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Here are documents and images from the 1970s associated with the history of the Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. Click the links to download and view the files. 

EROS Construction

1970 EROS - The Local Story by Dave Stenseth

1971 Aerospace Final Report Phase 1 and 2 Questions Letter

1971 Air Cleanliness in Printer Processing Area Letter

1971 Air Filtration Requirements Meeting Letter

1971 Computer Equipment Planning Letter

1971 Diagrammatic Floor Plans Letter

1971 EROS Design Group (EDG) Letter

1971 For the Record NASA Review of DHB Plans Letter

1971 March Construction Criteria Letter

1971 Square Foot Cost Estimate Letter

1971 Data Handling Building Plans Memo

1971 Contract Execution Notice

1971 EROS Management Assistance Program Presentation

1971 Geologic Analysis of a Multispectrally Processed Apollo Space Photograph Report

1972 Data Handling and Support Facilities Addendum


1970 EROS Sioux Falls Site Announcement

1970 Karl E. Mundt to President Richard Nixon Letter

1970 EROS Data Center Organizational Chart

1970 Selection of Architect-Engineer for EROS Building Letter

1970 William Pecora to NASA EROS Site Letter

1970 Mundt, Curtis and Hickel Location of EROS Letters

1970 Sioux Falls Facility Name Decision Memo

1970 Announcement that Sioux Falls is EROS site

1970 EROS Site Operation Ground Shot Pamphlet

1970 EROS Data Center Sioux Falls Land Donation and Construction Proposal

1970 Projected Uses of Observations of the Earth From Space-The EROS Program of the Department of the Interior Paper

1970s Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) Information Report

1970 EROS Data Center Site High Altitude Images

1970 Corridor from Pacific Ocean to Louisiana Mapped with Apollo Photography News Release

1970 Mapping Cameras in the EROS Program Article

1970 Comparison of Basic Modes for Imaging the Earth Paper

1970 Comparison of 1968 and 1966 Infrared Imagery of Surtsey Article

1970 EROS Organizational Chart

1970 EROS Site Operation Ground Shot Pamphlet

1970 ERTS-A Satellite Imagery Article

1970 Future Applications of Earth Resource Surveys from Space Paper

1971 August Argus Leader Article

1971 Soil Testing and Wells Going Dry Letters

1971 EROS Architecture Engineer Contract

1971 Contract for Professional Services Letter

1971 Sioux Falls Mayor Schirmer Water Supply Letter

1971 Sioux Falls Data Center Amended Contract Letter

1971 EROS Design Group Master Plan Letters

1971 Interim EROS Data Center Location Options Letter

1971 EROS Construction Procedure Letter

1971 Transferring Jurisdiction of Land to DOI Letter

1971 County Commissioners Letter

1971 Preliminary Master Plan Conference Participants List

1971 The EROS Program of the U.S. Department of the Interior Presentation

1971 William Pecora Constructing the EROS Data Center Memo

1971 Proposed Lease Construction Agreement Review

1971 Status of EROS Data Users Center Report

1971 How to Get Started in Remote Sensing Paper

1971 Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) Pamphlet

1971 Earth Resources Data Users Report

1971 Macro Land-Use Mapping With Simulated Space Photos Article

1971 Aerospace Methods of Revealing and Evaluating Earth Resources Paper

1971 Mapping From Space Paper

1971 Mapping the Earth from Space by Alden Colvocoresses Presentation

1971 Air, Space Studies Planned For Southwest Region News Release

1971 Data Center for EROS Program News Release

1971 Earth Surveying Satellites a Must For World Welfare News Release

1971 Resolution, Detectability and Recognizability Paper

1971 The Role of Remotely Sensed and Relayed Data in the Delaware River Basin Report

1971 Value and Validity of Earth Resources Observations From Space Article

1971 EROS Data Center Master Plan Approved News Release

1971 Interior Plays Large Role In Earth Resources Survey Program News Release

1971-1978 EROS Timeline

1972 Ground Breaking Scheduled Today for Earth Resources Satellite Data Center News Release

1972 April 13 Argus Leader EROS Groundbreaking Article

1972 Interior Has Key Role in Earth Resources Satellite Program News Release

1972 Environmental Monitoring from Aircraft and Spacecraft Report

1972 Remote Sensing of Earth Resources Users, Prospects and Plans Paper

1972 Remote Sensing of New York Lakes Article

1972 Status of Remote Sensing Paper

1972 Remote Sensing Studies Planned for Latin America News Release

1972 Yellowstone Hot Spots Revealed on Mosaic News Release

1972 Satellite Data to Help Indian Reservations Development New Release

1972 Role of EROS in Monitoring The Coastal Environment Report

1972 Thematic Mapping in the EROS Program Report

1972 July 24 Argus Leader ERTS Orbiting Poles Article

1972 July 26 Argus Leader Satellite Launch Article

1972-1976 EROS Personnel and Organization Chart

1972-1977 Budget History Chart

1972-1978 Database Growth Diagram

1972 Landsat Historical Computer Compatible Tapes (CCT) Graphic

1972 Space Photography Available to Public News Release

1972 Nimbus IV View of the Major Structural Features of Alaska Report

1972-1973 EROS Customer Profile Graphic

1972 May Chamber of Commerce Newsletter

1972 The EROS Data Center Pamphlet

1972 Cartographic Promises of ERTS-1 Report

1972 ERTS Photography Already Useful Report

1972 Geologic Questions and Results Provided by Early ERTS-1 Data Presentation

1972 Applications of Remote Sensing To Earth Resources Surveys Presentation

1972 Remote Sensing and Advanced Techniques Report

1972 ERTS-A Operations Summary Report

1973 August 5 Argus Leader EROS Worldwide Images Article

1973 August EROS Dedication Newspaper Announcement

1973 Landsat Historical Computer Compatible Tapes (CCT) Graphic

1973 Secretary of the Interior News Release

1973 EROS Opening News Release

1973 EROS Dedication Remarks News Release

1973 Dedication of Karl E. Mundt Federal Building Pamphlet

1973 Karl E Mundt Federal Building Dedication Program

1973 EROS Data Center Pre-Dedication Banquet Program

1973 EROS Data Center Design and Construction Pamphlet

1973 Management and Utilization of Remote Sensing Data Symposium Pamphlet

1973 Remote Sensing and Water Resources Management Pamphlet

1973 Unique Characteristics of ERTS Presentation

1973 November EROS Data Center Program

1973 ERTS Data Fact Sheet

1973 EROS Data Center Mission Description Report

1973 Buried Faults on Atlantic Coast News Release

1973 Space Images of Mississippi Floods News Release

1973 Time Lapse Space View of Mississippi Floods Article

1973 Tennessee Fracture Zone News Release

1973 Concealed Structures in Arctic Alaska Identified on ERTS-1 Imagery Article

1973 Galloping Glaciers Monitored from Space News Release

1973 Iceland Helped by Space Imagery News Release

1973 Studying the Earth from Space Presentation Program

1973-1974 User Services Response Times Graphic

1973-1975 EROS Data Demand Chart

1973-1975 EROS Data Center Statistical Summaries

1973-1975 EROS Data Center Monthly Activity Reports

1973-1979 EROS Data Center Statistics

1974 Argus Leader EROS Data Center Opening Article

1974 May 14 EROS Site Celebrates Century Article

1974 EROS Data Center Financial Investment Chart

1974 Priorities for the Future Chart

1974 EROS Data Center Chronology Charts

1974 EROS Data Center Management Charts

1974 Photo Products Satellite Image Offerings Chart

1974 EROS Data Center Organization Diagrams

1974 Financial Operating Plan Diagram

1974 Earth Resource Technology Satellite (ERTS) System Diagram

1974 EROS Data Center Products and Holdings Diagram

1974 EROS Data Center Computer Terminal Network Diagram

1974 Fiscal Year EROS Financial Operating Plan Graphic

1974 Data Analysis Lab Objective and Equipment List Graphic

1974 EROS Data Center Punch Cards Graphic

1974 EROS Data Center Community Relations Activities Graphic

1974 EROS Data Center Building Layout Graphic

1974 Data Analysis Laboratory Objectives Graphic

1974 EROS Data Center Tourism News Release

1974 EROS A Space Program for Earth Resources Pamphlet

1974 Al Watkins Senate Bills S.2350 and S.3484 Testimony

1974-1977 EROS Data Center Budget Chart

1975 ERTS Puts the Whole Earth Under a Microscope Fortune Article

1975 EROS Data Center Visitor Brochure

1975 Fiscal Year EROS Data Center Financial Plan Chart

1975 EROS Facility Investment Chart

1975 Fiscal Year EROS Data Center Financial Operating Plan Diagram

1975 Fiscal Year EROS Data Center Budget Diagram

1975 Agencies Supplying Data Graphic

1975 Glenn Landis Named Deputy Chief of EROS Data Center Memo

1975 High Resolution Film Recorder News Release

1975 Status and Plans of the DOI EROS Program Report

1975-1980 Fiscal Year Expenditure Diagram

1976 Availability of Earth Resources Data Brochure

1976 Fiscal Year EROS Data Center Budget Diagram

1976 EROS Chronology of Events List

1976 International Remote Sensing Workshops Participants List

1976 First Latin American Remote Sensing Course Held in Argentina Memo

1976 EROS Digital Image Processing System (EDIPS) DOI News Release

1976 The EROS Data Center Economic Impact on a Region Pamphlet

1976 Access Routes to EROS Data Center Pamphlet

1976 An Analysis of the Future Landsat Effort Report

1976 EROS Data Center Data Demand Statistics

1976 EROS Data Center Monthly Production Statistics

1976 Congressional Record Report

1976-1977 Monthly Activity Reports

1977 International Remote Sensing Workshops Announcement

1977 8th and 9th International Remote Sensing Workshops Pamphlet

1977 Standard Remote Sensing Data Price List

1977 9th International Remote Sensing Training Workshop Schedule

1977 Monthly Production Statistics

1974-1980 EROS Data Center Visitor Count

1978 Aerial Mapping Photography Order Form

1978 EROS Digital Image Processing System User Handbook

1978 Geographic Computer Search Inquiry Form

1978 Manual On Characteristics of Landsat Document

1978 Landsat 3 Update Article

1978 Landsat Standard Products Order Form

1978 Manned Spacecraft Photography Order Form

1978 NASA Aircraft Photography Form

1978 EROS Digital Image Processing System (EDIPS) Users Guide Part II

1978 Satellite Image Maps for Sale by the USGS List

1978 Potential Merger of the EROS Data Center Memo

1978 EROS Data Center Pamphlet

1978 EROS Program Factsheet Pamphlet

1978 EROS Data Center Applications Branch Activities Report

1978 Quarterly Product Summary Reports

1978 EROS Program Office Project Research Report

1978 EROS Remote Sensing Projected Training Schedule

1978 10th International Remote Sensing Training Workshop Schedule

1978 Analysis Sessions Summary

1978-1979 Monthly Activity Reports

1978-1991 Landsat Revenue History Charts

1979 July 5 Argus Leader Skylab Article

1979 August 23 Argus Leader Al Watkins Article

1979 December 12 Argus Leader EROS Future Uncertain Article

1979 EROS Data Center Visitor Brochure

1979 EROS Data Center Contracts

1979 Fiscal Year Budget and Income Diagram

1979 Landsat 1 and 2 Data Flow Diagram

1979 Computer Listing Key

1979 EROS Program Reorganization Memo

1979 12th and 13th International Remote Sensing Workshop Pamphlet

1979 Standard Remote Sensing Data Price List

1979 EROS Data Center Study Group First Meeting Report

1979 EROS Data Center Study Group Second Meeting Report

1979 Needed Improvements at EROS Data Center Study Report

1979 December Main Image Files (MIF) and Data Production Statistical

1979 EROS Data Center Budget Distribution Summary

1978 January Landsat Data User Notes

1978 May Landsat Data User Notes

1978 November Landsat Data User Notes

1979 March Landsat Data User Notes

1979 May Landsat Data User Notes

1979 July Landsat Data User Notes


1974 Ethelwyn Pecora Memorial Symposium Letter

1975 October Argus Leader Article

1975 Kelly Richard to Ethelwyn Pecora Invitation Letter

1975 PECORA I Meeting Minutes

1975 PECORA I News Release

1975 PECORA I Program Pamphlet

1975 PECORA I Advance Notice Pamphlet

1975 PECORA I Final Advance Program Pamphlet


1976 PECORA II Proceedings Report


1977 American Association of Petroleum Geologists Letter

1977 PECORA III Program Outline Letter

1977 PECORA III Registration List

1977 PECORA III Planning Session Memo

1977 PECORA III Summary Report


1977 PECORA IV Memo

1978 PECORA IV Announcement

1978 October 1 Argus Leader Article

1978 October 11 Argus Leader Article

1978 October 12 Argus Leader Article

1978 October 13 Argus Leader Article

1978 October 15 Argus Leader Article

1978 Proceedings of Symposium Book pages 1-25

1978 Proceedings of Symposium Book pages 26-99

1978 Proceedings of Symposium Book pages 100-203

1978 Proceedings of Symposium Book pages 204-299

1978 Proceedings of Symposium Book pages 300-397

1978 PECORA IV Program Pamphlet


1979 June 10 Argus Leader Article

1979 June 12 Argus Leader Article

1979 American Water Resource Association (AWRA) Pamphlet

1979 American Water Resource Association (AWRA) Program Pamphlet

1979 PECORA V Satellite Hydrology Reference Material

1979 Remote Sensing Milestones Report