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Molecular, morphometric, and distribution information for the freshwater mussel genus Potamilus and newly described species, Potamilus streckersoni sp. nov.

Inaccurate systematics confound our ability to determine evolutionary processes that have led to the diversification of many taxa. The North American freshwater mussel tribe Lampsilini, Ihering, 1901, is one of the more well-studied groups in Unionidae; however, many supraspecific relationships between lampsiline genera remain unresolved. Two genera that have been largely overlooked are Leptodea a

Geotagged Low-Altitude Aerial Imagery From Unmanned Aerial System Flights Over Town Neck Beach, in Sandwich, Massachusetts, With Associated Ground Control Points, and Transects Collected by the U.S. Geological Survey on January 22, January 25, February 11

Low-altitude (30-120 meters above ground level) digital images of Town Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts, were obtained with a series of cameras mounted on small unmanned aerial systems (UAS, also known as a drone). Imagery was collected at close to low tide on five days to observe changes in beach and dune morphology. The images were geolocated by using the single-frequency geographic positio

Near-real-time Herbaceous Annual Cover in the Sagebrush Ecosystem, USA, July 2019

This dataset provides a near-real-time estimate of 2019 herbaceous annual cover with an emphasis on annual grass (Boyte and Wylie. 2016. Near-real-time cheatgrass percent cover in the Northern Great Basin, USA, 2015. Rangelands 38:278-284.) This estimate was based on remotely sensed enhanced Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (eMODIS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data g

Reptile Richness in the Range of the Sage-grouse, Derived From Species Range Maps

These data depict reptile species richness within the range of the Greater Sage-grouse. Species boundaries were defined as the total extent of a species geographic limits. This raster largely used species range data from "U.S. Geological Survey - Gap Analysis Project Species Range Maps CONUS_2001", however in order for a more complete picture of species richness, additional sources were used for s

Freshwater Flow into Chesapeake Bay

The USGS provides estimates of the monthly and annual amounts of freshwater flow into the Bay so scientists and managers can better understand effects on ecosystem conditions.

High-resolution geophysical and sampling data collected off Town Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts, 2016

Geophysical and geological survey data were collected off Town Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts, in May and July 2016. Approximately 130 linear kilometers of subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, sea floor photographs, and (or) video at 26 sites within the geophysical survey area. S

Batch sorption data, respired CO2, extractable DOC, and Raman spectra collected from an incubation with microbial necromass on feldspar or amorphous aluminum hydroxide

These datasets are from an incubation experiment with a combination of two minerals (feldspar or amorphous aluminum hydroxide), one living species of bacteria (Escherichia coli), and one added form of C (Arthrobacter crystallopoietes necromass). We characterized the sorptive properties of the minerals with batch sorption experiments using four low molecular weight C substrates (glucose, oxalic aci

Water-Quality, Bed-Sediment, and Biological Data (October 2016 through September 2017) and Statistical Summaries of Data for Streams in the Clark Fork Basin, Montana

Water, bed sediment, and biota were sampled in streams from Butte to near Missoula, Montana, as part of a monitoring program in the upper Clark Fork Basin of western Montana. The sampling program was led by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Carbon budget assessment of tidal freshwater forested wetland and oligohaline marsh ecosystems along the Waccamaw and Savannah rivers, U.S.A. (2005-2016)

Data to support carbon (C) budget assessment of tidal freshwater forested wetland and oligohaline marsh ecosystems along the Waccamaw and Savannah rivers, U.S.A. This work represents the first estimates of C standing stocks, C mass balance, soil C burial, and lateral C export to aquatic environments in tidal freshwater forested wetlands undergoing transition to oligohaline marsh.

Hemichromis collection data for genetic characterization in Florida

The African Jewelfish, Hemichromis letourneuxi, is an invasive, predatory cichlid fish introduced at least once to Florida. Its native range is in northeastern Africa. First encountered in Miami in the 1960s, it has since been found west and north within the state of Florida. It thrives in a wide range of aquatic habitats, including shallow, vegetated or rocky areas of canals, tidal creeks, rivers

Lake Superior Kiyi scale and otolith age estimates in 2014 with Kiyi sampling locations from 2003-2014

Age estimates of Lake Superior Kiyi (Coregonus kiyi) from scales and otoliths were compared from fish collected in 2014 and 12 years (2003 to 2014) of length frequency data were examined to assess year-class strength and validate age estimates. Data were obtained to (1) compare Lake Superior Kiyi ages estimated from scales and otoliths, (2) evaluate variability in year-class strength of Kiyis, and

Historical Spawning Sites for Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in Lake Erie and Connecting Channels, 1850-1960 (ver. 2.0, July 2022)

This data contains coordinate locations for suspected historical spawning locations of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and cisco (Coregonus artedi) across the Lake Erie basin, including the Detroit River, Lake St. Clair, and the St. Clair River. Data points were summarized using ArcGIS 10.5. Data came from published and unpublished sources cited in the Atlas of the Spawning and Nursery Are
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