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Toxicity of aluminum to Ceriodaphnia dubia in natural waters as affected by hardness and dissolved organic matter

Attributes regarding the influence of dissolved organic matter on chronic Al exposure and the effects on Ceriodaphnia dubia survival and reproduction.

Groundwater Watch - Colorado Active Water Level Network

The Active Groundwater Level Network contains water levels and well information from wells in Colorado

Long-term (1986 -2015) Crop Water Use Characterization over the Upper Rio Grande Basin using Landsat-based Evapotranspiration

Evaluation of historical water use in the Upper Rio Grande Basin (URGB) using Landsat-derived actual evapotranspiration (ETa) from 1986 to 2015 is presented here as a first of its kind study applying satellite observations for quantifying long term, basin-wide crop consumptive use at a large basin. The rich archive of Landsat imagery combined with the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance

Data Release for Hydrocarbons in Upland Groundwater, Marcellus Shale Region, Northeastern Pennsylvania and Southern New York, USA

Water samples from 50 domestic wells located 1 km (distal) from shale-gas wells in upland areas of the Marcellus Shale region were analyzed for chemical, isotopic and groundwater-age tracers. Uplands were targeted because natural mixing with brine and hydrocarbons from deep formations is less common in those areas compared to valleys. Methane (CH4) -isotope and pre-drill CH4 data indicate one prox

Model Input and Output for Hydrologic Simulations of the Southeastern United States for Historical and Future Conditions

This data release contains inputs for and outputs from hydrologic simulations of the southeastern U.S. using the Monthly Water Balance Model, the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS), and statistically-based methods. These simulations were developed to provide estimates of water availability and statistics of streamflow for historical and potential future conditions for an area of approxima

Data to investigate measurement of nutrients in saline and hypersaline waters by discrete analyzer colorimetry without matrix matched calibration standards

The dataset consists of two spreadsheets of data for water samples of varying salinity. One spreadsheet contains measured concentrations of nutrients in filtered water samples that were corrected for salinity effects when necessary, and measured concentrations of nutrients spiked into environmental samples or blank water that were corrected for salinity effects when necessary. The second spreadshe

Structural geologic orientation data for primarily Proterozoic aged rocks, eastern-central Rocky Mountain Front Range, Colorado

This data release consists of point data digitized from structural geologic orientation symbols consisting of mostly foliations and lineations. The data comes from primarily Proterozoic aged rocks in the eastern-central Rocky Mountain Front Range of Colorado. Compilation of the data is from twenty-three geologic maps published by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Colorado Geological Survey betwee

Chemistry, morphology, modal mineralogy, and photomicrographs of amphiboles and other minerals in the Ironwood Iron-Formation, Gogebic Iron Range, Wisconsin, USA

The Ironwood Iron-Formation, part of the Gogebic Iron Range in Wisconsin, is a Paleoproterozoic Superior-type banded iron formation (BIF) with substantial iron resource potential. The development of a Mesoproterozoic contact metamorphic aureole related to the emplacement of the Mellen Intrusive Complex resulted in the production of a variety of silicate minerals in the western portion of the Iron

Geospatial datasets for the flood-inundation study of Joachim Creek, De Soto, Missouri, 2018

Digital flood-inundation maps for a 6.7-mile reach of Joachim Creek, De Soto, Missouri, were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the city of De Soto, Missouri. The flood-inundation maps, which can be accessed through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Science web site at, depict estimates of the areal extent and depth of flo

TIMA-X Bright Phase Analysis of Platinum-Group Minerals in Selected Samples from the Chrome and Iron Mountain areas of the Stillwater Complex, Montana

Sulfide- and chromite-bearing samples of the Basal and Ultramafic series of the Stillwater Complex are known to contain elevated concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE). Thin sections were prepared from drill core and surface samples from the Chrome and Iron Mountain areas. Core samples are from exploration drilling programs by AMAX in the 1960s and 1970s and Beartooth Platinum in 2004-200

Geochemical Analysis Results of Hueco Bolson Production Well Groundwater Samples - Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program

The Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Act was established to systematically assess priority aquifers along the U.S.-Mexico international boundary. The priority aquifers that were specified include the Hueco-Mesilla Bolsons aquifer in Texas and New Mexico and its counterpart in Mexico, the Conejos-Medanos Aquifer system, and the Santa Cruz and San Pedro aquifers in Arizona (Texas Water Development B

Specific conductance of flatwood salamander breeding ponds: pre- and post-Hurricane Michael, 2013-2018

Hurricane Michael impacted the gulf coast of the southeastern USA in October 2018. During this storm, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, located along the northern Gulf of Mexico's coast in the panhandle region of Florida, experienced storm surge that was 2.3 to 3.3 m above sea level. Storm surge pushed sea water into some ephemeral freshwater ponds used for breeding by the federally-threatened F
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