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Hydrologic restoration of the Amite River Diversion Canal (PO-0142): 2017 habitat classification

The Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority works to conserve, restore, create and enhance Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The wetland restoration plans developed specifically require an evaluation of the effectiveness of each coastal wetlands restoration project in achieving long-term solutions to arresting coastal wetlands loss. This data set includes satellite imagery for the Hydro

Trojan Y chromosome strategy for eradication of non-native species data

The Trojan Y Chromosome (TYC) strategy is a promising eradication method for biological control of non-native species. The strategy works by manipulating the sex ratio of a population through the introduction of supermales that guarantee male offspring.

Tracking data for Yellow-billed Loons (Gavia adamsii)

This metadata document describes the data contained in the "rawData" folder of this data package. This data package contains all data collected by the Argos System from 92 satellite transmitters attached to adult Yellow-billed Loons on their breeding range in Arctic Alaska and Canada, 2002-2017. Five data files are included in the "rawData" folder of this data package. Two data files (with identic

Geochemistry and Environmental Tracer Data for Groundwater, Stream Water, and Ferricrete Samples from Handcart Gulch, Colorado

This data release is part of a study examining the use of near-stream groundwater discharge as a tool for Geochemical Exploration. Handcart Gulch is an unmined alpine watershed in Montezuma Mining District in the Colorado Front Range. The streambed is cemented by deep ferricrete deposits. Stream water, groundwater, and ferricrete samples were collected and analyzed to constrain the location of a p

California volcano locations, threat rank and hazard zones

The California volcano locations, threat rank and hazard zones data release contains two shapefiles for download or use as a web map service. The California Volcanic Center Locations shapefile was created to provide a generalized location of volcano hazard sources. The California Volcano Hazard Zones shapefile was created from previously published hazard zone reports. Specific details about each f

Pesticide Constituent Data from the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program Priority Basin Project (GAMA-PBP), 2004 - 2018

The California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program Priority Basin Project (GAMA-PBP) submitted 2,994 samples in 2004-2018 to the USGS National Water Quality Laboratory (NWQL) for analysis of pesticide constituents on NWQL schedules 2003, 2032, or 2033, and 840 samples in 2004-2011 for analysis of pesticide constituents on NWQL schedule 2060. Fram and Stork (2019) describe the GAM

Data on serology results for green turtles with and without fibropapillomatosis from Hawaii and Florida

Fibropapillomatosis (FP) is a tumor disease associated with a herpesvirus (Chelonid herpesvirus 5-ChHV5) that affects mainly green turtles globally. Understanding the epidemiology of FP has been hampered by lack of robust serological assays to monitor exposure to ChHV5. This is due in part to inability to efficiently culture the virus in vitro for neutralization assays. Here, we expressed two glyc

Gruber's Grove Bay Mercury Site Assessment

Mercury (Hg) concentrations and isotopic compositions were collected in sediments, soils, and suspended particulate matter from Gruber's Grove Bay (GGB) and upstream reference sites to inform future remedial efforts. The highest concentrations and isotopic signatures were observed in soils collected from historic water settling ponds from the Badger Army Ammunition Plant (BAAP). Sediments from the

Natural gas and oil drilling disturbance in the Marcellus Shale region of the New York - Pennsylvania border

The data comprise the initial release of landscape disturbance polygons and lines (sites, pipelines and roads) related to natural gas and oil drilling developed prior to the end of 2013 in the 10-county region along the New York - Pennsylvania border. The study area includes the New York Counties of Allegany, Broome, Chemung, Steuben and Tioga, and the Pennsylvania counties of Bradford, McKean, Po

Locations of mines and mining activity in the contiguous United States 2013

This dataset includes locations and associated information about mines and mining activity in the contiguous United States. The database was developed by combining publicly available national datasets of mineral mines, uranium mines, and minor and major coal mine activities. This database was developed in 2013, but temporal range of mine data varied dependent on source. Uranium mine information ca

South Florida Holocene Coral Sea-level Database

Holocene-aged coral samples from the south Florida region were extensively characterized to create a new database of verified sea-level data (Stathakopoulos and others, in review). The samples were originally collected using coral-reef coring or other geologic sampling methods and were obtained by several different researchers from studies spanning the interval of 1977 to 2017. Many of these sampl

Bat Occupancy Model Predictions for Colorado, acoustic data from 2016-2017

We analyzed detection/non-detection data from acoustic surveys of bat species in Colorado during the summers of 2016 and 2017. The goal of this analysis is to create species distribution maps estimating the probability of occupancy across the state for each species. We fit a community occupancy model using both years of data from all the available species. Spatially explicit covariates were includ
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