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Data Set S1 for "Coseismic Sackungen in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, USA"

The New Madrid Seismic Zone presents significant seismic hazard to the central and eastern United States. We mapped newly-identified coseismic ridge-spreading features, or sackungen, in the bluffs east of the Mississippi River in western Tennessee. We use this mapping dataset in an accompanying manuscript to show that sackungen form during earthquakes on the Reelfoot fault and may fail in preferre

Environmental DNA detection data of Northern pike (Esox lucius) using a portable, field-based platform and a lab-based platform

We used a portable, field-based approach (hereafter referred to as Biomeme approach) and a standard lab-based approach (hereafter referred to as lab approach) to analyze field water samples for northern pike ((Esox lucius) DNA. The Biomeme approach included a field-capable DNA extraction, a shelf-stable assay, and a portable real-time PCR thermocycler. The lab approach included lab-based DNA extra

Central Mojave Desert Vegetation Mapping Project, California, 1997-1999: Plots Points and Photographs

The Mojave Plots Points data are 1,219 plot locations in the Central Mojave Desert where field data were recorded and photographs were taken from 1997-1999 to provide context for the classification of the Central Mojave Desert into various vegetation classes. The 1,219 plot locations in the plots points shapefile (plots_points.shp) are each assigned a unique identifier called the FinalPlotCode. T

Photographs and video clips of Clear Lake Hitch

This data release includes a collection of photographs and video clips. Above water observations were taken with with a Nikon D5300 digital camera and underwater observations were taken with a SOOCOO S100Pro digital camera. All observations were made on April 1, 2018 in Kelsey, Creek, Lake County, California. Further details can be found in: Feyrer, F. 2018. Rapid potamodromy into ephemeral stream

Clear Lake Hitch Otolith Data

The dataset includes four seperate files of data for a project that examined the strontium isotopic composition of otoliths of Clear Lake Hitch. Otoliths examined in this study were from randomly-sampled individual Clear Lake Hitch that recruited into the adult population in Clear Lake. The fish were collected in June and July 2017. Strontium isotopic composition (87Sr/86Sr ) in otoliths was deter

Site bathymetry, water temperature and rating curve 2004 and 2005 data for 3 sites in the Delaware River mainstem

Data were obtained in order to develop bathymetric maps, rating curve relationships between site stage and river flow conditions, and water temperature to better understand the habitat needs of the dwarf wedgemussel, Alasmidonta heterodon, to inform conservation of the species and management of the river. Data are included from three parts of the research in the Delaware River focusing on three si

Land-Cover, Surface-water, and Streambed-sediment data Collected Upstream from and Within an Area of Oil and Natural-Gas Production, South Texas, 2008-17

The extensive development of oil and natural-gas resources in south Texas during the past 10 years has led to questions regarding possible environmental effects of processes associated with oil and natural-gas production, in particular the process of hydraulic fracturing, on water and other natural resources. Part of the lower San Antonio River watershed intersects an area of oil and natural-gas p

Historical data sets including inorganic and organic chemistry of water, oil, and sediments, aquifer hydraulic conductivity, and sediment grain size distribution at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site near Bemidji, Minn

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release provides analytical data from samples and measurements completed at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site near Bemidji, Minnesota (Site) between 1984 and 2010. Included are inorganic and organic chemistry data from water, oil, and sediment samples, hydraulic conductivity data from well slug tests, and sediment grai

U-Pb SHRIMP zircon isotopic data for ages used on the Poncha Pass map

U-Pb isotopic data from zircon measured using the SHRIMP-RG ion microprobe at Stanford University, CA. These data are used to calculate absolute ages of the samples from which the zircons were extracted. These samples are shown on the Poncha Pass map being submitted for publication (Minor, et al., in prep)

Stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen from diamondback terrapins and resources within Southern Everglades and Key West National Wildlife Refuge, sampled 2012-2013

This study was initiated to provide baseline data and to determine the utility of stable isotope analysis to evaluate the foraging strategies of an opportunistic reptile predator. Stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen were evaluated from multiple tissues from terrapin populations to determine spatial or temporal variations in resource use within mangrove habitats in Southern Florida. We sam

Data Release for Geologic Map of the Fort Collins 30' x 60' quadrangle, Larimer and Jackson Counties, Colorado, and Albany and Laramie Counties, Wyoming

This geologic map provides new and compiled geologic mapping at 1:100,000-scale in the Fort Collins 30' x 60' quadrangle covering the northern Front Range and adjacent areas of Colorado.

Nutrient concentrations, streamflow, and geospatial data for 76 wadeable streams in the Piedmont Ecoregion of the Southeastern United States

Water samples were collected by the USGS National Water Quality Program (NWQP) Southeastern Stream Quality Assessment (SESQA) from 76 perennial, wadeable (less than 10 m width and 1 m depth at base-flow) headwater stream sites in watersheds with varying degrees of urban land use in four states. Dataset includes sample site locations and information, water sample nutrient concentrations and statist
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