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Chemical-Gene and Chemical-Pathway Interactions Predicted for Chemicals Detected in the USGS-USEPA National Streams Pilot Study Based on Effects Data in the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD)

Data from study assessing the utility of knowledgebase-leveraging of comprehensive environmental-contaminant-exposure datasets by comparing biological effects predicted on the basis of target chemical analyses with measured biological effects in corresponding split water samples.

Mixed Organic and Inorganic Tapwater Results in the Greater Chicago Area, USA, 2017-2019

This data set contains the result for inorganic constituents and organic compounds collected from tapwater locations, as well as water filtration plants, in East Chicago, Indiana, and Chicago, Illinois in 2017. Additionally quality assurance data collected was summarized. Residential samples collected were done so directly from residential kitchen taps (faucets) as is, it was noted if a point-of-u

Snakehead fishes in the United States of America

This dataset contains information on all snakehead fishes found in the United States. It is a subset of a larger database, the Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database (NAS). This information resource is an established central repository for spatially referenced biogeographic accounts of introduced aquatic species. The NAS website provides scientific reports, online/real-time queries, spatial data s

Snow Depth and Snow Water Equivalents at Sleepers River Research Watershed, Danville, Vermont

Snow depth and snow water equivalent (SWE) measurements have been made at Sleepers River Research Watershed starting in 1960. Initial snowpack measurements were made by the Agricultural Research Service joined by the National Weather Service in 1966. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory started measuring the snowpack in 1979, followed by the U.S. Geological Survey from 1993 to the pres

MODFLOW2000 model and ZONEBUDGET computer program used to simulate the Upper Big Sandy Designated Groundwater Basin alluvial aquifer, Elbert, El Paso, and Lincoln Counties, Colorado, 2016

The previously developed three-dimensional groundwater flow model (MODFLOW2000) of the Denver Basin bedrock aquifer system and overlying alluvial aquifer ( and model archive was updated to provide quantitative estimates of groundwater flow conditions and provide a useful tool for managers to analyze temporal changes to th

California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog--Point Sur to Point Arguello

As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 50-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical mile limit between Point Sur and Point Arguello was generated from seismic-reflection data collected between 2008 and 2014, and supplemented with geologic structure (fault and fold) information following the methodology of Wong (2012). Water depths determined from

Population with On-Site Wastewater Treatment within the Pacific Drainages of the United States, 2010

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is developing SPARROW models (SPAtially Related Regressions On Watershed Attributes) to assess the transport of contaminants (e.g., nutrients) through the Pacific drainages of the United States (the Columbia River basin; the coastal drainages of Washington, Oregon, and California; the Klamath River basin; the Central Valley of California, and the west slopes of th

Application of manure nutrients generated at cattle animal feeding operations to farmland within the Pacific drainages of the United State, 2012

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is developing SPARROW models (SPAtially Related Regressions On Watershed Attributes) to assess the transport of contaminants (e.g., nutrients) through the Pacific drainages of the United States (the Columbia River basin; the coastal drainages of Washington, Oregon, and California; the Klamath River basin; the Central Valley of California, and the west slopes of th

Distribution of grazing cattle within the Pacific drainages of the United State, 2012

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is developing SPARROW models (SPAtially Related Regressions On Watershed Attributes) to assess the transport of contaminants (e.g., sediment and nutrients) through the Pacific drainages of the United States (the Columbia River basin; the coastal drainages of Washington, Oregon, and California; the Klamath River basin; the Central Valley of California, and the west

Application of nutrients generated by non-cattle livestock to farmland within the Pacific drainages of the United States, 2012

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is developing SPARROW models (SPAtially Related Regressions On Watershed Attributes) to assess the transport of contaminants (e.g., nutrients) through the Pacific drainages of the United States (the Columbia River basin; the coastal drainages of Washington, Oregon, and California; the Klamath River basin; the Central Valley of California, and the west slopes of th

Application of manure nutrients generated by grazing cattle to grazing land within the Pacific drainages of the United States, 2012

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is developing SPARROW models (SPAtially Related Regressions On Watershed Attributes) to assess the transport of contaminants (e.g., nutrients) through the Pacific drainages of the United States (the Columbia River basin; the coastal drainages of Washington, Oregon, and California; the Klamath River basin; the Central Valley of California, and the west slopes of th

County-level livestock data for the Pacific drainages of the United States, 2012

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is developing SPARROW models (SPAtially Related Regressions On Watershed Attributes) to assess the transport of contaminants (e.g., nutrients) through the Pacific drainages of the United States (the Columbia River basin; the coastal drainages of Washington, Oregon, and California; the Klamath River basin; the Central Valley of California, and the west slopes of th
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