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Field measurements for characterizing salmon spawning habitat in two restored reaches of the lower Merced River, California

To support an investigation of the effectiveness of a large-scale river restoration project, several types of field data were collected from two gravel-bed reaches of the regulated lower Merced River in California's Central Valley, primarily in the fall of 2016. These data sets were intended to characterize salmon spawning habitat and identify factors influencing spawning site selection. This pa

Magnetotelluric data from Mountain Pass, California, 2015

This dataset consists of 65 magnetotelluric (MT) stations collected in 2015 near Mountain Pass, California. The U.S. Geological Survey acquired these data to create a regional conductivity model near the Mountain Pass mine. This work is in support of characterizing mineral deposits.

Assessment of carbon dioxide piscicide treatments: Data

Spreadsheets include data that was used to evaluate the efficacy of dry ice administered under-ice as a tool for reducing the overwinter survival of invasive carps. There are 10 CSV associated with this study

Hawaii Island Regeneration of Metrosideros polymorpha forests since landscape-level canopy dieback in the 1970s

We analyzed very-high-resolution imagery to assess status of Metrosideros polymorpha forests across an 83,603-hectare study area that experienced extensive canopy dieback in the 1970s on the eastern side of the island of Hawaii. Using GIS we generated 1,170 virtual vegetation plots with a 100-m radius; 541 plots in areas mapped in 1977 with trees dead or mostly defoliated (dieback), and 629 plots

Minimal offshore extent of ice-bearing (subsea) permafrost on the U.S. Beaufort Sea margin

The present-day distribution of subsea permafrost beneath high-latitude continental shelves has implications for sea level rise and climate change since the Last Glacial Maximum (~20,000 years ago). Because permafrost can be spatially associated with gas hydrate (which may be thermodynamically stable within the several hundred meters above and below the base of permafrost), the contemporary distri

Hawaii Island Environmental Sampler Comparison 2016-2018

These data include metadata and associated data files associated with the manuscript, "Economical Environmental Sampler Designs for Detecting Airborne Spread of Fungi Responsible for Rapid Ohi'a Death." These data include a total of 8 datasets used for both controlled and field studies evaluating the use of Active (with battery operated fan) and Passive (dependent on wind) USGS Environmental Samp

Water-level data and AQTESOLV Pro analysis results for slug tests in the Big Sioux Aquifer, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 2017

Well and aquifer data were collected from field measurements and drillers' logs. Multiple slug tests were completed at each well with a transducer to record the change in water level and a U.S. Geological Survey standard mechanical slug to displace the well's water column. A Solinst Levelogger LT F30/M10 electronic transducer (unvented) was used to record water-level changes during each slug test.

Cold-water Coral Microbiomes (Astrangia poculata) from Narragansett Bay: Sequence Data

The files in this data release are the DNA sequence files referenced in Goldsmith and others (2019), which represent a 16S rRNA gene amplicon survey of Astrangia poculata microbiomes completed using Sanger dideoxy sequencing. The coral samples were collected from Narragansett Bay (Fort Wetherill State Park, Jamestown, Rhode Island) in 2015 and 2016. Sequences were obtained by first extracting DNA

Geochemical and Geochronological Data for Hydrothermal Systems on Brokeoff Volcano and in the Maidu Volcanic Center, Lassen Peak area, northeastern California

This dataset contains 8 data tables provided in csv format that contain sample location data, whole-rock geochemical data, argon-argon geochronologic data, sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen isotope data, and mineralogical data from shortwave infrared spectrography (SWIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses collected from igneous rocks on Brokeoff and Maidu volcanoes, northeastern California, USA. The

Hyperspectral image data and multibeam echosounder surveys used for bathymetric mapping of the Kootenai River in northern Idaho, September 26-27, 2017

To support research on remote sensing of rivers, hyperspectral image data and supporting field measurements of water depth obtained with a multibeam echosounder were acquired from a segment of the Kootenai River in northern Idaho, September 26 and 27, 2017. These data sets also facilitate efforts to characterize in-stream habitat for sturgeon, understand and model dispersion processes, and monito

A Bayesian Monte-Carlo Inversion of Spatial Auto-Correlation (SPAC) for Near-Surface Vs Structure Applied to Both Broadband and Geophone Data - Data Release

The datasets for this investigation consist of microtremor array data collected at: 1) 18 sites in Salt Lake and Utah valleys, Utah, and 2) two sites as part of the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) near Milford, Utah. Each of the 18 sites in the Salt Lake and Utah valleys were acquired with four-sensor arrays with three-component (3C) sensors having flat response from

Karner blue butterfly densities, resource densities, and resource use at Sandhill Wildlife Area, Wisconsin, 2016

Insects with morphologically different life stages can face a time tradeoff between foraging and egg-laying behavior when larval and adult resources are spatially segregated. Understanding this tradeoff in the Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) can inform resource management for this federally endangered species under changing resource distribution and availability. We collected da
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