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Geospatial data sets for flood-inundation maps in and near Bellville, Ohio

Digital flood-inundation maps for an approximate 2.5-mile (mi) reach of the Clear Fork Mohican River that extends approximately from State Route 97 to the downstream corporate boundary for Bellville, Ohio, were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District. The flood-inundation maps show estimates of the areal extent and depth of floo

Dissolved Gas, Environmental Tracer Concentrations, and Lumped Parameter Modeling Results for Groundwater Age Dating in the Glacial Aquifer System, Conterminous United States

This data release documents nine Microsoft Excel tables that contain data for understanding groundwater ages in the Glacial aquifer system. Results for the three sample networks (PAS, principal aquifer study; MSS, modeling support study; FPS, flow path study) are described by three tables each: dissolved gas modeling results, environmental tracer concentrations (tritium, tritiogenic helium-3, sulf

Geochemical Correction of Carbon-14 in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon used for Groundwater Age Dating in the Glacial Aquifer System, Conterminous United States

Data provided here describe geochemical correction of carbon-14 in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) for groundwater age dating. Datasets include major ion chemistry of groundwater samples, model parameter inputs, and final corrected carbon-14 in DIC. Geochemical correction was completed in two phases: determination of reactive phase mole transfers through an inverse geochemical model (PHREEQC; Par

Soil Methane and Combustible Gas Concentrations from Oil-Gas Well Pads in Utah, U.S.A.

Soil gas methane and combustible gas concentrations collected from oil and gas well pad locations in Utah. Soil gas samples were measured on site and/or collected for later analysis as described in supporting documentation. Multiple sample locations around well head and depths within the soil profile are available for select sites. Supporting documents provide information of sample collection prot

Habitat characterization around standard brown treesnake traps on Guam, 2004 - 2017

Data were collected in association with locations of standard brown treesnake traps on Guam at location prior to suppression or control efforts and after control had occurred. In all cases study sites were closed or semi-closed populations of brown treesnakes. Habitat data focused on type and structure of the habitat within 10-m of the trap.

Seedling and tree data from Sequoia National Park and Yosemite National Park

These tables include data from 25 long-term forest plots located in either Sequoia or Yosemite national park. Trees in these plots (established between 1982 and 2001) are censused annually for mortality and measured for diameter every 4 to 6 years. Plots were mostly 1 hectare (ha) in size (range 0.9 - 2.5 ha) and contained at least two 25 by 25 meter seedling sub-plots to monitor natural seedling

Bureau of Land Management's Land and Mineral Legacy Rehost System (LR2000) Mineral Use Cases for the Sagebrush Mineral Resource Assessment, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming

In 2015, approximately 10 million acres of Federal lands across six western states were proposed for withdrawal from mineral entry by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in order to conserve habitat critical for the greater sage-grouse. As a result, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) launched the Sagebrush Mineral Resource Assessment (SaMiRA) project in late-2015 to provide BLM with an assessment o

Carbonatite whole-rock and calcite geochemistry from the Bear Lodge alkaline complex, Wyoming and Mountain Pass mine, California

Whole-rock and calcite geochemical data are reported for twelve carbonatite samples collected from the Bear Lodge alkaline complex, Wyoming and from the Mountain Pass mine, California. Calcite geochemical data was collected using electron microprobe and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analyses. Reported whole-rock data was measured by inductively coupled pla

Fish eggs collected in the St. Clair, Detroit, and St. Marys rivers, 2005-2018

A long-term, multiseason, fish egg sampling program is conducted annually on the Detroit, Saint Clair, and Saint Marys rivers to identify where productive fish spawning habitat currently exists. Egg mats were placed on the river bottom during the spring and fall at historic spawning areas, candidate fish spawning habitat restoration sites, and completed spawning habitat restoration sites throughou

Projected Seafloor Elevation Along the Florida Reef Tract From Big Pine Key to Marquesas Key, Florida-75 Years From 2011 Based on Historical Rates of Mean Erosion

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted research to quantify the combined effect of all constructive and destructive processes on modern coral reef ecosystems by projecting future regional-scale changes in seafloor elevation for several sites along the Florida Reef Tract, Florida (FL) including the shallow seafloor along Key West, FL. USGS staff

Projected Seafloor Elevation Along the Florida Reef Tract From Port St. Lucie to Marquesas Key, Florida-100 Years From 2001 Based on Historical Rates of Mean Erosion

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted research to quantify the combined effect of all constructive and destructive processes on modern coral reef ecosystems by projecting future regional-scale changes in seafloor elevation along the Florida Reef Tract, Florida (FL). USGS staff used historical bathymetric point data from the 1930's (National Oc

Projected Seafloor Elevation Along the Florida Reef Tract From Port St. Lucie to Marquesas Key, Florida-50 Years From 2001 Based on Historical Rates of Mean Erosion

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted research to quantify the combined effect of all constructive and destructive processes on modern coral reef ecosystems by projecting future regional-scale changes in seafloor elevation along the Florida Reef Tract, Florida (FL). USGS staff used historical bathymetric point data from the 1930's (National Oc
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