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Database of ground motions from tectonic and volcanic events, Hawaii, 2018

This study involves a collection of peak ground motions from the 2018 M6.9 earthquake near Leilani Estates, Hawaii and the seismicity associated with the Kilauea Volcano eruption and summit collapse events. This study was intended to provide instrumental ground motion observations to evaluate ground motion models for use in the USGS Hawaii seismic hazard model. Significant variations in ground mot

Water Quality Vertical Profiles in Clear Lake, Lake County, California, 2017-2023 (ver. 4.0, May 31, 2024)

The datasets consist of principal fact information of gravity data and density and magnetic properties of hand samples in the Chico and Willows 1:100,000-scale quadrangles, California.

Select pipe-flow monitoring data from RecoveryPark in Detroit, MI (2015-2016)

This dataset includes pipe-flow monitoring data in sewers used to analyze the water budget at RecoveryPark in Detroit, Michigan. These are provided as 3 text *.csv files at sewer locations that drain the study area.

Diet Data from the Western Basin of Lake Erie Examining White and Yellow Perch, 2012-2016

A fish's diet is the integrated response of multiple ecological interactions including habitat use, foraging behavior, prey community characteristics, and inter-specific interactions. Fish diet samples have quantified how the invasion of white perch into Lake Erie in the early 1950s has influenced interactions with native yellow perch, which are similar in morphology and habitat use. Early researc

Select soil testing data from RecoveryPark in Detroit, MI (2014)

This dataset includes soil testing data at various locations within RecoveryPark in Detroit, Michigan. These are provided as 2 *.csv files and 1 xlsx workbook.

High-Resolution Georeferenced Major Rivers Point Data, Spaced in 150m intervals

The Global River Points dataset is a high-resolution vector file geodatabase of 73 rivers world-wide. Each river is represented by a series of points spaced 150 meters apart and each point has attached environmental attributes extracted from multiple data sets. The attributes include physical information (slope, elevation, temperature, precipitation, river width and discharge) and landscape variab

Survival data of transplanted sagebrush (Artemesia tridentata) seedlings in relation to vegetative, organismal, and topographic conditions after megafire

This dataset contains information on the survival of individual sagebrush seedlings, stands of seedlings and the vegetative and topographic conditions in which they were planted.

E2NHDPlusV2_us: Database of Ancillary Hydrologic Attributes and Modified Routing for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Flowlines

The National Hydrography Dataset Plus, Version 2 (NHDPlusV2) is an attribute rich, digital hydrologic network for the Conterminous U.S. developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes (SPARROW), is a process-based/statistical model that relies on a digital hydrologic network, like NHDPlusV2, in

Pseudogymnoascus destructans survival at elevated temperatures - Artificial media count data

The survival of Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd) was evaluated at temperatures outside of its thermal range of growth on three different artificial growth media; Sabouraud dextrose agar (SD), brain-heart infusion agar (BHI), and brain-heart infusion agar supplemented with 10% sheep red blood cells (BHI+B). Pd was harvested from starting cultures grown of MEA agar at 7?C for 60 days. Harvested con

Concentrations and associated method information for trace and major elements in Fourmile Creek near Ankeny, Iowa, USA during the 2011-2014 wastewater treatment facility pre/post-closure assessment

Dataset includes trace and rare earth element concentration data as well as water level elevation data in select groundwater piezometers recorded in 10 minute intervals during the period October 2011 to October 2014. Latitude and longitude data are provided for groundwater piezometer locations. This data release supports the following publication: Keefe, S.H., L.E. Hubbard, L.B. Barber, P

Geochemical Composition of Urban Stormwater Runoff Within the Conterminous United States from Samples Collected in 2016-2017

These analyses provide the basic geochemical composition of urban stormwater runoff from rainwater/stormwater that does or has the potential to infiltrate groundwater from Green Infrastructure control measures. These measures are able to mimic the natural landscape with engineered designed systems to enhance stormwater infiltration to groundwater.

Survey of major and trace elements in stormwater runoff from across the United States, 2016 to 2017

This study focuses on providing a broad-scale assessment of composition of water chemistry in urban stormwater runoff. The stormwater runoff is a source of recharge to groundwater by Green Infrastructure (GI) practices or it may become a source of recharge to groundwater to reduce stormwater volumes to surface waters or augment groundwater supply. The chemical composition of the stormwater runoff
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