The USGS-NFHP Webinar on the 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) and The National Map (TNM) provided a deep dive into the current state and future direction of USGS hydrography and elevation data, focusing on the replacement of legacy datasets with highly accurate, 3D-enabled data.
Daniel Wieferich
As a scientist in Core Science Systems, Daniel Wieferich helps develop, manage, and analyze national scale biogeographic data. Daniel has worked with Science Analytics and Synthesis Program since 2014.
Daniel has a B.S. and M.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife from Michigan State University, with a specialization in Spatial Information Processing. Daniel also holds a Computer Programmer/Analyst Certificate from Lansing Community College. His graduate work focused on population dynamics and distribution of an invasive forest insect (Beech Scale) in Michigan. In 2009, Daniel started working for the Aquatic Landscape Ecology Lab in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University. Here he played a leading role of geospatial data management and analyses for regional and national assessments of fish habitat through collaborative efforts with the National Fish Habitat Partnership, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Midwest states.
As a member of the Science Analytics and Synthesis Program Daniel continues an active role in the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) serving as a co-lead of the National Science and Data Committee and a USGS point of contact for NFHP data management and display efforts. Daniel is also an active member of the USGS Community of Data Integration.
Professional Experience
Physical Scientist, USGS Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) (2014 - Present)
GIS Analyst and Database Manager, Michigan State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (2009-2014)
Graduate Research Assistant, Michigan State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (2007-2009)
Education and Certifications
Certificate 2014, Computer Programmer/Analyst, Lansing Community College
BS 2007, Fisheries and Wildlife with Specialization: Spatial Information Processing (GIS), Michigan State University
MS 2009, Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University
Science and Products
Using Multiple Indicators to Assess Stream Condition in the Chesapeake Bay
Aquatic Gap Analysis Vision
Knowledge Extraction Algorithms (KEA): Turning Literature Into Data
National Stream Summarization: Standardizing Stream-Landscape Summaries
National Dam Removal Database: A living database for information on dying dams
“ChesBay 24k – LU": Land Use/Land Cover Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024)
“ChesBay 24k – NE": Natural Environment Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024)
“ChesBay 24k – CL": Climate Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024)
“ChesBay 24k – HU": Human Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024)
Survival, behavior, reproduction, morphometric measurements, and tissue analyses of crayfish, mussels, and fish from acute pesticide toxicity tests
Compilation of cost estimates for dam removal projects in the United States
Aquatic Gap Analysis Project (Aquatic GAP) Aquatic Species Distribution Modeling on the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2.1 (ver. 2.0, December 2024)
Database of Stream Crossings in the United States
Field and laboratory data to determine lethal pesticide concentrations for control of invasive crayfish
Waterfalls and Rapids in the Conterminous United States Linked to the National Hydrography Datasets V2.0
Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiation Literature Database
USGS Dam Removal Science Database v4.0
Developing fluvial fish species distribution models across the conterminous United States—A framework for management and conservation
Patterns, drivers, and a predictive model of dam removal cost in the United States
Given the burgeoning dam removal movement and the large number of dams approaching obsolescence in the United States, cost estimating data and tools are needed for dam removal prioritization, planning, and execution. We used the list of removed dams compiled by American Rivers to search for publicly available reported costs for dam removal projects. Total cost information could include component c
Using fish community and population indicators to assess the biological condition of streams and rivers of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2018 annual report
Community for data integration 2018 funded project report
Protected areas lacking for many common fluvial fishes of the conterminous USA
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2016 annual report
Landscape context and the biophysical response of rivers to dam removal in the United States
Community for Data Integration 2016 annual report
Informing watershed connectivity barrier prioritization decisions: A synthesis
Community for Data Integration 2015 annual report
FishVis, A regional decision support tool for identifying vulnerabilities of riverine habitat and fishes to climate change in the Great Lakes Region
hydrolink - python package
Dam Removal Information Portal Dashboard Python Dash Software
The USGS-NFHP Webinar on the 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) and The National Map (TNM) provided a deep dive into the current state and future direction of USGS hydrography and elevation data, focusing on the replacement of legacy datasets with highly accurate, 3D-enabled data.
Science and Products
Using Multiple Indicators to Assess Stream Condition in the Chesapeake Bay
Aquatic Gap Analysis Vision
Knowledge Extraction Algorithms (KEA): Turning Literature Into Data
National Stream Summarization: Standardizing Stream-Landscape Summaries
National Dam Removal Database: A living database for information on dying dams
“ChesBay 24k – LU": Land Use/Land Cover Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024)
“ChesBay 24k – NE": Natural Environment Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024)
“ChesBay 24k – CL": Climate Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024)
“ChesBay 24k – HU": Human Related Data Summaries for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Within NHD Plus HR catchments (ver. 2.0, October 2024)
Survival, behavior, reproduction, morphometric measurements, and tissue analyses of crayfish, mussels, and fish from acute pesticide toxicity tests
Compilation of cost estimates for dam removal projects in the United States
Aquatic Gap Analysis Project (Aquatic GAP) Aquatic Species Distribution Modeling on the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2.1 (ver. 2.0, December 2024)
Database of Stream Crossings in the United States
Field and laboratory data to determine lethal pesticide concentrations for control of invasive crayfish
Waterfalls and Rapids in the Conterminous United States Linked to the National Hydrography Datasets V2.0
Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiation Literature Database
USGS Dam Removal Science Database v4.0
Developing fluvial fish species distribution models across the conterminous United States—A framework for management and conservation
Patterns, drivers, and a predictive model of dam removal cost in the United States
Given the burgeoning dam removal movement and the large number of dams approaching obsolescence in the United States, cost estimating data and tools are needed for dam removal prioritization, planning, and execution. We used the list of removed dams compiled by American Rivers to search for publicly available reported costs for dam removal projects. Total cost information could include component c
Using fish community and population indicators to assess the biological condition of streams and rivers of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2018 annual report
Community for data integration 2018 funded project report
Protected areas lacking for many common fluvial fishes of the conterminous USA
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2016 annual report
Landscape context and the biophysical response of rivers to dam removal in the United States
Community for Data Integration 2016 annual report
Informing watershed connectivity barrier prioritization decisions: A synthesis
Community for Data Integration 2015 annual report
FishVis, A regional decision support tool for identifying vulnerabilities of riverine habitat and fishes to climate change in the Great Lakes Region
hydrolink - python package
Dam Removal Information Portal Dashboard Python Dash Software
The USGS-NFHP Webinar on the 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) and The National Map (TNM) provided a deep dive into the current state and future direction of USGS hydrography and elevation data, focusing on the replacement of legacy datasets with highly accurate, 3D-enabled data.
The USGS-NFHP Webinar on the 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) and The National Map (TNM) provided a deep dive into the current state and future direction of USGS hydrography and elevation data, focusing on the replacement of legacy datasets with highly accurate, 3D-enabled data.