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This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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A history of lake-level fluctuations for Devils Lake, North Dakota, since the early 1800's

No abstract available.
Gregg J. Wiche, Robert M. Lent, W. F. Rannie, A. V. Vecchia

Soil, plant, and structural considerations for surface barriers in arid environments: Application of results from studies in the Mojave Desert near Beatty, Nevada

The suitability of a waste-burial site depends on hydrologic processes that can affect the near-surface water balance. In addition, the loss of burial trench integrity by erosion and subsidence of trench covers may increase the likelihood of infiltration and percolation, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the site in isolating waste. Although the main components of the water balance may be defi
Brian J. Andraski, David E. Prudic

Test-trench studies in the Amargosa Desert, southern Nevada: Results and application of information to landfill covers in arid environments

As arid sites in the western United States are increasingly sought for disposal of the Nation's hazardous wastes and as volumes of locally generated wastes increase, concern about the potential effect of contaminants on environmental quality is being raised. Studies at the U.S. Geological Survey's Amargosa Desert research site near Beatty, Nevada are being done to evaluate mechanisms that can affe
Brian J. Andraski

Water quality at production wells near artificial-recharge basins in Montebello Forebay, Los Angeles County

No abstract available.
R. A. Schroeder, R. Anders, John K. Böhlke, Robert L. Michel, David W. Metge

Matrix-enhanced degradation of p,p'-DDT during gas chromatographic analysis: A consideration

Analysis of p,p‘-DDT in environmental samples requires monitoring the GC-derived breakdown of this insecticide, which produces p,p‘-DDD and/or p,p‘-DDE, both also primary environmental degradation products. A performance evaluation standard (PES) containing p,p‘-DDT but notp,p‘-DDD or p,p‘-DDE can be injected at regular intervals throughout an analytical sequence to monitor GC degradation. Some U.
W.T. Foreman, Paul M. Gates

Spatial heterogeneity of mercury bioaccumulation by walleye in Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake and the upper Columbia River, Washington

We examined mercury concentration in muscle of walleye Stizostedion vitreum from three reaches in Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake, a reservoir on the Columbia River, and from the upper Columbia River, an area contaminated by wastes from metal mining and associated processing activities. Our objectives were to describe the relation between size and age of walleyes and tissue concentrations of mercury an
M.D. Munn, T.M. Short

Hydrologic indices for nontidal wetlands

Two sets of hydrologic indices were developed to characterize the water-budget components of nontidal wetlands. The first set consisted of six water-budget indices for input and output variables, and the second set consisted of two hydrologic interaction indices derived from the water-budget indices. The indices then were applied to 19 wetlands with previously published water-budget data. Two tril
Robert M. Lent, Peter K. Weiskel, Forest P. Lyford, David S. Armstrong

Pesticides in the San Joaquin River, California: Inputs from dormant sprayed orchards

Rainfall-induced runoff mobilized pesticides to the San Joaquin River and its tributaries during a 3.8-cm rainstorm beginning the evening of 7 February and lasting through the morning of 8 Feb. 1993. Two distinct peaks of organophosphate pesticide concentrations were measured at the mouth of the San Joaquin River. These two peaks were attributed to contrasts between the soil texture, basin size, p
Joseph L. Domagalski, N. M. Dubrovsky, C.R. Kratzer

Results of a prototype surface water network design for pesticides developed for the San Joaquin River Basin, California

A nested surface water monitoring network was designed and tested to measure variability in pesticide concentrations in the San Joaquin River and selected tributaries during the irrigation season. The network design an d sampling frequency necessary for determining the variability and distribution in pesticide concentrations were tested in a prototype study. The San Joaquin River Basin, California
Joseph L. Domagalski

Temporal trends of selected agricultural chemicals in Iowa's groundwater, 1982-1995: Are things getting better?

Since 1982, the Iowa Groundwater Monitoring (IGWM) Program has been used to sample untreated groundwater from Iowa municipal wells for selected agricultural chemicals. This long-term database was used to determine if concentrations of select agricultural chemicals in groundwater have changed with time. Nitrate, alachlor [2-chloro-2′-6′-diethyl-N-(methoxymethyl)-acetanilide], atrazine (2-chloro-4-e
D.W. Kolpin, D. Sneck-Fahrer, G.R. Hallberg, R.D. Libra

Climatic/Hydrologic Oscillations since 155,000 yr B.P. at Owens Lake, California, Reflected in Abundance and Stable Isotope Composition of Sediment Carbonate

Sediment grain size, carbonate content, and stable isotopes in 70-cm-long (∼1500-yr) channel samples from Owens Lake core OL-92 record many oscillations representing climate change in the eastern Sierra Nevada region since 155,000 yr B.P. To first order, the records match well the marine δ18O record. At Owens Lake, however, the last interglaciation appears to span the entire period from 120,000 to
K.M. Menking, J. L. Bischoff, J.A. Fitzpatrick, J.W. Burdette, R. O. Rye

Composite recovery type curves in normalized time from Theis' exact solution

Type curves derived from Theis’ exact nonequilibrium well function solution are proposed for graphical estimation of aquifer hydraulic properties, transmissivity (T), and storage coefficient (S), from water‐level recovery data after cessation of a constant‐rate discharge test. Drawdown (on log scale) is plotted versus the ratio of time since pumping stopped to duration of pumping, a normalized tim
Daniel J. Goode
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