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Dead eastern pipestrelle (Pipistrellus subflavus) bat shows points of orange-yellow fluorescence when exposed to UV light
Dead Bat Shows Points of Fluorescence When Exposed to UV Light
Dead Bat Shows Points of Fluorescence When Exposed to UV Light
Dead Bat Shows Points of Fluorescence When Exposed to UV Light

Wing from dead eastern pipestrelle (Pipistrellus subflavus) bat shows points of orange-yellow fluorescence when exposed to UVlight. From Turner and others, 2014, Figure 1E, page 569.

Wing from dead eastern pipestrelle (Pipistrellus subflavus) bat shows points of orange-yellow fluorescence when exposed to UVlight. From Turner and others, 2014, Figure 1E, page 569.

USGS scientists conducting chemical analyses on site and in an on-site mobile laboratory
USGS Scientists Conducting Chemical Analyses in an On-site Mobile Lab
USGS Scientists Conducting Chemical Analyses in an On-site Mobile Lab
USGS Scientists Conducting Chemical Analyses in an On-site Mobile Lab

USGS scientists conducting chemical analyses on site and in an on-site mobile laboratory in order to identify important degradation products from the natural attenuation of landfill leachate in the aquifer.

USGS scientists conducting chemical analyses on site and in an on-site mobile laboratory in order to identify important degradation products from the natural attenuation of landfill leachate in the aquifer.

Aerial spraying of fungicides on row crops in Iowa
Aerial Spraying of Fungicides on Row Crops in Iowa
Aerial Spraying of Fungicides on Row Crops in Iowa
Aerial Spraying of Fungicides on Row Crops in Iowa

Aerial spraying of fungicides on row crops in Iowa. A soybean field is in the foreground, and a cornfield is in the background. The soybean crop is the target of the aerial application. Fungicides are used to combat soybean rust, a fungal disease. 

Aerial spraying of fungicides on row crops in Iowa. A soybean field is in the foreground, and a cornfield is in the background. The soybean crop is the target of the aerial application. Fungicides are used to combat soybean rust, a fungal disease. 

This diagram of the nitrogen cycle shows were in the cycle antibiotics could impact the ability of denitrifying bacteria
Diagram of the Nitrogen Cycle
Diagram of the Nitrogen Cycle
Diagram of the Nitrogen Cycle

This diagram of the nitrogen cycle shows were in the cycle antibiotics could impact the ability of denitrifying bacteria to process nitrates and nitrites in groundwater. The diagram is a modified version of figure 9 from USGS SIR 2004-5144, page 16.

This diagram of the nitrogen cycle shows were in the cycle antibiotics could impact the ability of denitrifying bacteria to process nitrates and nitrites in groundwater. The diagram is a modified version of figure 9 from USGS SIR 2004-5144, page 16.

USGS scientists sampling groundwater
USGS Scientists Sampling Groundwater Downgradient of Septic Systems
USGS Scientists Sampling Groundwater Downgradient of Septic Systems
USGS Scientists Sampling Groundwater Downgradient of Septic Systems

USGS Hydrologists Tristen Tagliaferri and Irene Fisher sampling shallow groundwater downgradient of septic systems in Kismet, NY (Fire Island), December 2011.

USGS Hydrologists Tristen Tagliaferri and Irene Fisher sampling shallow groundwater downgradient of septic systems in Kismet, NY (Fire Island), December 2011.

Cells used to isolate a fish virus die when infected with the picornavirus
Cells Used to Isolate a Fish Virus Die When Infected with Picornavirus
Cells Used to Isolate a Fish Virus Die When Infected with Picornavirus
Cells Used to Isolate a Fish Virus Die When Infected with Picornavirus

Cells used to isolate a fish virus die when infected with the picornavirus. 

Sampling well network at Fourmile Creek, Iowa
Sampling Well Network at Fourmile Creek, Iowa
Sampling Well Network at Fourmile Creek, Iowa
Sampling Well Network at Fourmile Creek, Iowa

Sampling well network at Fourmile Creek, Iowa. The Ankeny Waterwater Treatment Plant discharge can be seen in background on the opposite bank. The water in the stream is flowing toward viewer.

Sampling well network at Fourmile Creek, Iowa. The Ankeny Waterwater Treatment Plant discharge can be seen in background on the opposite bank. The water in the stream is flowing toward viewer.

A bloom of cyanobacteria near the shore of Milford Lake, Kansas
A bloom of cyanobacteria near the shore of Milford Lake, Kansas
A bloom of cyanobacteria near the shore of Milford Lake, Kansas
A bloom of cyanobacteria near the shore of Milford Lake, Kansas

A bloom of cyanobacteria near the shore of Milford Lake, Kansas

Image: Testing Coal-Tar Sealcoats for Toxic PAH Emissions
Testing Coal-Tar Sealcoats for Toxic PAH Emissions
Testing Coal-Tar Sealcoats for Toxic PAH Emissions
Testing Coal-Tar Sealcoats for Toxic PAH Emissions

USGS scientists prepare a sampler used to measure emission of polycyclic aromatic carbons (PAHs) into the air.

Image: Testing Coal-Tar Sealcoats for Toxic PAH Emissions
Testing Coal-Tar Sealcoats for Toxic PAH Emissions
Testing Coal-Tar Sealcoats for Toxic PAH Emissions
Testing Coal-Tar Sealcoats for Toxic PAH Emissions

A professional applicator applies coal-tar-based sealcoat to a test plot used to measure emission of polycyclic aromatic carbons (PAHs) into the air.

A professional applicator applies coal-tar-based sealcoat to a test plot used to measure emission of polycyclic aromatic carbons (PAHs) into the air.

Image: Testing Coal-Tar Sealcoats for Toxic PAH Emissions
Testing Coal-Tar Sealcoats for Toxic PAH Emissions
Testing Coal-Tar Sealcoats for Toxic PAH Emissions
Testing Coal-Tar Sealcoats for Toxic PAH Emissions

A USGS scientist adjusts an air pump used to measure emission of polycyclic aromatic carbons (PAHs) into the air.

A USGS scientist adjusts an air pump used to measure emission of polycyclic aromatic carbons (PAHs) into the air.

White crusts of natural salts along a tributary to Muddy Creek, Wyoming
White crusts of natural salts along a tributary to Muddy Creek, WY
White crusts of natural salts along a tributary to Muddy Creek, WY
White crusts of natural salts along a tributary to Muddy Creek, WY

White crusts of natural salts along a tributary to Muddy Creek, Wyoming. Natural salts are present in soils from drier climates, and rain and snowmelt can percolate into the soil and carry the salts to streams.

White crusts of natural salts along a tributary to Muddy Creek, Wyoming. Natural salts are present in soils from drier climates, and rain and snowmelt can percolate into the soil and carry the salts to streams.

New section of a landfill under construction
New section of a landfill under construction
New section of a landfill under construction
USGS scientist sampling groundwater from a well for contaminants of emerging concern, Minnesota.
USGS Scientist Sampling Groundwater for Contaminants
USGS Scientist Sampling Groundwater for Contaminants
USGS Scientist Sampling Groundwater for Contaminants

USGS scientist sampling groundwater from a well for contaminants of emerging concern, Minnesota.

A tree swallow - Tachycineta bicolor
A Tree Swallow - Tachycineta Bicolor
A Tree Swallow - Tachycineta Bicolor
A Tree Swallow - Tachycineta Bicolor

A typical tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) in the Great Lakes area. Tree swallows were studied by the scientists for contaminants in the eggs.

A typical tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) in the Great Lakes area. Tree swallows were studied by the scientists for contaminants in the eggs.

A typical tree swallow studied by the scientists
A typical tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) studied by the scientists
A typical tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) studied by the scientists
A typical tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) studied by the scientists

A typical tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) studied by the scientists.

A U.S. Geological Survey chemist evaporating sample extracts in laboratory hood to concentrate pesticide residues
A U.S. Geological Survey chemist evaporating sample extracts
A U.S. Geological Survey chemist evaporating sample extracts
A U.S. Geological Survey chemist evaporating sample extracts

Organic Chemistry Research Laboratory — Sacramento, California. USGS chemist working with samples in a laboratory hood

Organic Chemistry Research Laboratory — Sacramento, California. USGS chemist working with samples in a laboratory hood

U.S. Geological Survey chemist homogenizes a tissue sample
U.S. Geological Survey chemist homogenizes a tissue sample
U.S. Geological Survey chemist homogenizes a tissue sample
U.S. Geological Survey chemist homogenizes a tissue sample

Organic Chemistry Research Laboratory — Sacramento, California. USGS chemist homogenizes a tissue sample into a mortar and pestle

Organic Chemistry Research Laboratory — Sacramento, California. USGS chemist homogenizes a tissue sample into a mortar and pestle

USGS scientist collecting a liver tissue sample from a wild-caught white sucker
USGS Scientist Collecting a Liver Tissue Sample from a Wild-Caught Whi
USGS Scientist Collecting a Liver Tissue Sample from a Wild-Caught Whi
USGS Scientist Collecting a Liver Tissue Sample from a Wild-Caught Whi

A U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientist collecting a liver tissue sample from a wild-caught white sucker (Catostomus commersonii) from a river in the Great Lakes area.

A U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientist collecting a liver tissue sample from a wild-caught white sucker (Catostomus commersonii) from a river in the Great Lakes area.

Surface Tumor on White Sucker
Surface Tumor on White Sucker
Surface Tumor on White Sucker
Surface Tumor on White Sucker

Body surface tumor diagnosed as a squamous cell carcinoma on a white sucker fish

Body surface tumor diagnosed as a squamous cell carcinoma on a white sucker fish