowles

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Title Author(s)
Hand Up Association for Women in Science
Handbook of Coaching Ting and Scisco
Handbook of Leadership Development Ellen Van Velsor, ‎Cynthia D. McCauley, ‎Marian N. Ruderman
Hodge's Harbrace College Handbook Whitten, Hosner, Webb
Hard Wired Leadership - Unleashing The Power of Personality to Become A New Millennium Leader Roger R. Perman
Harvard Business Review on Change Harvard Business School Press
Healing the Wounds - Overcoming The Trauma of Layoffs and Revitalizing Downsized Organizations David M. Noer
Heart of an Executive Richard D. Phillips
Heart of Change - Real Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations John P. Kotter, Dan S. Cohen
Heart of Coaching Thomas G. Crane
Heart of Leadership Robert E. Staub, II
Heart of Mentoring - Ten Proven Principles for Developing People to Their Fullest Potential Dave A. Stoddard with Robert J. Tamasy
Heart's Code Paul Pearsall, PhD
High Flyers - Developing the Next Generation of Leaders Morgan W. McCall, Jr.
Holding Sacred Ground Carl D. Glickman
How Our Lives Become Stories: Making selves Paul John Eakin
How Successful People Think John C. Maxwell
How to Be A Star At Work Robert E. Kelley
How to Coach an Effective Team Micki Holliday, Joe Gilliam
How to Form a Team Kim Kanaga, Michael F. Kossler
How to Give It So They Get It Sharon Bowman
How to Launch a Team Kim Kanaga, Sanya Prestridge
How to Manage Your Boss Christopher Hegarty
How to Talk So People Listen Sonya Hamlin
How We Choose to be Happy Rick Foster and Greg Hicks
HR Scorecard Brian E. Becker, Mark A. Huselid, Dave Ulrich
Human Resource Champions Dave Ulrich

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Title Author(s)
Idea Power Van Gundy
If I Live To Be 100 Ellis
I'm OK, You're OK Harris
Improv Wisdom Madson
Improvement Process H. James Harrington
Improving Business Communication Skills Prentice Hall
Improvise This Mark Bergren, ‎Molly Cox
Influence Without Authority Alan Cohen and David Bradford
Influencing with Integrity Laborde
Inner Work of Leaders Mackoff, Wenett
Inside View Ulmer
Internalizing Strengths Kaplan
Intuitive Principle Corwin Press
Invitation Dreamer
It Starts with One Gregersen
It's About Time John Guaspari

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Title Author(s)
John Kotter on What Leaders Really Do Kotter

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Title Author(s)
Kitchen Table Wisdom Naomi, Remen
Know Your Truth Hannegan

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Title Author(s)
Lead Right Ventura
Leader as Coach PDI
Leader of the Future The Drucker Foundation (a compilation of papers)
Leader to Leader The Drucker Foundation (a compilation of papers)
Leaders Bennis, Nanus
Leaders of the Future LTL Inst
Leadership & Self-Deception The Arbinger Institute
Leadership & Spirit CCL
Leadership and the New Science Wheatley
Leadership by the Book Blanchard, Hubels, Hodges
Leadership Challenge Kouzes, Posner
Leadership Education CCL
Leadership Factor Kotter
Leadership for Leaders NAPA
Leadership from the Inside Out Cashman
Leadership is an Art Max DePree
Leadership Jazz Max Dupree
Leadership Machine Lominger
Leadership Moment  Useem
Leadership Mystique DeVries
Leadership Secrets of Atilla the Hun Roberts
Leadership without Easy Answers Belnap, Harvard
Leading Change John Kotter
Leading Dispersed Teams Kossler, Prestridge
Leading for Innovation Hesselblein, Goldsmith, Somerville
Leading Knowledge Management and Learning  Phillips, Bonner
Leading Minds Gardiner
Leading Organizations Through Transition Deetz, Tracy, Simpson
Leading People Rosen
Leading Quietly Badracco
Leading with Authenticity CCL
Leading with Soul Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal
Leading With the Heart Krzyzewski
Leading Without Power Max DePree
Learning From Life CCL
Learning Organizations Handy, Kanter, Koffman, Senge
Learning to Lead Conger
Let Your Life Speak Palmer
Life and Work Antry
Life is More Than Your To Do List Bedrosian
Life Makeovers Richardson
Listening Effectively  Kline
Literary Mind Turner
Living Big Grant
Living Company de Geus
Living the 7 Habits: Courage to Change Stephen R. Covey
Living Your Best Life Laura Berman Fortgang
Love and Profit James A. Autry

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Title Author(s)
Maestro - A Surprising Story About Leading By Listening Roger Nierenberg
Magic of Motivation Katherine Karvelas
Maintaining Team Performance  CCL, Kim Kanaga, Henry Browning
Make Today Count John C. Maxwell
Making Choices Peter Kreeft
Making Common Sense Ron Moore
Making Diversity Work Sondra Thiederman
Making Managers into Leaders Ed Oakley, Doug Krug
Making Mentoring Happen Kathy Lacey
Man Who Discovered Quality Andrea Gabor
Managers as Mentors Chip R. Bell
Managers Communication Handbook David Cottrell
Managers Guide to Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management David Dozier
Managers Short Course Bil and Cher Holton
Managing Conflict with Direct Reports CCL, Barbara Popejoy, Brenda J. McManigle
Managing Conflict with Your Boss CCL, Davida Sharpe, Elinor Johnson
Managing Conflict with Your Peers CCL, Talula Cartwright
Managing in a Time of Great Change Peter Drucker
Managing Quality Through Teams Lawrence W. Miller
Managing Succession and Developing Leadership Ralph Bledsoe
Managing the Dream Warren Bennis
Managing with Carrots Chester Elton
Man's Search for Meaning Viktor E. Frankl
Masterful Coaching (w/Participant Workbook) Hargrove
Maximizing the Value of 360 Feedback CCL
Mentor Leader Tony Dungy with Nathan Whitaker
Mentoring Crisp
Mentoring 101 Maxwell
Mentoring and Diversity Thomas Landefeld
Mentoring for Success AMI
Mentoring Millennials Egeler
Mentor's Guide Lois J. Zachary
Mindful Coach Silsbe
Miracles of Mentoring Dortsch
Mistakes Were Made (but not by me) Tavris, Aronsin
Monday Morning  Leadership for Women Sokolsky
Monday Morning Leadership Cottrell
Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Sharma
Moral Issues in Business Shaw, Berry
Motivating Today's Employees Successories Lib
My Grandfather's Blessings Remen
Myths to Live By Campbell

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Title Author(s)
Never Eat Alone Ferrazzi
New Leaders Jossey Bass
Next Generation Leader Stanley
Nine Lives Cantando, Zuckerman
No Contest Kohn
Now, Discover Your Strengths Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton
Nuts n' Bolts Leadership Dr. Jim Bohn

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Title Author(s)
On Becoming a Leader Warren Bennis
On Leadership John W. Gardner
One day Marketing Plan Hiebing, Cooper
Open Space Technology Owen
Organizing Genius Warren Bennis and Patricia Ward Biederman
Other 90% Cooper
Ouch That Stereotype Hurts Leslie C. Aguilar
Our Iceberg Is Melting John Kotter, Holger Rathgeber
Oz Principle Connors, Smith, Hickman

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Title Author(s)
Paper Airplanes Michael McMillan
Paradox of Success Tarcher, Putnam
Peer Today, Boss Tomorrow: Navigating Your Changing Role Laura E. Bernstein
Performance Factor MacMillan
Personal Accountability Miller
Perspectives of Family Communication Turner, West
Phantom Tollbooth Juster
Philosophy Made Simple Doubleday
Pizza and the Art of Life Management Beatty
Planning and Managing PR Campaigns Gregory
Pleasure Prescription Pearsall
Portable Coach Leonard
Positive Discipline Harvey, Sioms
Power and Influence Kotter
Power Mentoring Ensher, Murphy
Power of Appreciative Inquiry Whitney, Trostan, Bloom
Power of Full Engagement Loehr, Schwartz
Power of Goals Karvelas
Power of Minds at Work Albrecht
Power of Partnership Eisler
Power of Patience Ryan
Power of Personal Storytelling Maguire
Power of Purpose Leider
Power of Resilience Brooks, Goldstein
Power of Serving Others Morsch, Nelson
Power Up  Bradford, Cohen
Power vs. Force Hawkins
Practical Coach Caproni
Practice What You Preach Maister
Presence Senge, Schumer, Jaworski, Flowers
Presenting With Pizzazz Bowman
Principle Centered Leadership Stephen Covey
Productive Workplaces Weisbord
Public Relations Kitchen
Pulling Together Murphy

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Title Author(s)
Quality is Free Crosby
Quality Or Else Dobyns, Crawford-Mason
Quality: the Myth, the Magic Westland

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Title Author(s)
Ready for Anything Allen
Real People, Real Work Cheany, Cotter
Real Power ‐ Business Lessons from the Tao Te Ching Aufry, Mitchell
Reinvention of Work Fox
Renaissance Soul Lobenstine
Responsible Restructuring Cascio
Responsible Science National Academy Press
Results Based Leadership Ulrich, Zenger, Smallwood
Retiring the Generation Gap Deal
Rule #1 Successories
Running with the Giants Maxwell

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Title Author(s)
Safe Place for Dangerous Truths Simmons
Servant Hunter
Service Within Albrecht
Setting Development Goals CCL
Setting Priorities CCL
Seven Life Lessons of Chaos Briggs, Peat
Shapeshifting Perkins
Shockproof Jacobs, Sheridan, Gonzales
Silos, Politics and Turf Wars Lencioni
Simplicity Thomas
Simplicity Jensen
Simplify Your Work Life Elaine St. James
Six Thinking Hats Edward DeBono
Slowing Down the Speed of Life Carlson, Bailey
Social Animal Brooks
Social Intelligence Goleman
Soul of Money Twist
Speak The Truth and Point to Hope Lisa J. Marshall
Speed of Trust Covey
Springboard Denning
Squawk! How to Stop Making Noise and Start Getting Results Travis Bradberry
SQUIRREL Inc. A Fable of Leadership Through Storytelling Stephen Denning 
Stand Up for Your Life Cheryl Richardson
Step Up to Supervisor Full Court Press
Stewardship - Choosing Service Over Self-Interest Peter Block
Story Factor Annette Simmons
Strategy of the Dolphin Dudley Lynch, Paul L. Kardis
Strengths Based Leadership Tom Rath, Barry Conchie
Succeeding with Teams Richard S. Wellins, Dick Schaaf, Kathy Harper Shamo
Successful Coaching Manager Alan M. Mackintosh
Successful Nonverbal Communication Dale G. Leathers
Super-Leadership Charles X. Manz, Henry P. Sims, Jr.
Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership Joseph Jaworski

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Title Author(s)
Take Command - Leadership Lessons From The Civil War Tom Wheeler
Take Time For You Life Cheryl Richardson 
Take Yourself To The Top Laura Berman Fortgang
Taking Aim On Leadership Peter Capezio, Debra Morehouse
Taking Charge - Making the Right Choices Perry Smith
Taming Your Gremlin Rick Carson
Tao of Daily Living John Heider
Task Force - A Team Planning Exercise Effective Strategies Inc.
Team Building - An Exercise in Leadership Robert Maddax
Team Handbook Peter R. Scholtes and Others
Teamwork Glenn Parker
Tempered Radicals - How Everyday Leaders Inspire Change at Work Debra E. Meyerson
Terms of Engagement - Changing The Way We Change Organizations Richard H. Axelrod
Territorial Games - Understanding and Ending Turf Wars at Work Annette Simmons
The 17 Essential Qualities Of A Team Player John C. Maxwell
The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership John C. Maxwell
The 360 Leader John C. Maxwell
The 3rd Alternative Steven R. Covey
Thinking For A Change John C. Maxwell
Time Management  In An Instant Karen Leland, Keith Bailey
Tipping Point - How Little Thinks Can  Make A Big Difference Malcolm Gladwell
Tongue Fu! How to Deflect, Disarm and Defuse Any Verbal Conflict Sam Horn
Toxic Success Paul Pearsall, PhD
Trainers Pocketbook John Townsend
Transferring Learning to Behavior Donald Kirkpatrick, James D. Kirkpatrick
Transforming Your Leadership Culture John B. McGuire and Gary B. Rhodes
Transparency - How Leaders Create A Culture of Candor Warren Bennis, Daniel Goleman, James O'Toole with Patricia Ward Biederman
Truth About Leadership James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner
Tuesdays with Morrie - An old man, a young man and life's greatest lesson Mitch Albom
Turning Dreams Into Success Bunny and Larry Holman
Turning Inward Cheryl Richardson
Turning Outsiders Into Insiders - How To Turn Nontraditional Workers Into A Committed Workforce Frank Sennett
Turning To One Another Marquart J. Wheatley

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Title Author(s)
Understanding Disability Jaeger, Bowman
Understanding Leadership Competencies Patricia Guggenheimer, Mary Diana Szulc
Unfolding Meaning David Bohm
Up Is Not The Only Way Beverly L. Kaye
Using An Art Technique To Facilitate Leadership Development Cheryl DeCiantis
Using Your Executive Coach E. Wayne Hart, Karen Kirkland

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Title Author(s)
Versatile Leader Bob Kaplin, Rob Kaiser

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Title Author(s)
Walk The Talk and Get The Results You Want Eric Harvey and Al Lucia
What It Took - A History of the USGS EROS Data Center Rebecca L. Johnson
When "IT" Happens at Work Julie M. Smith, PhD
Who Moved My Cheese Spencer Johnson M.D.
Why Teams Don't Work Robbins, Finley
Woman's Guide to Savvy Investing Marsha Bertrand
Words That Change Minds Shelle Rose Charvet
Working In Indian Country Larry D. Keown
World Waiting to Be Born M. Scott Peck, M.D.
Worlds Most Powerful Leadership Principle James C. Hunter

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Title Author(s)
You Are What You Say Matthew Budd M.D., Larry Rothstein Ed.D.
You Can Be Happy No Matter What Richard Carlson PhD

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Title Author(s)
Zapp! The Lightening of Empowerment William Byham and Jeff Cox

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