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Great Lakes Science Center

Welcome!  The Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC) is part of the Midcontinent Region of the USGS, DOI Regions 3 and 5. Our scientists work in the Great Lakes region and other parts of the country to meet the nation’s need for scientific information used by resource managers to restore, enhance, manage, and protect the living resources and habitats in the Great Lakes basin. 


Photo Edition | Field Season 2023 - Vol. 2024 | Issue Fall

GLSC’s DeBruyne Interviewed on Lake Whitefish in the Detroit River for Great Lakes Now

GLSC’s DeBruyne Interviewed on Lake Whitefish in the Detroit River for Great Lakes Now

GLSC’s DeBruyne and Ireland Lead Training in Larval Fish Sampling and Identification to Support Cooperative Science at Lake Erie

GLSC’s DeBruyne and Ireland Lead Training in Larval Fish Sampling and Identification to Support Cooperative Science at Lake Erie


Partial diel vertical migration and niche partitioning in Mysis revealed by stable isotopes

Diel vertical migration (DVM) is critical for moving energy and nutrients between surface and deep waters. Mysis sp. (Crustacea: Mysidae) facilitates this process by serving as predator and prey in both benthic and pelagic habitats. Mysis can also exhibit partial DVM (pDVM), where some individuals do not migrate into the pelagia at night or to the benthos during the day. However, whether...
Bianca Possamai, Rosaura J. Chapina, Daniel Yule, Jason D. Stockwell

Under the Ice: Lake Whitefish and winter conditions in a Great Lake

No abstract available.
Jessica Del Fiacco, Corbin David Hilling

First evidence of lake trout Salvelinus namaycush spawning aggregation in Ohio waters of Lake Erie following reintroduction

Lake trout Salvelinus namaycush, an important apex predator native to Lake Erie, were extirpated by 1965 due to overexploitation, introduction of invasive species, and habitat degradation. Cooperative lake-wide lake trout stocking has been ongoing since 1982, with stocking strategies adapting as research identifies the age at stocking, locations, and strains that optimize the recovery of...
Benjamin J. Spitz, Graham F. Montague, Joseph Schmitt, Francesco Guzzo, Peter I. Jenkins



Coastal Wetland Vulnerability to Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise: Understanding Ecological Thresholds and Ecosystem Transformations

Eighteen USGS coastal scientists from all four coasts of the conterminous United States are working together to advance the understanding of climate change and sea-level rise impacts to coastal wetlands.
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Improve Control Efficiency Through Better Understanding of Grass Carp Movements and Habitat Use

The goal of this project is to address the threat of invasive Grass Carp by developing a comprehensive understanding of seasonal movements, habitat use, and areas of aggregation to determine when and where eradication efforts would be most effective.

Improve Control Efficiency Through Better Understanding of Grass Carp Movements and Habitat Use

The goal of this project is to address the threat of invasive Grass Carp by developing a comprehensive understanding of seasonal movements, habitat use, and areas of aggregation to determine when and where eradication efforts would be most effective.
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Identifying Spawning Tributaries and Specific Spawning Areas of Grass Carp

Grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idella) is an invasive species translocated to the United States in the 1960s due to its potential for nuisance aquatic vegetation control. Following escapes, authorized stockings, and unauthorized stockings, the grass carp range rapidly expanded in the U.S.

Identifying Spawning Tributaries and Specific Spawning Areas of Grass Carp

Grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idella) is an invasive species translocated to the United States in the 1960s due to its potential for nuisance aquatic vegetation control. Following escapes, authorized stockings, and unauthorized stockings, the grass carp range rapidly expanded in the U.S.
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