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Argon geochronology data for La Garita caldera

This dataset accompanies publication 'A supervolcano and its sidekicks: A 100 ka eruptive chronology of the Fish Canyon Tuff and associated units of the La Garita magmatic system', in review in Geology, which analyzed eruptive products from the La Garita caldera.

Two-dimensional micromodel study of pore-throat clogging by pure fine-grained sediments and natural sediments from the 2015 National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition 2 (NGHP-02), offshore India

Fine-grained sediments, or "fines," are nearly ubiquitous in natural sediments, even in the predominantly coarse-grained sediments that host gas hydrates. Fines within these sandy sediments can be mobilized and subsequently clog flow pathways while methane is being extracted from gas hydrate as an energy resource. Using two-dimensional (2D) micromodels to test the conditions in which clogging occu

Physical Properties of Sediment Collected during India's National Gas Hydrate Program NGHP-02 Expedition in the Krishna-Godavari Basin Offshore Eastern India, 2015

During the spring and summer of 2015, the U.S. Geological Survey participated in India's National Gas Hydrate Program NGHP-02 expedition in the Krishna-Godavari Basin offshore eastern India. The expedition included conventional and pressure coring of sediment, samples of which were transferred to the U.S. Geological Survey in Woods Hole, MA for post-cruise testing. This data release contains measu

Dependence of Sedimentation Behavior on Pore-Fluid Chemistry for Sediment Collected From Area B, Krishna-Godavari Basin During India's National Gas Hydrate Program, NGHP-02

One goal of the Indian National Gas Hydrate Program's NGHP-02 expedition was to examine the geomechanical response of marine sediment to the extraction of methane from gas hydrate found offshore eastern India in the Bay of Bengal. Methane gas hydrate is a naturally occurring crystalline solid that sequesters methane in individual molecular cages in a lattice of water molecules. Methane gas hydrate

Summary of soil field-saturated hydraulic conductivity, hydrophobicity, preferential-flow, and particle-size measurements collected at four research sites on the island of Maui, Hawaii, September 2017-August 2018

The U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Hawaii at Manoa, in cooperation with the County of Maui Department of Water Supply and the State of Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management, initiated a field data-collection program to provide information for evaluating how infiltration rates and soil hydrophobicity are dependent on plant species type within forested areas on the island of M

Morphological measurements and subspecies of midcontinent sandhill cranes

The midcontinent population of sandhill cranes (Antigone canadensis) has historically been classified into three putative subspecies, but genetic analyses have identified only two genetically distinct subspecies. Previous studies have successfully used morphometrics in combination with an individual's sex to differentiate subspecies of sandhill cranes that had been inferred based on breeding area,

Biophysical assessment for indemnity selection of federal lands in Colorado

Information on the biophysical features of federal lands identified as suitable for transfer to the State of Colorado was requested by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). This information is intended for use in conducting an environmental assessment prior to transfer of ownership (conveyance) to the State. The Enabling Act of 1864 provided for the conveyance of federal lands to the State for the

Broad-scale assessment of biophysical features in Colorado

Information on ecological communities, soil salinity, and land use was synthesized and summarized for all lands in Colorado. This biophysical information was requested by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for use in conducting an environmental assessment prior to the transfer of ownership (conveyance) of federal lands to the State of Colorado. The Enabling Act of 1864 provided for the conveyance

Riparian species vegetation classification data for the Colorado River within Grand Canyon derived from 2013 airborne imagery

These data are a species-level classification map of riparian vegetation in the Colorado River riparian corridor in Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA. The classification is derived from 0.2 m pixel resolution multispectral aerial imagery acquired in May 2013. The classification spans the riparian zone of the river corridor between Glen Canyon Dam near Page, Arizona, and Lake Mead at Pearce Ferry, Arizona

Geospatial data supporting assessments of streamflow alteration to support bay and estuary restoration in the Gulf States

The state-of-the-science for implementing restoration of flows for freshwater and estuarine ecosystems health has improved markedly. Many successful examples now exist for improving the timing and delivery of freshwater flows through collaborative processes such as modification of flow regimes through operational changes made through dam re-regulation, dam removal, conservation and efficiency, im

Summary of streamflow statistics for USGS streamgages in the southeastern United States: 1950 - 2010

This dataset contains statistical descriptions of observed daily-mean streamflow for 956 sites in the southeast United States. For each site, statistical descriptions are provided according to decade for up to six decades, beginning in 1950 (1950-59 calendar years) and ending with 2000 (2000 - 2009 calendar years) with no more than 7 missing values per year in total (continuous or noncontinuous).

Coastal California San Francisco Gartersnake Capture-Mark-Recapture Data (2008-2013)

These data are multi-state capture histories of 273 individual San Francisco gartersnakes collected at a site before and after a portion of the site was burned. Data collection began in 2008 and continued until 2013, and the prescribed fire was applied in the fall of 2010. These data support the following paper: Halstead, B. J., Thompson, M. E., Amarello, M. , Smith, J. J., Wylie, G. D., Routman,
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