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Staff of USGS Science Centers in Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin collect a wide variety of natural resource data types including spatial, geologic, hydrologic, and biologic. Data included in USGS-series publications that are not publicly available in USGS databases are published in Data Releases. Short descriptions and links to Data Releases produced by Region 7 Science Centers are shown below.

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Paleoecological data from sediment collected in 2020 from Santa Fe Lake, New Mexico

This dataset contains carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values, percent carbon and percent nitrogen, algal pigment data, and diatom taxonomy from lake sediment layers dating back to 1749 Common Era (CE) for Santa Fe lake, New Mexico. Subalpine and alpine lakes are typically sensitive indicators of anthropogenically driven global change. Lake sediment records in the western United States have docu

Digital subsurface data from previously published contoured maps of interval thicknesses in the Southern Midcontinent region

This digital data release contains previously published contours of thickness values of 23 named geological horizons, ranging in age from Cambrian to Tertiary. In alphabetical order, these horizons are the Atokan, Chesterian, Cretaceous, Desmoinesian, Guadalupian, Jurassic, Kinderhookian, Leonardian, Lower Hunton, Meramecian, Missourian, Morrowan, Ochoan, Osagean, Simpson-Viola, Sylvan-Cason, Tert

Data Release for Luminescence: Butler Cave, Burnsville Cove, Bath and Highland Counties, VA

Burnsville Cove in Bath and Highland Counties (Virginia, USA) is a karst region in the Valley and Ridge Province of the Appalachian Mountains. The region contains many caves in Silurian to Devonian limestone, and is well suited for examining geologic controls on cave location and cave passage morphology. In Burnsville Cove, many caves are located preferentially near the axes of synclines and antic

A neutral landscape approach to evaluating the umbrella species concept for greater sage-grouse in northeast Wyoming, USA

Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) has been identified as a potential umbrella species with the assumption that conservation of their habitats in sagebrush ecosystems may benefit multiple other wildlife species, but co-occurrence with an umbrella species does not necessarily guarantee species will respond positively to management for sage-grouse. This may be particularly true for ecot

Zircon U-Pb data for Proterozoic rocks in southwestern Colorado and rocks from drill core from Wyoming, Montana, and Nebraska

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides U-Pb zircon data and geochronology for Proterozoic rocks in the Needle Mountains of southwestern Colorado and for Proterozoic rocks sampled from drill cores from Wyoming, Montana, and Nebraska. Samples from the Needle Mountains were collected in order to constrain the polyphase tectonic evolution of the area. Drill core samples are part of a

U.S. Geological Survey Soil Sample Archive

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Soil Sample Archive is a database of information describing soil and sediment samples collected in support of USGS science. Samples in the archive have been registered with International Generic Sample Numbers, relabeled with bar-coded sample labels, and repacked in containers for long-term preservation. Details of sample collection location, collection date, asso

Data Release for Luminescence: Plio-Pleistocene Hydrology and Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 Deep Springs Lake, Western Great Basin, Inyo County, California

Deep Springs Valley (DSV) is a hydrologically isolated valley between the White (north and west) and Inyo (south and east) Mountains that is commonly excluded from regional paleohydrologic and paleoclimate studies. Previous studies showed that uplift of Deep Springs ridge (informal name) by the Deep Springs fault defeated streams crossing DSV and hydrologically isolating the valley sometime after

Geochronological Data for the Deep Creek paleoseismic site, Wasatch fault zone, Utah

This data release includes geochronological data for a natural exposure of the Wasatch fault, Utah at the Deep Creek site (39.507462?, -111.861790?). Laboratory data include 11 optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages for quartz, 23 charcoal radiocarbon ages, and 342 portable OSL (bulk luminescence) measurements. The radiocarbon and luminescence samples were collected November 2019 and October

Data Release for Luminescence: Construction and modification of debris-flow alluvial fans as captured in the geomorphic and sedimentary record: examples from the western Sangre de Cristo Mountains, south-central Colorado

The following report summarizes the dating results from the San Luis Valley-Pioneer Fan 2017-2019 dating project. Within this report, we detail the methodology used by the USGS Luminescence Geochronology Laboratory to obtain ages including sample preparation methods, luminescence measurement, equivalent dose determination, and dating-related calculations. We recommend that this report be included

Percent vegetation cover, bare ground and presence of erosional features on managed Conservation Reserve Program fields across central and western United States, 2016-2019

Data included in this data set are from edge-of-field surveys of managed fields that recorded the presence of erosional features and cover of vegetation and bare ground on 320 Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields across central and western United States. Field sampling data was recorded across six US Department of Agriculture Farm Production Regions (Corn belt, Lake states, Mountain, Northern

Gunnison sage-grouse predicted gene flow (conductance) surfaces, Colorado, United States

Habitat fragmentation and degradation impacts an organism's ability to navigate the landscape, ultimately resulting in decreased gene flow and increased extinction risk. Understanding how landscape composition impacts gene flow (i.e., connectivity) and interacts with scale is essential to conservation decision-making. We used a landscape genetics approach implementing a recently developed statisti

Digital database of the previously published bedrock geologic map showing thickness of overlying Quaternary deposits, Grand Island quadrangle, Nebraska and Kansas

This digital data release contains geospatial data for the 1:250,000 scale geologic map of the Grand Island 1 degree by 2 degree quadrangle, Nebraska, originally published by Dreeszen and others (1973). The database includes line and polygon features depicting the extent of the Miocene Ogallala Formation and underlying Cretaceous rocks. The original map also included shaded patches indicating outc
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