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Terrestrial salamander captures after the 2003 Clark Fire, Willamette National Forest, OR

Data are the result of fixed-area, time-constrained searches for terrestrial salamanders within and nearby a wildfire-affected area of the Willamette National Forest, OR. The spatial extent of the study was within one kilometer of the border of the Clark fire that burned an area of 2,009 ha in 2003. Site surveys occurred during March and April, 2005. An important feature of the data is that 100m2

Drilling, Construction, Water Chemistry, Water Levels, and Regional Potentiometric Surface of the Upper Carbonate-Rock Aquifer in Clark County, Nevada

This USGS data release contains the regional potentiometric contours representing the regional potentiometric surface for Clark County, Nevada, 2009-2015. Contours represent the groundwater-level altitude with a 250-foot contour interval and were created from groundwater elevations from 58 wells and surface elevations from 5 springs.

Influenza A Virus Data from Emperor Geese, Alaska

Data set containing avian influenza A virus (IAV) sampling information for Emperor Geese in Alaska, 2015-2017. The data are in three tables: 1) collection data and IAV screening results from fecal samples at several sites in southwestern Alaska, 2) results of blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (bELISA) tests for IAV antibodies in blood serum collected from nesting female Emperor geese near

Biological soil crust cover from the Taylor Grazing Act exclosures

Seven exclosures that were part of the original 28 Taylor Grazing Act exclosures across northern Nevada were surveyed for cover of biological soil crusts in May 2018. Surveys consisted of 15 quadrats both inside and outside of the exclosures. Quadrats were used to measure biocrust cover via point-intercept at 39 vertices within each quadrat. Cattle grazing outside of the exclosures was characteriz

Stable isotopic insights into Bathymodiolus childressi at two seeps in the US Atlantic margin, data release

Chemosynthetic environments support distinct benthic communities capable of utilizing reduced chemical compounds for nutrition. Hundreds of methane seeps have been documented along the U.S. Atlantic margin (USAM), and detailed investigations at a few seeps have revealed distinct environments containing mussels, microbial mats, authigenic carbonates, and soft sediments. The dominant mussel Bathymod

The Absolute and Relative Composition of Holocene Reef Cores From the Florida Keys Reef Tract

This data release provides a summary of the absolute percent composition of all recovered material and relative percent composition of coral taxa in the Holocene-aged intervals of 61 coral-reef cores collected throughout the Florida Keys reef tract (FKRT) housed in the USGS Core Archive in St. Petersburg, FL. Estimated ages for distinct depths within each core are also provided; those ages were ei

Wave Exposure Model for Grand Bay, Mississippi: Input and Validation Datasets

Coastal marsh are highly dynamic and ecologically important ecosystems that are subject to pervasive and often harmful disturbances, including shoreline erosion. Shoreline erosion can result in an overall loss of coastal marsh, particularly in estuaries with moderate- or high-wave energy. Not only can waves can be important physical drivers of shoreline change but can also influence shore-proximal

Hydrogeochemical data for the characterization of stream, groundwater, and beaver-induced floodplain exchange in the East River Science Focus Area, Crested Butte, CO

The U.S. Geological Survey, along with scientists from Rutgers University, collected water chemistry, electromagnetic, redox-potential, dissolved oxygen, water flow rate, and water temperature data along stream and river corridors in multiple sub-watersheds of the East River Science Focus Area (SFA) near Crested Butte, CO. The concept of 'river corridor' science recognizes that the quality of flow

GIS shapefiles for the June 27th lava flow at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, June 2014-June 2016

This dataset contains shapefiles and associated metadata showing evolution of the "June 27th" lava flow (Pu?u ???? eruptive episode 61e) that was active at Kilauea volcano from June 27, 2014, to June 8, 2016. The dataset contains (1) an attributed polyline shapefile and (2) an attributed polygon shapefile with features that represent the outline and extent of the flow on 35 different dates. The da

Natural and managed components of the water-budget from 2008-2012 for 43 HUC10s in the Apalachicola-Chatahoochie-Flint River Basin, Georgia, U.S.

Human alteration of waterways has impacted the minimum and maximum streamflow in more than 86% of monitored streams nationally and may be the primary cause for ecological impairment in river and stream ecosystems. Restoration of freshwater inflows can positively affect shellfish, fisheries, habitat, and water quality in streams, rivers, and estuaries. Increasingly, state and local decision-makers

Tackifier impacts on growth of Great Basin mosses Bryum argenteum and Syntrichia ruralis, a growth chamber study, 2017-2018

The dataset supports a larger study that examined the impacts of three tackifiers (guar, psyllium, and polyacrylamide) on growth of two dryland mosses (Bryum argenteum and Syntrichia ruralis). Moss fragments were grown in petri dishes and subjected to individual tackifiers in one of three possible concentrations (0.5x, 1x, or 2x) of the respective manufacturer's recommended application rate. Disti

Bathymetry, topography, and sediment grain-size data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2017

Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented opportunity to examine the response of a delta system to changes
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