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This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Physical characteristics of stream subbasins in the Hawk Creek-Yellow Medicine River basin, southwestern Minnesota and eastern South Dakota

Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected sites on streams in the Hawk Creek-Yellow Medicine River Basin, located in southwestern Minnesota and eastern South Dakota are presented in this report. The physical characteristics are the drainage area of the subbasin, the percentage area of the subbasin covered only by lakes, the percentage area of the su
Christopher A. Sanocki

Simulation of wastewater effects on dissolved oxygen during low streamflow in the Red River of the North at Fargo, North Dakota, and Moorhead, Minnesota

Pursuant to Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act, both North Dakota and Minnesota identified part of the Red River of the North (Red River) as water-quality limited. The states are required to determine the total maximum daily load (TMDL) that can be discharged to a water-quality limited reach from various pollution sources without contravening water-quality standards (U.S. Environmental Protecti
Edwin A. Wesolowski

Description of the ground-water flow system in the Portland Basin, Oregon and Washington

An increasing dependence on ground-water resources in the Portland Basin has made it necessary for State and local governments to evaluate the capability of the ground-water system to meet present and future demands for water. This report describes the regional ground-water system and provides a conceptualization of the aquifer system. Aquifer geometry, recharge, ground-water flow directions, grou
William D. McFarland, David S. Morgan

Sources and transport of phosphorus in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages

In 1991, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began full implementation of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. The goals of the NAWQA program are to (1) provide a nationally consistent descrip- tion of water-quality conditions for a large part of the Nation's water resources, (2) define long-term trends (or lack of trends) in water quality, and (3) identify, describe, and explain,
Dale M. Robertson

Hydrology of the southeastern Coastal Plain aquifer system in South Carolina and parts of Georgia and North Carolina

The wedge of sediments present beneath the Coastal Plain of South Carolina and adjacent parts of Georgia and North Carolina consists of sand, silt, clay, and limestone. These strata have been subdivided into six regional aquifers: the surficial aquifer, the Floridan aquifer system, the Tertiary sand aquifer, the Black Creek aquifer, the Middendorf aquifer, and the Cape Fear aquifer. Intervening co
Walter R. Aucott

Ground-water quality in the western part of the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages, Wisconsin and Michigan

Ground-water samples were collected during the summer of 1995 from 29 wells in the western part of the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages study unit of the National-Water Quality Assessment Program. Analyses of ground-water samples from these wells were used to provide an indication of waterquality conditions in this heavily used part of the aquifer. Ground-water sa
D. A. Saad

Simulated peak flows and water-surface profiles for Scott Creek near Sylva, North Carolina

Peak flows were simulated for Scott Creek, just upstream from Sylva, in Jackson County, North Carolina, in order to provide Jackson County officials with information that can be used to improve preparation for and response to flash floods along the reach of Scott Creek that flows through Sylva. A U.S. Geological Survey rainfall-runoff model was calibrated using observed rainfall and streamflow dat
B.F. Pope

A three-dimensional method-of-characteristics solute-transport model (MOC3D)

This report presents a model, MOC3D, that simulates three-dimensional solute transport in flowing ground water. The model computes changes in concentration of a single dissolved chemical constituent over time that are caused by advective transport, hydrodynamic dispersion (including both mechanical dispersion and diffusion), mixing (or dilution) from fluid sources, and mathematically simple chemic
Leonard F. Konikow, D.J. Goode, G.Z. Hornberger

Summary of biological and contaminant investigations related to stream water quality and environmental setting in the Upper Colorado River basin, 1938-95

As part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) program, an inventory of the biological and contaminant investigations for the Upper Colorado River Basin study unit was conducted. To enhance the sampling design for the biological component of the program, previous studies about the ecology of aquatic organisms and contaminants were compiled from computerized liter
Jeffrey R. Deacon, Verlin C. Stephens

Arsenic and selenium in soils and shallow ground water in the Turtle Lake, New Rockford, Harvey Pumping, Lincoln Valley, and LaMoure irrigation areas of the Garrison Diversion Unit, North Dakota

The Garrison Diversion Unit project was authorized as part of the Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin program to divert water from Lake Sakakawea to irrigation areas in North Dakota. A special Garrison Commission was created to evaluate an environmental concern that return flow from the irrigation areas might contain metals in toxic concentrations. This report summarizes the results of detailed invest
W.R. Berkas, S.C. Komor

Summary of biological investigations relating to water quality in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages, Wisconsin and Michigan

This report summarizes aquatic biological studies relevant to water-quality assessment that have been done in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages from 1891 to 1996. The objective of the summary was to compile sources of biological data for the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program. The studies are divided into four categories: (1) populations and community structure of
B. C. Scudder, S. J. Rheaume, S.R. Parsons, B. N. Lenz
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