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Publications from the staff of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center

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Sources of the Early Cretaceous plutons in the Turtle and West Riverside Mountains, California

Ages and initial isotopic ratios of Early Cretaceous (˜100 Ma) plutons of the Cordilleran Interior in the southern Turtle and West Riverside mountains distinguish them from Late Cretaceous plutons in surrounding ranges in the eastern Mojave Desert. Furthermore, the studied plutons have isotopic and geochemical characteristics more similar to plutons of Cretaceous age in the coastal batholiths (Pen
C. M. Allen, J. L. Wooden, Keith A. Howard, D.A. Foster, R. M. Tosdal

The role of serpentinite melanges in the unroofing of UHPM rocks: An example from the Western Alps of Italy: Chapter 6

The ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks (UHPM) of the Dora-Maira continental massif are overlain by a stack of oceanic nappes. Metamorphic grade appears to increase downward but with marked discontinuities between each of the nappes, suggesting that section has been removed along the bounding faults. This apparent omission of section is greatest in the lowest oceanic unit where a serpentinite mel
M. Clark Blake, D.E. Moore, A. S. Jayko

Geochemical processes controlling acid-drainage generation and cyanide degradation at Summitville

No abstract available. 
Geoffrey S. Plumlee, Kathleen S. Smith, Elwin L. Mosier, Walter H. Ficklin, Maria R. Montour, Paul Briggs, Allen L. Meier

The importance of geology in understanding and remediating environmental problems at Summitville

No abstract available. 
Geoffrey S. Plumlee, John E. Gray, M. M. Roeber, Mark F. Coolbaugh, Marta J. Flohr, Gene Whitney

Hot-side-up aureole in southwest Yukon and limits on terrane assembly of the northern Canadian Cordillera: Comment and Reply

No abstract available.
V. L. Hansen, D.H. Oliver, Cynthia Dusel-Bacon, Stephen T. Johnston, Philippe Erdmer

Latest Quaternary foraminifers and sediment transport in Pervenets Canyon, Bering Sea

A combination of microfossil and sediment analysis has been used in an attempt to understand oceanographic processes and the late Quaternary history of the Pervenets Canyon region. The primary sedimentation process in Pervenets Canyon is downslope transport. Near the shelfbreak, there is evidence of turbidite and debris-flow activity, but at the distal end of the upper canyon and on the continenta
Scott W. Starratt

The geochemical cycling of stable Pb, 210Pb, and 210Po in seasonally anoxic Lake Sammamish, Washington, USA

The geochemical processes controlling the behavior of stable Pb, 210Pb, and 210po in seasonally anoxic Lake Sammamish, Washington were identified from water column distributions and box model calculations. Total (sum of dissolved and particulate) inventories of stable Pb, 210Pb, and 210Po increased in the whole lake during the latter part of the oxic stage of the lake and were attributed to diffus
Laurie S. Balistrieri, James Murray, Barbara Paul

Geologic map of the Hayward fault zone, Contra Costa, Alameda, and Santa Clara counties, California: A digital database

The Hayward is one of three major fault zones of the San Andreas system that have produced large historic earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Area (the others being the San Andreas and Calaveras). Severe earthquakes were generated by this fault zone in 1836 and in 1868, and several large earthquakes have been recorded since 1868. The Hayward fault zone is considered to be the most probable source
R. W. Graymer, D. L. Jones, E. E. Brabb
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