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Scientific literature and information products produced by Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center staff

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Early Cretaceous shelf-edge deltas of the Baltimore Canyon Trough: principal sources for sediment gravity deposits of the northern Hatteras Basin

We present evidence that the principal sources for Early Cretaceous (Berriasian-Valanginian) gravity-flow deposits of the northern Hatteras Basin were three large shelf-edge deltas located along the outer margin of the Baltimore Canyon Trough, ∼ 100 km southeast of Cape Charles, Virginia, Ocean City, Maryland, and Long Branch, New Jersey. Sedimentary detritus from the central Appalachian highlands
C. Wylie Poag, B. Ann Swift, John S. Schlee, Mahlon M. Ball, Linda L. Sheetz

Major off-axis hydrothermal activity on the northern Gorda Ridge

The first hydrothermal field on the northern Gorda Ridge, the Sea Cliff hydrothermal field, was discovered and geologic controls of hydrothermal activity in the rift valley were investigated on a dive series using the DSV Sea Cliff. The Sea Cliff hydrothermal field was discovered where predicted at the intersection of axis-oblique and axis-parallel faults at the south end of a linear ridge at mid-
Peter A. Rona, Roger P. Denlinger, M. R. Fisk, K. J. Howard, G. L. Taghon, Kim D. Klitgord, James S. McClain, G. R. McMurray, J. C. Wiltshire

U.S. Geological Survey multichannel seismic data: National Energy Research Seismic Library NERSL CD-ROM 1

No abstract available. 
Deborah R. Hutchinson, D. J. Taylor, F. N. Zihlman

Effect of wave-current interaction on wind-driven circulation in narrow, shallow embayments

The effect of wind waves on the steady wind-driven circulation in a narrow, shallow bay is investigated with a two-dimensional (y, z) circulation model and the Grant and Madsen [1979] bottom-boundary layer model, which includes wave-current interaction. A constant wind stress is applied in the along-channel x direction to a channel with a constant cross-sectional profile h(y). The wind-induced flu
Richard P. Signell, Robert C. Beardsley, H. C. Graber, A. Capotondi

Accumulation of bank-top sediment on the western slope of Great Bahama Bank: rapid progradation of a carbonate megabank

High-resolution seismic profiles and submersible observations along the leeward slope of western Great Bahama Bank show large-scale export of bank-top sediment and rapid progradation of the slope during the Holocene. A wedge-shaped sequence, up to 90 m thick, is present along most of the slope and consists of predominantly aragonite mud derived from the bank since flooding of the platform 6-8 ka.
R. Jude Wilber, John D. Milliman, Robert B. Halley

Sediment movement along the U.S. east coast continental shelf-I. Estimates of bottom stress using the Grant-Madsen model and near-bottom wave and current measurements

Bottom stress is calculated for several long-term time-series observations, made on the U.S. east coast continental shelf during winter, using the wave-current interaction and moveable bed models of Grant and Madsen (1979, Journal of Geophysical Research, 84, 1797-1808; 1982, Journal of Geophysical Research, 87, 469-482). The wave and current measurements were obtained by means of a bottom tripod
V.D. Lyne, B. Butman, W.D. Grant

Geological interpretation of combined Seabeam, Gloria and seismic data from Anegada Passage (Virgin Islands, north Caribbean)

The Anegada Passage (sensu lato) includes several basins and ridges from Southeast of Puerto Rico to the corner of the Virgin Islands Platform. Seabeam (Seacarib I) and Gloria long-range sidescan sonar surveys were carried out in this area. These new data allow us to propose an interpretation of the Anegada Passage. Most of the features described are related to wrench faulting: (a) St Croix and Vi
I. Jany, Kathryn M. Scanlon, A. Mauffret

Origin of deep crystal reflections: Seismic profiling across high-grade metamorphic terranes in Canada

In an attempt to better understand the origin of deep crustal reflections LITHOPROBE has sponsored or co-sponsored Seismic reflection surveys across tracts of high-grade metamorphic rock in the Archean Superior craton, the Proterozoic Grenville orogen and the Phanerozoic Cordilleran orogen. Common to these three diverse terranes are near-surface zones of prominent Seismic reflectivity that are typ
A. Green, B. Milkereit, J. Percival, A. Davidson, R. Parrish, F. Cook, W. Geis, W. Cannon, D. Hutchinson, G. West, R. Clowes

GLIMPCE Seismic reflection evidence of deep-crustal and upper-mantle intrusions and magmatic underplating associated with the Midcontinent Rift system of North America

Deep-crustal and Moho reflections, recorded on vertical incidence and wide angle ocean bottom Seismometer (OBS) data in the 1986 GLIMPCE (Great Lakes International Multidisciplinary Program on Crustal Evolution) experiment, provide evidence for magmatic underplating and intrusions within the lower crust and upper mantle contemporaneous with crustal extension in the Midcontinent Rift system at 1100
John C. Behrendt, D. R. Hutchinson, M. Lee, C.R. Thornber, A. Tréhu, W. Cannon, A. Green

Iberian plate kinematics: A jumping plate boundary between Eurasia and Africa

THE rotation of Iberia and its relation to the formation of the Pyrenees has been difficult to decipher because of the lack of detailed sea-floor spreading data, although several models have been proposed1-7. Here we use detailed aeromagnetic measurements from the sea floor offshore of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland to show that Iberia moved as part of the African plate from late Cretaceous to mi
S.P. Srivastava, Hans Schouten, W.R. Roest, Kim D. Klitgord, L.C. Kovacs, J. Verhoef, R. Macnab

Sediment movement along the U.S. east coast continental shelf-II. Modelling suspended sediment concentration and transport rate during storms

Long-term near-bottom wave and current observations and a one-dimensional sediment transport model are used to calculate the concentration and transport of sediment during winter storms at 60-80 m water depth along the southern flank of Georges Bank and in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Calculations are presented for five stations, separated by more than 600 km alongshelf, that have different bottom sedi
V.D. Lyne, B. Butman, W.D. Grant

Variations in the styles of erosion along the Florida Escarpment, eastern Gulf of Mexico

GLORIA sidescan sonographs and Seabeam bathymetric data show morphological differences along the Florida Escarpment which reflect that different erosional styles have been active along different parts of this carbonate platform edge. The northern half of the escarpment is cut by numerous small ravines spaced 1-5 km apart. Its southern half is deeply incised by large box canyons that have flat floo
D. C. Twichell, L.M. Parson, C. K. Paull
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