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Staff of USGS Science Centers in Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin collect a wide variety of natural resource data types including spatial, geologic, hydrologic, and biologic. Data included in USGS-series publications that are not publicly available in USGS databases are published in Data Releases. Short descriptions and links to Data Releases produced by Region 7 Science Centers are shown below.

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Camera trap data of Brown Treesnakes at mouse-lure traps on Guam, 2015

Manually photo-processed remote camera trap data of Brown Treesnakes on Guam at snake traps with live mouse lures. Records of snakes entering the field of view (FOV) and exiting the FOV by day, time, and trap location. Photos were further processed to retain only detections of snakes up to 1.83 meters from the camera, i.e., only records of snakes that were on or in front of the mouse-lure trap are

Brown Treesnake morphological and behavioral differences following ingestion of large meals, 2015

Data set resulting from monitoring the behavior of snakes (n = 62) that had been feed a standardized large meal with transmitter, proportional to their body mass, to make direct comparisons to a control group of snakes that had not been fed a meal (only the transmitter). Transmitters were equipped with a two-position switch that changes pulse rate when the body position of the animal changes more

Surveillance and reports of Brown Treesnakes on Saipan, 1980-2020

Available active surveillance efforts for Brown Treesnakes on the island of Saipan via nocturnal visual encounter surveys and trapping from 1999-2018 were collected and summarized into 3 csv files (TRAP1999, BTSRRTSaipanTRAP, and BTSRRTSaipanVISUAL). Location and date of non-confirmed reports of snakes 1982-2013 via passive surveillance were compiled into a fourth file (Saipan BTSSightings1980_202

Brown Treesnake trap captures, Guam National Wildlife Refuge, 2014

Over a 22-week period both with and without active Brown Treesnake (BTS) snake removal, we evaluated snake-trap contact rates at mouse- and bird-lure traps within the Guam National Wildlife Refuge in 2014. Bird-lure traps served as a proxy for reintroduced nesting birds. Data consists of 3 files generated from camera surveillance and trapping using mouse and bird lures in conventional snake traps

Offspring, dam, sire pedigree assignments in a managed population of Brown Treesnakes on Guam

In this dataset offspring are assigned to a dam and sire using information from single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from previously published pedigree reassignments of Brown Treesnakes within the U.S. Geological Survey's Brown Treesnake study enclosure on Northwest Field of Andersen Air Force Base, Guam (Levine and Yackel Adams 2021 and Nafus 2021) to update the overall pedigree dataset for sna

Brown Treesnake detections on transects using potential attractants of live-mouse lures or fish-spray scent, Guam

Nocturnal visual encounter surveys for Brown Treesnakes were collected and summarized into 4 plain text files (csv format): CapturesLure, SurveysLure, CapturesScent, and SurveysScent. Capture files contain unique Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tag identification and measurements of snakes with dates and locations of capture. Survey files contain the dates of transect sampling and treatment a

Grain size, mineralogic, and trace-element data from field samples near Hinkley, California

This data release is part of a study examining the occurrence of chromium and natural and anthropogenic hexavalent Chromium, Cr(VI) in groundwater. Data will be used to estimate naturally-occurring background Cr(VI) concentrations upgradient, near the plume margins, and downgradient from a mapped Cr(VI) contamination plume near Hinkley, CA (Izbicki and Groover, 2016). The data release includes g

Urban landcover differentially drives day and nighttime air temperature across a semi-arid city

Semi-arid urban environments are undergoing an increase in air temperatures, both in average temperatures and in the frequency and intensity of extreme heat events. Within cities, different varieties of urban landcovers (ULC) and their densities influence local air temperatures, either mitigating or increasing heat. Currently, understanding how various combinations of ULCs influence air temperatur

Spatial social value distributions for multiple user groups in a coastal national park

Public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) is increasingly used in coastal settings to inform natural resource management and spatial planning. Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES), a PPGIS tool that systematizes the mapping and modeling of social values and cultural ecosystem services, is promising for use in coastal settings but has seen relatively limited applications

Wetland burned area extent derived from Sentinel-2 across the southeastern U.S. (2016-2019)

Wildfires and prescribed fires are frequent but under-mapped across wetlands of the southeastern United States . High annual precipitation supports rapid post-fire recovery of wetland vegetation, while associated cloud cover limits clear-sky observations. In addition, the low burn severity of prescribed fires and spectral confusion between fluctuating water levels and burned areas have resulted in

North American tree-ring fire-scar site descriptions

Fire size and severity continue to increase across large parts of North America, driven by a combination of climate change and effects of human land use. Instrumental records are too short to fully understand patterns, trends, and drivers of fire that are necessary to model future fire. Tree-ring fire scars provide centuries-long records of fire regimes, including fire frequency, season, size, and

Global biomes for the Last Interglacial period (127-119 ka) simulated by BIOME4 using CESM2-CISM2 coupled climate–ice sheet model data

This data release contains: 1) the BIOME4-simulated biome data used to create Sommers et al. (2021) Figures 2, 6, S6, and S7; 2) the CESM2-CISM2 calendar-adjusted temperature data used to create Sommers et al. (2021) Figures 2, 7, S2-S5, and S8-S11; and 3) land, ice, and ocean mask data and continent and ice sheet outline files. Additional CESM2-CISM2 simulation data described in Sommers et al. (