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Baseline Coastal Oblique Aerial Photographs Collected from Dauphin Island, Alabama, to Breton Island, Louisiana, September 26-27, 2006

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), as part of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project conducts baseline and storm-response photography missions to document and understand the changes in the vulnerability of the Nation's coasts to extreme storms and longer-term processes related to sediment supply and sea-level rise. On September 26-27, 2006, the USGS's NACCH project condu

Geographic patterns and time trends in surface-water quality, modeled streamflow, fish population characteristics, and ecological flows in the Canadian River Basin from Northeast New Mexico to Lake Eufaula, Oklahoma

Geographic patterns and time trends of water-quality, modeled streamflow, and ecological data were compared along the Canadian River and selected tributaries in northeastern New Mexico to Lake Eufaula in Oklahoma to determine effects of climate change on water quality, streamflows, fish populations and ecological flows in this watershed from 1939 to 2013. Project participants included staff from t

Bristle-Thighed Curlew (Numenius tahitiensis) Mark-Resight Encounter History from the James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge and Surrounding Area, Oahu, Hawaii, 2012-2017

This data set contains one table with mark-resight observations of Bristle-thighed Curlews marked on Oahu, Hawaii, with plastic color leg flags, 2012-2017.

Stream Lines Used to Produce the South Carolina StreamStats 2018 Release

The U.S. Geological Survey South Atlantic Water Science Center, in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Transportation, implemented a South Carolina StreamStats application in 2018. This shapefile dataset contains vector lines representing streams, rivers, and ditches that were used in preparing the underlying data for the South Carolina StreamStats application. Data were compiled fro

Digital Elevation Model of Glen Canyon Prior to the Flooding of Lake Powell from Historic Topographic Surveys, Utah and Arizona

Development of a high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of the pre-Glen Canyon Dam topography in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah and Arizona was initiated to assist the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in its Lake Powell coring program in the fall of 2018 ( Topographic surveys of Glen Canyon were commissioned by the B

Hurricane Harvey: A Damage Assessment of Texas' Central Gulf Coast

This data set serves as a damage scale that was created to assess the damage caused by Hurricane Harvey in August 2017. The damage scale ranges from 1 (undamaged) to 5 (total structure collapse, destroyed). A score of 1 was given to structures that had no damage, a score of 2 was given to structures with minor damage, a score of 3 was given to structures with moderate damage, a score of 4 was give

Aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights: Plum Island Estuary and Parker River NWR (PIEPR), February 27th, 2018

Low-altitude (80 and 100 meters above ground level) digital images were taken over an area of the Plum Island Estuary and Parker River National Wildlife Refuge in Massachusetts using 3DR Solo unmanned aerial systems (UAS) on February 27, 2018. These images were collected as part of an effort to document marsh stability over time and quantify sediment movement using UAS technology. Each UAS was equ

Trask Watershed Study Amphibian Survival and Movement Data, 2008-2015

This data set contains mark-recapture information for individuals of Dicamptodon tenebrosus and Ascaphus truei marked for individual recognition. Amphibians represented in this data set were captured in 14 first-order perennial and seasonally intermittent streams in the East Fork of the South Fork of the Trask River in the northern Oregon Coast Range. Individuals are larval and mature aquatic Dica

Data from a national survey for the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans

This dataset provides the results of a national survey of the conterminous U.S. for the salamander chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative from May 2014 to August 2017. Sites were sampled by capturing amphibians by hand or by traps or nets that were then swabbed individually using methods that prev

Data and estimates for wet deposition and streamwater solute fluxes at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Stockbridge, Ga., water years 1986-2016

This dataset contains the data and results of an analysis estimating wet deposition and streamwater solute fluxes at Panola Mountain Research Watershed (PMRW), Panola Mountain State Park, Stockbridge, Georgia for water years 1986-2016. The PMRW is a small (41 ha), relatively undisturbed, forested headwater catchment in the Piedmont Province of Southeastern United States. This data provides the bas

Northern Nevada aspen (Populus tremuloides) data (2010-2011) (ver. 2.0, January 2024)

This dataset contains two phases of research. The first dataset includes several variables that were sampled across aspen stands in the Santa Rosa, Ruby, and Jarbidge mountain ranges (Great Basin, Northern Nevada, USA) in 2010 and 2011. Across 101 aspen sites, several plot-level attributes were collected (e.g. elevation, slope, aspen stand type). For each plot, data describing live trees (both tho

Atmospheric-loading frequency response functions and groundwater-levels filtered for the effects of atmospheric loading and solid Earth tides for three monitoring wells near Mammoth Lakes, California, 2015 - 2017

The data include atmospheric-loading frequency response functions (table 1) and filtered detrended and reconstructed (trends restored) groundwater-levels (tables 2 to 4) computed for selected, parsed time series for three USGS monitoring wells [28A-25-1 (373904118570701); 28A-25-2 (373904118570702); and 14A-25-1 (373927118571701)], and the associated hourly resampled depth-to-water-level and barom
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