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USGS Workforce Profile Data Tables

The USGS Workforce Profile Data Tables Excel file contains a wide range of demographics, measures, and metrics in tabular format to be used for workforce planning and analysis. Unless otherwise specified, all data comes from the FPPS (Federal Payroll and Personnel System) Datamart.

USGS Workforce Profile Data Tables (Updated 10/30/2017)

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This data is updated on an annual, Fiscal Year basis.
Use the hot links at the top of each page to easily navigate to the specific data you want to look at. Data includes:

  • List of Standard Workforce Planning Data Elements, Definitions, and Usage
  • Charts of Major Bureau—Level Demographics
  • General Demographics: FTE Usage; Workforce Flexibility: Types of Appointments and Work Schedules; Research Scientists; Supervisory Ratio; Full Performance Level (FPL); Average Grade, Age & Years of Service; Average Annual Salary; Average Cost of Benefits as % of Gross Salary; Retirement Plan Coverage; Gender; Veteran's Preference
  • Grade Distribution of General Schedule Employees
  • Years of Service Distributions
  • Occupational Demographics: Science / Non-Science Groups; Occupational Categories
  • Science Occupation Demographics: Functional Classification; Science Series
  • Metrics and Measures — All and Permanent Employees
    • Average Employment
    • Counts of New Hires and Separations from Federal Service
    • Metrics: Typical Turnover Rate; Separation Rate; Retention Rate; Adjusted Turnover Rate; Net Hire Ratio; Percent of Hires that are Permanent; Resignation Rate of Separations; Involuntary Rate of Separations
  • Retirement Demographics
    • Voluntary Retirements - Eligibles and Actuals, Counts and Percentages; Length of Eligibility (LOE)
    • Special Option Retirements - Counts, Percentages, and LOE
    • Reitrement Projections for Workforce Planning - Counts and Percentages, based on historic Length of Eligibility (LOE) according to series, occupational category, etc.
  • Usage of VERA and VSIP Authorities
  • Separations of Permanent, Non-student Employees by Number of Years of USGS Employement (Not including retirements)


Data Breakouts include:

  • All USGS
  • Science Professionals
  • Science Technicians
  • Mission (AD) and Area (REx) (FY 2011 & Forward)
  • Leadership: SES, SL, ST, GS Grade 15s, GS Grade 14s

(Not all data is available for all breakouts.)


Additional data tables by Occupational Series and Series Groups:

  • Occupational Series and Series Groups, FY 1999-2017; All; Permanent Non-Student; % Permanent Non-Students
  • Retirement Eligibility and Projections, Counts and Percentages
  • Net Hire Ratios, FY 1999-2017; All and Permanent Non-Students
  • Hires, FY 1999-2017; All and Permanent Non-Students
  • Separations, FY 1999-2017; All and Permanent Non-Students
  • Retirements, FY 1999-2017


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