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Cross section survey of a selected reach of Plaster Creek and Little Plaster Creek, Kentwood, MI, 2018

The City of Kentwood (MI) has been faced with repetitive flooding from Plaster Creek near the intersection of Shaffer Avenue SE and 36th Street SE. Nearby businesses and public and private property are at risk for flood damage; as well as degradation of public infrastructure including bridges, exposure of subsurface sanitary sewer lines, and damage to storm water systems. The U.S. Army Corps of En

Photos of debris jams on Plaster Creek and Little Plaster Creek, Kentwood, MI, 2018

The City of Kentwood (MI) has been faced with repetitive flooding from Plaster Creek near the intersection of Shaffer Avenue SE and 36th Street SE. Nearby businesses and public and private property are at risk for flood damage; as well as degradation of public infrastructure including bridges, exposure of subsurface sanitary sewer lines, and damage to storm water systems. The U.S. Army Corps of En

Estimated daily loads of nutrients, sediment, and chloride at USGS edge-of-field stations, tributaries to Lum Drain, Genesee County, Michigan, water years 2012-17

As part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) have partnered to evaluate agricultural conservation practices focused on nutrient management. Monitoring methods allow for rapid assessment of water-quality changes in response to conservation eff

Surface Materials Data from Breccia-Pipe Uranium Mine and Reference Sites, Arizona, USA

This data release includes elemental analysis of soil samples collected at breccia-pipe uranium mines, at one undeveloped breccia-pipe uranium deposit, and at a reference site in northern Arizona. Samples were collected near the Arizona 1, Canyon, Kanab North, and Pinenut uranium mines, over the EZ2 breccia-pipe uranium deposit, and at the Little Robinson Tank reference site. Samples were collect

Digital surfaces of the bottom altitude and thickness of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and site data within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain project region

Bottom altitudes of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (MRVA) were compiled from interpretations of subsurface geophysical logs (log picks) at about 10,000 boreholes and wells located throughout the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) that were available from previous investigations. Five sources of the bottom altitude data are listed numerically in the Cross Reference section (below) and

RockType to Permeability Crosswalk Table, Northwest U.S.

This table is a crosswalk or lookup table that classifies rock type (surface geology) by its permeability, or the ability to pass substances, such as liquids or gases. The rock types that are classified are located in the Northwest U.S. -- Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, and Montana.

Potential Grazing Land Within the Pacific Drainages of the Western United States, 2011

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is developing SPARROW models (SPAtially Related Regressions On Watershed Attributes) to assess the transport of contaminants (e.g., sediment and nutrients) through United States Pacific watersheds (the Columbia River basin; the coastal drainages of Washington, Oregon, and California; the Klamath River basin; the Central Valley of California, and the west slopes of

Workflow to create global species distribution model for Bombina orientalis, Xenopus laevis, and Pomacea from GBIF data and climate, land cover, topography, and MODIS derived predictors

This data bundle contains some of the inputs, all of the processing instructions and all outputs from a single VisTrails/SAHM workflow. This model specifically includes location data for Bombina orientalis and random background locations. Predictors include climatic, topographic, and land cover rasters. The three bundle documentation files are: 1) '_archive_bundle_metadata.xml' which contains F

Bioeconomic model population data, Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA

These data were estimated for use in the bioecomomic model simulation of the rainbow trout population in the Colorado River in Marble Canyon. The initial rainbow trout abundance is a vector (RBT_intN) representing the population of rainbow trout within each river segment (151 mile long sergments) along the mainstem of the Colorado River from Lees Ferry to 151 river miles downstream. The movement m

Data release of Three-Dimensional Hydrogeologic Framework Model of the Petaluma Valley Watershed, Sonoma County, California

This digital dataset was created as part of a U.S. Geological Survey study, done in cooperation with the Sonoma County Water Agency and the City of Petaluma, to be used as the digital hydrogeologic input data for numerical simulation of the groundwater system of the Petaluma Valley Watershed, Sonoma County, California. Elevation, thickness, and extent of the hydrostratigraphic units define the geo

Datasets used to asses the effects of antecedent streamflow and sample timing on trend assessments of fish, invertebrate and diatom communities (2002-12)

Detecting trends in biological attributes is central to many stream monitoring programs; however, understanding how natural variability in environmental factors affects trend results is not well understood. We evaluated the influence of antecedent streamflow and sample timing (covariates) on trend estimates for fish, invertebrate, and diatom taxa richness and biolgical condition from 2002 to 2012

Pre-restoration vegetation data, Little Saint Francis River chat pile site, Missouri, USA, 2017 and 2018

This data set includes geospatial data and tables providing location, environmental, and vegetation data collected in 2017 and 2018 at the Little Saint Francis River chat pile restoration site, Fredericktown, Madison County, Missouri. Restoration actions are being implemeneted as part of the settlement for the Madison County Mines Superfund site to compensate the public for losses of natural resou
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