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Earthquake catalog for estimation of maximum earthquake magnitude, Central and Eastern United States: Part B, historical earthquakes

Computation of probabilistic earthquake hazard requires an estimate of Mmax: the moment magnitude of the largest earthquake that is thought to be possible within a specified geographic region. The region specified in this report is the Central and Eastern United States and adjacent Canada. Parts A and B of this report describe the construction of a global catalog of moderate to large earthquakes t
Russell L. Wheeler

Digital topographic data based on lidar survey of Mount Shasta Volcano, California, July-September 2010

The most voluminous of the Cascade volcanoes, northern California’s Mount Shasta, is a massive compound stratovolcano composed of at least four main edifices constructed over a period of at least 590,000 years. An ancestral Shasta volcano was destroyed by Earth’s largest known Quaternary subaerial debris avalanche, which filled Shasta Valley, northwest of the volcano. The Hotlum cone, forming the
Joel E. Robinson

Long Valley Caldera 2003 through 2014: Overview of low level unrest in the past decade

Long Valley Caldera is located in California along the eastern escarpment of the Sierra Nevada Range. The caldera formed about 760,000 years ago as the eruption of 600 km3 of rhyolite magma (Bishop Tuff) resulted in collapse of the partially evacuated magma chamber. Resurgent doming in the central part of the caldera occurred shortly afterwards, and the most recent eruptions inside the caldera occ
Stuart K. Wilkinson, David P. Hill, John O. Langbein, Michael Lisowski, Margaret T. Mangan

Attenuation and scattering tomography of the deep plumbing system of Mount St. Helens

We present a combined 3-D P wave attenuation, 2-D S coda attenuation, and 3-D S coda scattering tomography model of fluid pathways, feeding systems, and sediments below Mount St. Helens (MSH) volcano between depths of 0 and 18 km. High-scattering and high-attenuation shallow anomalies are indicative of magma and fluid-rich zones within and below the volcanic edifice down to 6 km depth, where a hig
Luca De Siena, Christine Thomas, Greg P. Waite, Seth C. Moran, Stefan Klemme

Development of the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for predicting the impact of storms on high-energy, active-margin coasts

The Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) applies a predominantly deterministic framework to make detailed predictions (meter scale) of storm-induced coastal flooding, erosion, and cliff failures over large geographic scales (100s of kilometers). CoSMoS was developed for hindcast studies, operational applications (i.e., nowcasts and multiday forecasts), and future climate scenarios (i.e., sea-lev
Patrick L. Barnard, Maarten van Ormondt, Li H. Erikson, Jodi Eshleman, Cheryl J. Hapke, Peter Ruggiero, Peter Adams, Amy C. Foxgrover

Reducing risk from lahar hazards: Concepts, case studies, and roles for scientists

Lahars are rapid flows of mud-rock slurries that can occur without warning and catastrophically impact areas more than 100 km downstream of source volcanoes. Strategies to mitigate the potential for damage or loss from lahars fall into four basic categories: (1) avoidance of lahar hazards through land-use planning; (2) modification of lahar hazards through engineered protection structures; (3) lah
Thomas C. Pierson, Nathan J. Wood, Carolyn L. Driedger

The impact of static stress change, dynamic stress change, and the background stress on aftershock focal mechanisms

The focal mechanisms of earthquakes in Southern California before and after four M ≥ 6.7 main shocks provide insight into how fault systems respond to stress and changes in stress. The main shock static stress changes have two observed impacts on the seismicity: changing the focal mechanisms in a given location to favor those aligned with the static stress change and changing the spatial distribut
Jeanne L. Hardebeck

Identifying hazards associated with lava deltas

Lava deltas, formed where lava enters the ocean and builds a shelf of new land extending from the coastline, represent a significant local hazard, especially on populated ocean island volcanoes. Such structures are unstable and prone to collapse—events that are often accompanied by small explosions that can deposit boulders and cobbles hundreds of meters inland. Explosions that coincide with colla
Michael P. Poland, Tim R. Orr

Holocene earthquakes and right-lateral slip on the left-lateral Darrington-Devils Mountain fault zone, northern Puget Sound, Washington

Sources of seismic hazard in the Puget Sound region of northwestern Washington include deep earthquakes associated with the Cascadia subduction zone, and shallow earthquakes associated with some of the numerous crustal (upper-plate) faults that crisscross the region. Our paleoseismic investigations on one of the more prominent crustal faults, the Darrington–Devils Mountain fault zone, included tre
Stephen F. Personius, Richard W. Briggs, Alan R. Nelson, Elizabeth R Schermer, J. Zebulon Maharrey, Brian Sherrod, Sarah A. Spaulding, Lee-Ann Bradley

Database for the geologic map of upper Eocene to Holocene volcanic and related rocks in the Cascade Range, Washington

This geospatial database for a geologic map of the Cascades Range in Washington state is one of a series of maps that shows Cascade Range geology by fitting published and unpublished mapping into a province-wide scheme of lithostratigraphic units. Geologic maps of the Eocene to Holocene Cascade Range in California and Oregon complete the series, providing a comprehensive geologic map of the entire
Andrew D. Barron, David W. Ramsey, James G. Smith

Uncertainty estimates in broadband seismometer sensitivities using microseisms

The midband sensitivity of a seismic instrument is one of the fundamental parameters used in published station metadata. Any errors in this value can compromise amplitude estimates in otherwise high-quality data. To estimate an upper bound in the uncertainty of the midband sensitivity for modern broadband instruments, we compare daily microseism (4- to 8-s period) amplitude ratios between the vert
Adam T. Ringler, Tyler L. Storm, Lind S. Gee, Charles R. Hutt, David C. Wilson

Comparative mineral chemistry and textures of SAFOD fault gouge and damage-zone rocks

Creep in the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) drillhole is localized to two foliated gouges, the central deforming zone (CDZ) and southwest deforming zone (SDZ). The gouges consist of porphyroclasts of serpentinite and sedimentary rock dispersed in a foliated matrix of Mg-smectite clays that formed as a result of shearing-enhanced reactions between the serpentinite and quartzofeldspa
Diane E. Moore
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